
ஸ்ரீ வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசியின் ஆன்மீக மகிமை (srī vaikuṇṭa ēkātaciyiṉ āṉmīka makimai – spiritual significance of Sri Vaikunta Ekadasi)

    Sacred ஸ்ரீ வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசி - பரம பதம் சொற்க வாசல் திறப்பு (srī vaikuṇṭa ēkādasi - parama padam soṟga vāsal tiṟappu) in the holy temple of திருவரங்கம் (tiruvaraṅgam) and other திவ்ய தேசங்கள் (divya dēsaṅgaḷ – sacred temples).

एकादसि व्रत समम् व्रत नस्ति जगत्त्रये
अनिच्चयपि यत् क्र्त्व गतिर् एवम् विधवयोह् एकादसि व्रतं ये तु भक्ति
भवेन कुर्वते न जने किम् भवेत् तेसम् वसुदेव अनुकम्पय
ekādasi vrata samam vrata nasti jagattraye
aniccayapi yat krtva gatir evam vidhavayoh ekādasi vrataṁ ye tu bhakti
bhavena kurvate na jane kim bhavet tesam vasudeva anukampaya

In the three worlds, there is no kind of fasting which is even comparable to the Ekadasi fast. Even if one performs this fast without a proper attitude, he achieves the Supreme Abode. If one fasts on Ekadasi day, with full devotion, what happens to him by the mercy of the Supreme Lord, is too great that it cannot be described by words
Sanskrit Reference : श्री पद्मपुराण(śrī padmapurāṇa)

    This is a very significant day representing the opening of the சொர்க வாசல் (sorgga vācal - Gates to Heaven) leading to the பரம பதம் (parama padam - Holy Feet) of God. It is believed that on this day - शुक्लपक्ष एकादशि तिथि (śuklapakṣa ekādaśi tithi - the eleventh day of the waxing moon) in the month of மார்கழி (mārgaḻi - dec mid to jan mid), the grant event of क्षीर सागर मन्थन (kṣīra sāgara manthana - churning of the Oceans) and the अमृत (amruta - nectar) of Immortality and Wisdom was extracted and distributed to the देवाः (devāḥ - gods). That is this day is also called நஞ்சுண்ட ஏகாதசி (nañjuṇda ēkādasi) as it was on this day, परमशिव (paramaśiva) who is called as नीलकण्ठ त्यागराज (nīlakaṇṭha tyāgarāja – blue throated king of sacrifice) made the महात्याग (mahātyāga - supreme sacrifice) of consuming the हालहल विष (hālahala viṣa – deadly poison) by swallowing the same and saving the world from a great catastrophe.

    The scientific significance underlying the spiritual practice of  observing एकादशि व्रत (ekādaśi vrata - eleventh day austerity) is very well explained in the following video

    Of course, underlying these exoteric events there are deeper esoteric philosophies highlighting occult yogic wisdom. Typically, temples constructed according to the ஆகம விதிகள் (āgama vidiga -  agamic prescriptions), would have four கோபுர வாயில்கள் (kōpura vāyilga - entrance gates), one for each of the four-sided प्रकार (prakāra - compound wall) pointing to the four directions viz. north, east, west & south respectively. According to the आगम शास्त्र (āgama śāstra), these four entry points correspond to the चतुर् मार्ग (catur-mārga – four paths) viz. चर्य (carya), क्रिय (kriya), योग (yoga) & ज्ञान (jñāna) respectively. In fact, the சமயகுரவர் நால்வர் (samayakuravar nālvar – four religious leaders) each of whom represent one of the चतुर् मार्ग (catur-mārga – four paths) listed above, is believed to have originally entered the sacred சிதம்பரம் தில்லை நடராஜர் திருகோயில் (cidambaram tillai naarājar tirukōyil) through one of the four gates respectively.


கோபுரவாசல் (gōpuravāsal – temple gate)

मार्ग / மார்கம் (mārga /mārgam - path)

சமயக்குரவர் (samayakkuravar – religious head)

मुक्ति / முக்தி (mukti - salvation)

भक्ति भावन பக்தி பாவனை (bhakti bhāvana  / bakthi bāvanai – devotional attitude)

कार्य अवस्था (kārya avasthā –effectual state)


மேற்க்கு கோபுரவாசல் (mēṛkku gōpuravāsal – west temple-gate)

चर्य /சரியை (carya/sariyai – conduct)

அப்பர் (appar)

सालोकमुक्ति /சாலோகமுத்தி (sālokamukti / sālokamutti – same world liberation)

दासमार्ग / தாசமார்கம் (dāsamārga / dāsamārgam – servitude path)

जाग्रत् अवस्था / விழிப்பு நிலை (jāgrat avasthā / viḹippu nilai –waking state)


தெற்க்கு கோபுரவாசல் (teṛkku gōpuravāsal – south temple-gate)

क्रिया / கிரியை (kriyā /kiriyai – rite)

திருஞானசம்பந்தர் (tirujñānasaṃbandar)

सामीप्यमुक्ति /சாமீபியமுத்தி (sāmīpyamukti /sāmīpiyamutti – proximity liberation)

सत्पुत्रमार्ग / சற்புத்திரமார்கம் (satputramārga / saṛputtiramārga– true-son path)

स्वप्न अवस्था / கனவு நிலை (svapna avasthā / kanavu nilai – dream state)


வடக்கு கோபுரவாசல் (vadakku gōpuravāsal – north temple-gate)

योग /யோகம் (yoga /yōgam – yoga)

சுந்தரர் (sundarar)


सारूप्यमुक्ति /சாரூபியமுத்தி (sārūpyamukti sārūpiyamutti – same-form liberation)


सहमार्ग / சகமார்கம் (dāsamārga / sagamārga– comrade path)

सुषुप्ति अवस्था / உறக்க நிலை (suṣupti avasthā / uṛakka nilai – sleep state)


கிழக்கு கோபுரவாசல் (kiḹakku gōpuravāsal  east temple-gate)

ज्ञान /ஞானம் (jñāna / jñāna – gnosis)


மாணிக்கவாசகர் (māṇikkavāsagar)

सायुज्यमुक्ति /சாயுஜ்யமுத்தி (sāyujyamukti / sāyujyamutti – identity liberation)

सत्मार्ग / சன்மார்கம் (dāsamārga / sanmārgam – servitude path)

तुरीय अवस्था / பரவச நிலை (turīya avasthā / paravasa nilai – trance state)

Thus, as explained above, these four paths serve as the sequential stages  that enables one to ascend step by step, from grosser to subtler modes of worship and contemplation.. But please remember that these are not water tight compartments as shades of one  will be reflected in the other as well.  Thus, as an extension to this four path model viz. चर्य (carya - conduct)क्रिया (kriyā – rite), योग (yoga - yoga) & ज्ञान (jñāna – gnosis), each of these paths are further subdivided into चर्य (carya - conduct)क्रिया (kriyā – rite), योग (yoga - yoga) & ज्ञान (jñāna – gnosis)

Please remember that each வாசல் (vāsalgate) ultimately leads to God, one way or the other. In other words, a spiritual seeker can potentially adapt anyone of the above proven tracks based on his individual appetite (competence) and attitude (preference).

    Interestingly, according to श्री वैष्णव संप्रदाय (śrī vaiṣṇava saṁpradāya) these structures symbolize the प्रणव मन्त्र (praṇava mantra) –(OM); this fact is very categorically testified in the following verses originally referred in the கோயில் ஒழுகு (kōyil ougu), an authentic treatise on the ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதர் திருகோயிலின் தலபுராணம் (srīrakanātar tirukōyili talapurāṇamtemple legend of Sri Ranganatha Temple)

विमानम् प्राणावाकारं वेदशृङ्गं महाद्भूतं
श्रीरङ्गसायी भगवान् प्राणवार्थ प्रकाशः॥

vimānam prāṇāvākāraṁ vedaśṛṅgaṁ mahādbhūtaṁ
śrīraṅgasāyī bhagavān prāṇavārtha prakāśaḥ||
The Vimana is in the form of a pranava; its four towers are marevelously like the four Vedas and God Rangasayi eternally expounds the meaning of the Pranava
Sanskrit Reference : கோயில் ஒழுகு (kōyil oḻugu)

    According to श्री वैष्णव संप्रदाय (śrī vaiṣṇava saṁpradāya), one of கோபுர வாயில்கள் (kōpura vāyilga - entrance gates) is further glorified rather sanctified as श्री वैकुण्ठ द्वारम् (śrī vaikuṇṭha dvāram – sacred celestial gateway), more commonly known as  சொர்க வாசல் / பரமபத வாசல்  (sorga / paramapada vāsal – heavenly / holy feet gate) to the sanctum sanctorum as it is believed  that  entrance  through it on the sacred day of  श्री वैकुण्ठ एकादशि (śrī vaikuṇṭha ekādaśi) leads one directly to the परमपद भगवान् श्री विष्णौः (paramapada bhagavān śrī viṣṇauḥ – supreme feet of Bhagavan Sri Maha Vishnu).

    As देवालय (devālaya) is the fractal adobe of Divinity, the opening and closing of its entrance gates, is given highest spiritual importance in Hindu rituals. In fact, it is believed that only with Divine Blessing, the door can be opened or closed. The famous episode at திருமறைக்காடு / वेदारण्यम् (tirumaṛaikkāḍu / vedārayam) wherein திருநாவுக்கரசர் (tirunāvukkarasar) & திருஞானசம்பந்தர் (tirujñāṉacampantar) together revered as the Divine Duo among the சைவநாயன்மார்கள் (saivajnāyamārga) sang specific பதிகங்கள் (patikaka - verses) for the opening and closing of the கோபுர வாசல் (kōpura vācal – temple gate). For example, the திருநாவுக்கரசர் (tirunāvukkarasar) plead to the Lord, to mercy and open the sacred door

பண்ணினேர் மொழியாளுமை பங்கரோ
மண்ணினார் வலஞ்ச்செய்ம்மறைக்க் காடரோ
கண்ணினாலுமைக் காணக் கதவினைத்
திண்ணமாகத் திறந்தருள் செய்ம்மினே.
paṇṇiṉēr moḻiyāḷumai paṅkarō
maṇṇiṉār valañcceym'maṟaikk kāṭarō
kaṇṇiṉālumaik kāṇak kataviṉait
tiṇṇamākat tiṟantaruḷ ceym'miṉē
O spouse of Uma
Her with speech equalling music!
O Lord of maraikkadu most loved by You on earth!
That we may see you with our eyes, do gracefully open the doors wide apart.
Tamil Reference:அப்பர் தேவாரம் (appar tēvāram) (5.10.1)

In his magnum opus poetic masterpiece திருவருட்பா (tiruvaruṭpā), the revered  holy saint further indicates the esoteric significance of கோயிலின் திருக்கதவு தித்தல் (kōyili tirukkatavu tiattal – opening of the sacred temple gate), at several places. For example, in the following verses on திருக்கதவு தித்தல் (tirukkatavu tiattal – opening of the sacred gate) in his ஆறாம் திருமறை (āṟām tirumaṟai) prays to தில்லை சிதம்பர நாடராஜ பெருமாள் (tillai citampara nāṭarāja perumāḷ) to grace him by opening the vistas (doors) of spiritual wisdom.

திருக்கதவம் திறவாயோ திரைகளெலாம் தவிர்த்தே
திருவருளாம் பெருஞ்சோதித் திருஉருக்காட் டாயோ
உருக்கிஅமு தூற்றெடுத்தே உடம்புயிரோ டுளமும்
ஒளிமயமே ஆக்குறமெய் உணர்ச்சிஅரு ளாயோ
கருக்கருதாத் தனிவடிவோய் நின்னைஎன்னுட் கலந்தே
கங்குல்பகல் இன்றிஎன்றும் களித்திடச்செய் யாயோ
செருக்கருதா தவர்க்கருளும் சித்திபுரத் தரசே
சித்தசிகா மணியேஎன் திருநடநா யகனே.

மணிக்கதவம் திறவாயோ மறைப்பையெலாம் தவிர்த்தே
மாற்றறியாப் பொன்னேநின் வடிவதுகாட் டாயோ
கணிக்கறியாப் பெருநிலையில் என்னொடுநீ கலந்தே
கரைகடந்த பெரும்போகம் கண்டிடச்செய் யாயோ
தணிக்கறியாக் காதல்மிகப் பெருகுகின்ற தரசே
தாங்கமுடி யாதினிஎன் தனித்தலைமைப் பதியே
திணிக்கலையா தியஎல்லாம் பணிக்கவல்ல சிவமே
சித்தசிகா மணியேஎன் திருநடநா யகனே

திருத்தகும்ஓர் தருணம்இதில் திருக்கதவம் திறந்தே
திருவருட்பே ரொளிகாட்டித் திருவமுதம் ஊட்டிக்
கருத்துமகிழ்ந் தென்உடம்பில் கலந்துளத்தில் கலந்து
கனிந்துயிரில் கலந்தறிவிற் கலந்துலகம் அனைத்தும்
உருத்தகவே அடங்குகின்ற ஊழிதொறும் பிரியா
தொன்றாகிக் காலவரை உரைப்பஎலாம் கடந்தே
திருத்தியொடு விளங்கிஅருள் ஆடல்செய வேண்டும்
சித்தசிகா மணியேஎன் திருநடநா யகனே.
tirukkatavam tiṟavāyō tiraikaḷelām tavirttē
tiruvaruḷām peruñcōtit tiru'urukkāṭ ṭāyō
urukki'amu tūṟṟeṭuttē uṭampuyirō ṭuḷamum
oḷimayamē ākkuṟamey uṇarcci'aru ḷāyō
karukkarutāt taṉivaṭivōy niṉṉai'eṉṉuṭ kalantē
kaṅkulpakal iṉṟi'eṉṟum kaḷittiṭaccey yāyō
cerukkarutā tavarkkaruḷum cittipurat taracē
cittacikā maṇiyē'eṉ tirunaṭanā yakaṉē.

maṇikkatavam tiṟavāyō maṟaippaiyelām tavirttē
māṟṟaṟiyāp poṉṉēniṉ vaṭivatukāṭ ṭāyō
kaṇikkaṟiyāp perunilaiyil eṉṉoṭunī kalantē
karaikaṭanta perumpōkam kaṇṭiṭaccey yāyō
taṇikkaṟiyāk kātalmikap perukukiṉṟa taracē
tāṅkamuṭi yātiṉi'eṉ taṉittalaimaip patiyē
tiṇikkalaiyā tiya'ellām paṇikkavalla civamē
cittacikā maṇiyē'eṉ tirunaṭanā yakaṉē.

tiruvaruṭpē roḷikāṭṭit tiruvamutam ūṭṭik
karuttumakiḻn teṉuṭampil kalantuḷattil kalantu
kaṉintuyiril kalantaṟiviṟ kalantulakam aṉaittum
uruttakavē aṭaṅkukiṉṟa ūḻitoṟum piriyā
toṉṟākik kālavarai uraippa'elām kaṭantē
tiruttiyoṭu viḷaṅki'aruḷ āṭalceya vēṇṭum
cittacikā maṇiyē'eṉ tirunaṭanā yakaṉē.
Tamil Reference: திரு அருட்பா: திருக்கதவந் திறத்தல் (tiru aruṭpā: tirukkatavan tiṟattal) (6.18.1,2)

    The opening of the sacred door symbolizes the opening of the higher dimensions of spiritual consciousness which facilitate the aspiring pilgrim in his ascent to the highest abode of பரமபதம் (paramapadam – sacred feet) of God, manifested as the अर्चावधार मूर्ति (arcāvadhāra mūrti – iconic Divine incarnation). The deeper esoteric significance behind this is very beautifully summarized in the famous book “Concepts of space, ancient and modern  wherein R. Panickar in his famous article “There is no Outer Without Inner Space”, explains thus, 

    We may begin with truism: space is everywhere. It is where and also the situation of things. Everything is somewhere because it is situated, because it is in relationship. Being is being-with (co-esse) but also being-in (in-esse). This amounts to recognizing that space is everything, but not 'all of everything'. Space coexitsts with everything. Space surrounded by space is unconceivable, could we say paraphrasing 'Aristotle'. But how could it be otherwise without destroying all intelligibility to Space? For this reason our first approach is that of an open gate. Properly speaking we cannot enter an open gate. It is no gate at all. We are already in - and equally out. This means that in spite of all our holistic and intuitive methods we need the rigor and effort of partial approaches. It is here we find all gates closed and that we will have to force our entrance through specialization i.e., one gate or another. That harm begins when we lose sight of the fat that our hole does not introduce us into the building but leads us outside it, since the temple we are considering does not stand 'over there', but encompasses us. We are part of it."

    Interestingly a similar concept also exists in Christianity where the Holy Gate symbolizes the Gateway to Divinity. For example, in The Gospel of Mathew which is part of the New Testament in the Holy Bible declares thus: 

Εἰσέλθατε διὰ τῆς στενῆς πύλης· ὅτι πλατεῖα ἡ πύλη καὶ εὐρύχωρος ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ ἀπάγουσα εἰς τὴν ἀπώλειαν, καὶ πολλοί εἰσιν οἱ εἰσερχόμενοι δι’ αὐτῆς·
ὅτι στενὴ ἡ πύλη καὶ τεθλιμμένη ἡ ὁδὸς ἡ ἀπάγουσα εἰς τὴν ζωήν, καὶ ὀλίγοι εἰσὶν οἱ εὑρίσκοντες αὐτήν.
Eiselthate dia tēs stenēs pylēs hoti plateia hē pylē kai eurychōros hē hodos hē apagousa eis tēn apōleian, kai polloi eisin hoi eiserchomenoi di’ autēs.
hoti stenē hē pylē kai tethlimmenē hē hodos hē apagousa eis tēn zōēn, kai oligoi eisin hoi heuriskontes autēn.
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
-translation King James Version
Greek Reference 1: Holy Bible(New Testment): Gospel of Mathew (7:13,14)

    Thus, opening of the கோபுர வாசல் (kōpura vācal – temple gate) and entrance through the same, symbolizes the pilgrim’s sacred journey. The fact that temple journey triggers the spiritual ascent for the devotee is very categorically testified by ஸ்ரீ பூதத்தாழ்வார் (srī pūtattāḻvār) in the following verses from the இரண்டாம் திருவந்தாதி (iraṇṭām tiruvantāti)

பதியமைந்து நாடிப் பருத்தெழுந்த சிந்தை,
மதியுரிஞ்சி வான்முகடு நோக்கி - கதிமிகுத்தங்
கோல்தேடி யாடும் கொழுந்ததே போன்றதே,
மால்தேடி யோடும் மனம்
patiyamaintu nāṭip parutteḻunta cintai,
matiyuriñci vāṉmukaṭu nōkki - katimikuttaṅ
kōltēṭi yāṭum koḻuntatē pōṉṟatē,
māltēṭi yōṭum maṉam
The heart that longs for the Lord and dwells on his form in vekatam grows like a creeper that seeeks the support of well grown trees, and quickly climbs to touch the moon in the sky.
Tamil Reference: இரண்டாம் திருவந்தாதி (iraṇṭām tiruvantāti) (17)

As the pilgrim, in other words, the पशु / बद्धात्मन् (paśu / baddhātman - bound soul), progresses in his ascending spiritual journey, all his accumulated पाश (pāśa fetters) should also correspondingly get withdrawn from him. I am reminded of the following verses from the Talks of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi: 

The mind is by nature restless. Begin liberating it from its restlessness; give it peace; make it free from distractions; train it to look inward; make this a habit. This is done by ignoring the external world and removing the obstacles to peace of mind.”  

This is symbolized by the closing of the கோபுர வாசல் (gōpura vāsal – temple gate), which acts as firewall, filtering out the respective मलाः (malāḥ - impurities). As we know, there are नव रन्ध्राणि / द्वाराणि स्थूलभूत देहे (nava randhrāṇi / dvārāṇi sthūlabhūta dehe – nine holes / openings in the gross physical body) which are used for लौकिक कृत्यानि (laukika kṛtyāni  - empirical purposes) and  each of these has to be प्रत्याहर (pratyāhara - closed  / filtered), so that all energy is single pointedly channelized योग संयम (yoga saṃyama - integration) viz. धारन (dhārana - concentration), ध्यान (dhyāna - contemplation) and final समाधि (samādhi - atonement) with the अर्चावतार मूर्ति (arcāvatāra murti – iconic incarnation). The following verses by மகா சித்தர் சிவவாகியர் (magāsiddar sivavākkiyar) very subtly reflects this truth

அல்லல்வாசல் ஒன்பதும் அடைத்தடைந்த வாசலும்
சொல்லும்வாசல் ஓர் ஐந்தும் சொம்மிவிம்மி நின்றது
நல்லவாச லைத்திறந்து ஞானவாசல் ஊடுபோய்
எல்லைவாசல் கண்டவர் இனிப்பிறப்பது இல்லையே.
allalvācal oṉpatum aṭaittaṭainta vācalum
collumvācal ōr aintum com'mivim'mi niṉṟatu
nallavāca laittiṟantu ñāṉavācal ūṭupōy
ellaivācal kaṇṭavar iṉippiṟappatu illaiyē

Blocking the nine gates of trouble, the entrance that was reached.

It is here that the five letters remained effulgent

Opening the good gate and going through the gate of wisdom

Those who had seen the gate of frontier are never born again

-translation by T.N, Ganapathy
Tamil Reference: சித்தர் பாடல்கள் - சிவவாக்கியர் (siddar pāḍalkaḷ - sivavākkiyar ) (491)

In fact, the term श्रिवैकुण्ठ (śrivaikuṇṭha – sacred saviour) also implies this. For example, etymologically, the term 'वैकुण्ठः (vaikuṇṭhaḥ)' means “the savior” and is eulogized as one of the दिव्यनाम महाविष्णोः (divyanāma mahāviṣṇoḥ - divine name of Lord Vishnu) as testified in the sacred श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्र (śrī viṣṇusahasranāma stotra) and श्री आदिशङ्कराचर्य भगवत्पाद  (śrī ādiśaṅkarācarya bhagavatpāda) in his famous भाष्य (bhāṣya - commentary) on the same further explains thus: 

विविधा कुण्ठा गतेः प्रतिहतिः विकुण्ठ। विकुण्ठायाः कर्तेति वैकुण्ठः, जगदारम्भे विश्लिष्टानि भूतानि परस्परं संश्लेषयन् तेषां गति प्रतिबध्नातीति।
'मया संश्लेषिता भूमिरभ्दिर्व्योम च वायुना।
वायुश्च तेजसा सार्धं वैकुण्ठत्वं ततो मम॥'
इति शान्तिपर्वणि॥ (३३०।१५)
vividhā kuṇṭhā gateḥ pratihatiḥ vikuṇṭha। vikuṇṭhāyāḥ karteti vaikuṇṭhaḥ, jagadārambhe viśliṣṭāni bhūtāni parasparaṃ saṃśleṣayan teṣāṃ gati pratibadhnātīti।
'mayā saṃśleṣitā bhūmirabhdirvyoma ca vāyunā।
vāyuśca tejasā sārdhaṃ vaikuṇṭhatvaṃ tato mama॥'
iti śāntiparvaṇi॥ (330.15)
He is Vaikuṇṭha as he saves (men) from straying into various paths (Vaikuṇṭha). At the beginning of creation, He united the elements (bhūta-s) that were distinct from one another and thus prevented their independent course. (Mahābhārata) śāntiparva (330.15) says : ‘I united the earth with water, ether with air, and air with fire; hence my name vaikuṇṭha.

-translation by R. Aantakrishna Shastri
Sanskrit Reference : श्रीविष्णुसहस्रनामस्तोत्र शंकरभाष्यम् (śrīviṣṇusahasranāmastotra śaṃkarabhāṣyam) (405)

Hence, the closing of the sacred கோபுர வாசல் (gōpura vāsal – temple gate) is also considered as a very important ritual with deep esoteric significance and interestingly at the same sacred திருமறைக்காடு / वेदारण्यम् (tirumaaikkāṭu / vedārayam), where திருநாவுக்கரசர் (tirunāvukkaracar) had pleaded God to open the கோபுர வாசல் (gōpura vāsal – temple gate), the revered child prodigy saint திரு ஞானசம்பந்தர் (tirujñāṉacampantar) in turn pleads God to close the கோபுர வாசல் (gōpura vāsal – temple gate),

சதுரம் மறைதான் றுதிசெய் துவணங்கும்
மதுரம் பொழில்சூழ் மறைக்காட் டுறைமைந்தா
இதுநன் கிறைவைத் தருள்செய் கவெனக்குன்
கதவந் திருக்காப்புக் கொள்ளுங் கருத்தாலே
caturam maṟaitāṉ ṟuticey tuvaṇaṅkum
maturam poḻilcūḻ maṟaikkāṭ ṭuṟaimaintā
itunaṉ kiṟaivait taruḷcey kaveṉakkuṉ
katavan tirukkāppuk koḷḷuṅ karuttālē
O brave Knight, who abide in Maraikkadu,
Surrounded by groves gripping with honey,
Where the four Vedas themselves adore You singing Your praises!
Do immediately bestow a gracious favour here and now,
and for my sake, will that this door will close by itself.

Translation by G.Vanmikanathan
Tamil Reference: சம்பந்தர் தேவாரம் (sambandar devāram) (2.37.1)

The revered revolutionary saint வடலூர் திருஅருட்பிரகாச இராமலிங்க வள்ளலார் (vaalūr tiruarutpirakāsa irāmaliga vaḻḻalār) explains the esoteric significance of this event in his உரை நடை உபதேசக் குறிப்புகள் (urai naai upadēsak kuippuka)

வேதாரண்யத்தில் கதவு திறக்கப்பட்டதும் மூடப்ப்பட்டதும் யாதெனில் வேதப்பொருளை மறைத்ததுன் திறந்ததுன் எனக் கொள்க. உண்மையை விளக்கியது திறந்தது. மறைத்தது மூடியதுvētāraṇyattil katavu tiṟakkappaṭṭatum mūṭapppaṭṭatum yāteṉil vētapporuḷai maṟaittatuṉ tiṟantatuṉ eṉak koḷka. uṇmaiyai viḷakkiyatu tiṟantatu. maṟaittatu mūṭiyatu.
Tamil Reference: உரை நடை உபதேசக் குறிப்புகள் (urai naḍai upadēsak kuṟippukaḷ)

Again, to reiterate more specifically from a yogic perspective, the esoteric symbology of கோயிலின் திருக்கதவு தித்தல் (kōyili tirukkatavu tiṟattal – opening of the sacred temple gate) corresponds to the opening of the षट्आधारचक्राणि (ṣaṭādhāra cakrāṇi – six core centres) starting with the मूलाधारचक्र (mūlādhāra cakra) and channelizing the energy flow through the सुषुंणा नाडी (suṣuṃṇā nāḍī). This fact is testified by திருமூலர் (tirumūlar) in the following verses

மூலத் துவாரத்து மூளும் ஒருவனை
மேலை துவாரத்து மேலுற நோக்கிமுற்
காலுற்றக் காலனைக் காய்ந்தங்கி யோகமாய்
ஞாலத்து கடவூர் நலமாய் இருந்ததே.
mūlat tuvārattu mūḷum oruvaṉai
mēlai tuvārattu mēluṟa nōkkimuṟ
kāluṟṟak kālaṉaik kāyntaṅki yōkamāy
ñālattu kaṭavūr nalamāy iruntatē
The Kundalini Fire coiled in Muladhara
Upward He coursed it to Hollow on top;
That Fiery Yoga Way He scorched the God of Death
That was at Kadavoor, the holy shrine here below.

-Translation by Dr. B. Natarajan
Tamil Reference: திருமந்திரம் (tirumantiram) (345)

Interestingly, such beliefs are not unique to the Hindu आगम संप्रदाय (āgama saṁpradāya) but is popular among many other ancient cultures as well. For example, according to archaeological experts,  the famous Zonnepoort tiwanaku (gate of the sun)  - the Pre-Columbian temple gateway at Bolivia, South America  also served a similar purpose.

Similarly, the Haya Marcu (Gateway to God) is another popular ancient structure in Peru, serving a similar purpose of esoterically symbolizing a worm-hole entry into a higher realm of Divine consciousness. 

Thus, the whole concept of திருக்கதவு தித்தல் (tirukkadavu tiṟattal – opening of the sacred gate) as well as the ஆலய வழிபாடு (ālaya vaipāṭu - temple worship), in general,  models the eschatological journey of the soul 

Αἰτεῖτε, καὶ δοθήσεται ὑμῖν· ζητεῖτε, καὶ εὑρήσετε· κρούετε, καὶ ἀνοιγήσεται ὑμῖν.
πᾶς γὰρ ὁ αἰτῶν λαμβάνει καὶ ὁ ζητῶν εὑρίσκει καὶ τῷ κρούοντι ἀνοιγήσεται.
Aiteite, kai dothēsetai hymin zēteite, kai heurēsete krouete, kai anoigēsetai hymin.
pas gar ho aitōn lambanei kai ho zētōn heuriskei kai tō krouonti anoigēsetai.
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
-translation King James Version
Greek Reference 1: Holy Bible(New Testment): Gospel of Mathew (7:7,8)

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