
தைபூசத்தின் ஆன்மீக மகிமை (taipūsattiṉ āṉmīka magimai – spiritual significance of Taipusam)

 திருச்சிற்றம்பலம் (tirucciṟṟambalam - sacred gnosis revealed)!

According to Tamil religious calendar, today is celebrated as the sacred தைபூசம் (taipūsam).  This day is considered spiritually very auspicious in சைவம் (saivam), கௌமாரம் (kaumāram) & சன்மார்கம் (saṉmārgam)

சைவமும் தைபூசமும் (saivamum taipūsamum)

Yes, தைபூசம் (taipūsam) is considered a very auspicious day in Saivism. Typically, தெபோத்சவம் (tepOtsavam – float festival) is the popular temple ritual celebrated across many south Indian शिवालय (śivālaya – shiva temple) on this sacred day. Thus, தைபூசம் (taipūsam) is definitely a very special day in Saivism. In fact, even the noble saint திருஞானசம்பந்தர் (tirujñānasambandhar) himself glorifies this day by singing thus, 

மைப்பூசும் ஒண்கண் மடநல்லார் மாமயிலைக்
கைப்பூசும் நீற்றான் கபாலீச்சரம் அமர்ந்தான்
நெய்ப்பூசு ஒண் புழுக்கல் நேரிழையார் கொண்டாடும்
தைப்பூசம் காணாதே போதியோ பூம்பாவாய்
maippūsum oṇkaṇ maḍa nallār māmayilaik
kaippūsu nīṛṛān kapālīccaram amarndān
neippūsu moṇpuukkal nErizhaiyār koṇḍāḍum
taippūsaṅgkāṇādE pOtiyO pūṃpāvāi
Oh Pumpavai! Can you go without seeing the Thaipoosam
celebrated by the well ornated ladies offering the Pongal
smeared in ghee to the One, Who resides at Kapalishwaram,
Who sports the hand-smeared ash, in the great
Mayilapur of nice ladies of lined eyes?
Tamil Reference: சம்பந்தர் தேகவாரம் (sambandar dEvāram) (2.47.5)

Moreover, as a pinnacle of events, according to orthodox classical legend it is on this sacred day, श्री नटराज मूर्ति (śrī naṭarāja mūrti) revealed his famous परमानन्द माहा ताण्डव (paramānanda māhā tāṇḍava) to महऋषि पतञ्जलि (mahaṛṣi patañjali) & महऋषि व्यघ्रपाद (mahaṛṣi vyaghrapāda) at the holy city of தில்லை சிதம்பரம் (thillai chidambaram).

The revered saint poet श्री उमापति शिवाचार्य (śrī umāpati śivācārya), in his masterpiece कुञ्चित्ताञ्घ्रि स्तव (kuñcittāñghri stava) testifies this fact by singing thus 

अधौ मासो मृगाख्ये सुरगुरुदिवसे तस्य मे पूर्णिमायां
भितौ श्रीचित्सभायां मुनिवरतपसा दत्तवाक्पूत्ये यः।
नृत्तं कृत्वासाने फणधरवपुषं व्याग्रपादं महर्षिं
चाहूयाभ्यां अदात् यो नियतनिवसतिं कुञ्चिताङ्ग्रिं भजेङ्हं॥
adhau māso mṛgākhye suragurudivase tasya me pūrṇimāyāṁ
bhitau śrīcitsabhāyāṁ munivaratapasā dattavākpūtye yaḥ|
nṛttaṁ kṛtvāsāne phaṇadharavapuṣaṁ vyāgrapādaṁ maharṣiṁ
cāhūyābhyāṁ adāt yo niyatanivasatiṁ kuñcitāṅgriṁ bhajeṅhaṁ ||
Sanskrit Reference : कुञ्चित्ताञ्घ्रि स्तव (kuñcittāñghri stava)

On this sacred occasion, for those interested in this subject, I would like to share my humble leanings on the spiritual glory of Lord श्री चिदम्बरनटराज (śrī cidambaranaṭarāja)  and the significance of his worship in the following blog series



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वार्षिक उत्सव (vārika utsava- annual festival) celebrated as ब्रह्मोत्सव / महोत्सव (brahmotsava / mahotsava – grand festival)



कल्प विज्ञान चिदंबरस्य (kalpa vijñāna cidabarasya – ritual science of gnostic space)



निहित-जाल ताण्डव नटराजस्य (nihitajālatāṇḍava naarājasya – nested network dance of dance-king)




ब्रह्मपिण्डसंसुतिविज्ञान गुर्वर्थत्व (brahmapiṇḍasasutivijñāna gurvarthatva - Macro and Micro Cosmological significance)




ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)




ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)




ज्योतिष अर्थवत्त्व आर्द्रा दर्शनस्य (jyotia arthavattva ārdrā darśanasya - astronomical significance of Arudra vision)




ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)



ज्योतिष अर्थवत्त्व आर्द्रा दर्शनस्य (jyotia arthavattva ārdrā darśanasya - astronomical significance of Arudra vision)



ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)


Note:  Please click the appropriate tab-menu link on top of this page for the respective parts viz part-1 etc.

கௌமாரமும் தைபூசமும் (kaumāramum taipūsamum)

    It is on the sacred day of Sacred தைபூசம் (tai pūsam), Lord முருகன் (murugan) was blessed with the sacred வேல் (vēl - spear) by his beloved mother பராசக்தி (paraasakthi) to defeat the demon சூரபத்மன் (sūrapadman).

The esoteric significance underlying the festival தைபூசம் (taipūsam) is very beautifully explained by Swami Sivananda:

 "Lord Subrahmanya holds the Vel or Spear in His hand, just as Lord Siva holds the Trident or Trisula. This is an emblem of power and indicates that He is the ruler of this universe. The devotees of Lord Subrahmanya do obeisance to the Vel.The Vel or Spear was given to Subrahmanya by Parvati, the embodiment of Siva-Sakti. It, therefore, indicates that the Spear was the symbol of true Knowledge as coming out of Parvati, the Para Sakti. The shape of the Vel also shows that Knowledge in the form of Jyotis will start from Muladhara, which is the bottom of the Vel, pass through the intermediate Nadis (which are represented by the body of the Vel), and pierce through the thousand-petalled Brahmarandhra, which is represented by the sharp, leaf-shaped end of the Vel.The Spear or Vel is the weapon which pierces through the demon of Ignorance. This is Ekagra Chitta or the one-pointed mind so much insisted upon in Raja Yoga without which progress is impossible for the Yogi. It is the preliminary for concentration, meditation and absorption—all of which together constitute the Yogic Samyama. In the legend, it is Soorapadma, the Asura, who is slain by the Vel. That Asura is none other than Ignorance".

வேலுண்டு வினையில்லை
மயிலுண்டு பயம் இல்லை
குகனுண்டு குறைவில்லை மனமே
கந்தனுண்டு கவலை இல்லை மனமே
vEluṇḍu vinaiyillai
mayil uṇḍu bayam illai
guganuṇḍu kuṛvillai manamE
kandanuṇḍu kavalai illai manamE
Tamil Reference: முருகன் பக்தி பாடல் (murugan bakti pāḍal)

Again the eminent scholar DR.Carl Vadivella Belle in his famous article titled "Murugan and the Vel: The Individual Implications" explains thus

  "After his boyhood, Murugan was presented with the Vel by Parvati. Accompanied by his generals and the devonic army, Murugan left Mt. Kailasa in the north of India to head southwards to combat the asuras...Towards the conclusion of the battle Murugan appeared before Surapadman in all his glory. Surapadman was temporarily overcome with Divine Love, but when Murugan resumed the form of Shanmugan (i.e. with six faces, twelves eyes), Surapadman converted himself into a massive cannibalistic monster with a thousand arms and a thousand legs, and launched a frenzied attack. Murugan split Surapadman in two with his Vel, whereupon the latter escaped into the ocean and became a gigantic mango tree which threatened to smother the world. Murugan cleft this tree with his Vel and Surapadman then took shape as a peacock and a rooster, both of which charged at Murugan. However the deity tamed both with a single loving glance. To commemorate the defeat of the asuras, Murugan ordered that the peacock and rooster should respectively become his mount (vahana) and emblem of his standard. Thus Surapadman's gift of immortality by Siva was recognized, and he became in the form of two birds, the transformed and submissive symbols of Murugan's dominance.On the metaphysical level, the mythology of Murugan may be seen as an extended metaphor for the processes of spiritual evolution; i.e. the destiny of the soul and its ultimate relationship with the Divine. Once an individual reaches a certain stage of spiritual awakening there is a desire to renounce superfluities, and to realize Truth. But in the struggle to achieve moksha (liberation), the devotee often remains unaware of the power of the negative forces of the world, and the magnetism which deluding joy can exercise. Kashyapar symbolizes this level of unfoldment: although he is a sage and wishes to experience enlightenment, he is attracted by and marries Mayai (lower nature). The union of the soul with avidya (ignorance of the essential Divine character of the soul) leads to the birth of ego consciousness (Surapadman), ego motivated desire (Singamukhan), ego motivated selfish actions (Taraskasuran) and veiling power, that which beguiles the soul and leads him/her to fall prey to transient and sensual desires (Ajamukhi). The advice given by the father Kashyapar to his children was to live a righteous life. However the credo of Mayai, supported by the asuras, was to exploit the illusionary material world. As has been shown, Surapadman and his siblings ignored the instructions of their father, and followed the pathway advocated by their mother. The wayward instructions provided by Mayai represent the inner conflicts, choices, and ‘pulls' experienced by the soul...In this sense the Vel and Murugan constitute the essential paradigm for spiritual evolution and the attainment of moksha. For in contemplating the animating life energies with which he/she is composed (Sakti-Becoming), the aspirant is led to the discovery of his/her true divine nature (Siva-Absolute) and thus into recognition of the intrinsic unity of all existence. Thus the individual (microcosm) is linked to the universal (macrocosm), and is possessed of the full knowledge of the cosmic union of Siva-Sakti, the duality of oneness in perfect dynamic balance."

Interestingly, from the days of the ancient  சங்கத்தமிழ் காலம் (saṅgattamizh kālam - classical Tamil era), Lord சேயோன்/முருகன்வழிபாடு (sEyon / murugan vazhipaadu) was also associated with various kinds of கூத்து  (kūttu) viz. குடிக்கூத்து, துடிக்கூத்து (taḍikkūttu), குரவைக்கூத்து (kuravaiikkūttu), வெறிக்கூத்து (veṛikkūttu), வள்ளிக்கூத்து (vaḷkkūttu) etc. 

On the sacred day of தைபூசம் (thai taipūsam)) as a spiritual ritual the sacred காவடி ஆட்டம் (kaavadi aattam) is very special at all முருகன் (murugan) shines - not only in Tamil Nadu or other states in India, but also in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar etc.

It is an ancient practice goes believed to be introduced by महऋषि अगस्त्य (mahaṛṣi agastya). It also is considered an evolution of the ancient Tamil rite of வெறியாட்டம் (veRiyaattam - rigor dance) as an expression of their பக்தி (bakti- devotion) to their beloved முருகன்/ சேயோன் (murugan / sEyon) - the குறுஞ்சி நாட்டு கடவுள் (kuṛñji nāṭṭu kaḍavuḻ). Such rituals are referred in various Tamil literature belonging to சங்ககாலம் (saṅgakālam) including திருமுருகாற்றுப்படை (tirumurugāṛṛuppaḍai), குறுந்தொகை (kuṛuntogai), நற்றினை (naṛṛinai), அகனாணுரு (aganāṇūru), பரிபாடல் (paripāḍal) etc.
Exoterically, this ritual definitely seems to be a a very வெறியாட்டம் (veṛiyāttam - aggressive dance) dance of self-torture. Of course some of us can ask "Do we need to undergo such physical ordeal to worship God?" Yes, obviously, this is very true. God is Love incarnate - அன்பே சிவம் (anbE Sivam - God is Love) - He is Supreme Compassion who can be bound by simple pure love...as the mystic saint poet திரு அருட்பிரகாச இராமலிங்க வள்ளலார் (tiru aruṭpirakāsa iramaliṅga vaḻḻalār) sings in his திரு அருட்பா (tiru aruṭpā) (3269)

அன்பெனும் பிடியுள் அகப்படும் மலையே
அன்பெனும் குடில்புகும் அரசே
அன்பெனும் வலைக்குட் படுபரம் பொருளே
அன்பெனும் கரத்தமர் அமுதே
அன்பெனும் கடத்துள் அடங்கிடும் கடலே
அன்பெனும் உயிர்ஒளிர் அறிவே
அன்பெனும் அணுவுள் ளமைந்தபே ரொளியே
அன்புரு வாம்பர சிவமே.
anbenum piḍiyuḻ agappaḍum malaiyE
anbenum kuḍilpugum arasE
anbenum valaikkuṭ paḍuparam poruḻE
anbenum karattamar amudE
anbenum kaḍattuḻ aḍaṅgiḍum kaḍalE
anbenum uīroḻir aṛivE
anbenum aṇuvuḻamainda pEroḻiyE
anburu vāmbara sivamE
Oh Mountain
Who get caught in the grasp called love!
Oh King
Who enter the dwelling called love!
Oh transcendent Being
Who lodge in one’s palm!
Oh Sea
which gets incarcerated in the pitcher called love!
Oh Wisdom
that shines in the life called love!
Oh great Light
contained in the atom called love!
Oh transcendent Brahman
Who are the embodiment of love!

- translation G. Vanmikinathan
Tamil Reference: திரு அருட்பா (tiru aruṭpā) (3269)


The saint also refers to Lord முருகன் (murugan) as "கருனையே வடிவான கந்தசாமி தெய்வம்".Thus, Hinduism or for that matter no religion mandates self-torture. Just pure Love will suffice. But this being said how do we justify such acts of self-pain in the name of God. In my opinion, it demonstrates the voluntary expression of the devotees ' immense Love and devotion towards their beloved God. I am only reminded of the what the revered saint குமரகுருபரர் (kumaragurubarar) sings

மெய் வருத்தம் பாரார், பசி நோக்கார் கண் துஞ்சார்,
எவ்வெவர் தீமையும் மேற்கொள்ளார் – செவ்வி
அருமையும் பாரார், அவமதிப்பும் கொள்ளார்
கருமமே கண்ணாயினார்
mei varuttam pārār, pasi nOkkār kaṇ tuñjār
evvevar tīmaiyum mEṛkoḻḻār- sevvi
arumaiyum pārār avamadippum koḻḻār
karumamE kaṇṇāyinār
Tamil Reference: நீதி நெறி விளக்கம் (nīti neṛi viḻakkam)

It also demonstrates the immense strength (physical, emotional, spiritual) gained in performing such risky, painful rite. Faith moves mountains! This leap of faith demonstrates strength gained even by ordinary persons to perform extraordinary feats as கவியரசு கண்ணதாசன் (kaviarasu kaNNadhaasan) sings

மனமிருந்தால் பரவைகூட்டில் மான்கள் வாழலாம்
வழியிருந்தால் கடுகுகுள்ளே மலையை காணலாம்
துணின்துவிட்டால் தலையில் எந்த சுமையும் தாங்கலாம்
குணம் குணம் அது கோயிலாகாம்.
manamirundāl paravaikkūṭṭil māngaḻ vāzhalām
vazhiyirundāl kaḍugukkuḻḻE malaiyai kāṇalām
tuṇinduviṭṭāl talaiyil enda sumaiyum tāṅgalām
guṇam guṇam adu kOyilāgalām.
Tamil Reference: கவியரசு கண்ணதாசன் பாடல் (kaviyarasu kaṇṇadāsan pāḍal)

I happened to see the following video documentary beautifully showcases the first person account of the faith, devotion and strength of the practitioner of such a ritual 

To know more about the spiritual significance of Lord முருகன் (murugan) and His festivals please visit the blog below: 

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Spiritual significance of Lord முருகன் (murugan) and His festivals


சைவமும் தைபூசமும் (saṉmārgamum 

On a sacred day of தைபூசம் (taipūsam)the mega event of மகாஜோதி தரிசனம் / महाज्योतिदर्शन (magā jōti darisanam / mahājyotidarśana – supreme light vision) held annually at the சத்தியஞானசபை / सत्यज्ञानसभा (sattiyajñānasabai / satyajñānasabhā – true gnostic assembly) in the holy town of வடலூர் (vaḍalūr) to commemorate the sacred event when திரு அருட்பிரகாச இராமலிங்க வள்ளலலார் (tiru arupirakāca irāmalika vaḷḷalalār) completely de-materalized Himself and fully merged into அருட்பெருஞ்சோதி (aruṭperuñjōti).    On this day He attained अमरसमाधि (amarasamādhi – immortal atonement) by mastering சாகாகல்வியும் கலையும் (sāgākalviyum kalaiyum - art and science of immortality)  and experienced what is technically called as the மரணமிலாப்பெருவாழ்வு / अमृतमहाजीवितम् (maraṇamillapperuvāḹvu / amṛtamahājīvitam - deathless supreme-life)  after attaining spiritual de-materialization by gaining முத்தேகசித்தி / त्रिकदेहसिद्धि (muddēgasiddi / trikadehasiddhi – triple-body accomplishment) viz. சுத்ததேகசித்தி / शुद्धदेहसिद्धि (suddadegasiddi / śuddhadehasiddhi- pure-body accomplishment)பிரணவதேகசித்தி / प्रणवदेहसिद्धि (piraṇavadegasiddi / praṇavadehasiddhi – theosonic-body accomplishment) & ஞானதேகசித்தி / ज्ञानदेहसिद्धि (jñānadegasiddi / jñānadehasiddhi – gnostic-body accomplishment).  Correspondingly attaining trifold occult potencies கருமசித்தி (karumasiddhi - karmic potency)யோகசித்தி (yoga siddhi - yogic potency) & ஞானசித்தி (jñānasiddhi - gnostic potency)

 மகாஜோதி தரிசனம் / महाज्योतिदर्शन (magā jōti darisanam / mahājyotidarśana – supreme light vision) symbolizes the அருட்பெருஞ்சோதியின் மகாதரிசனம் / महादर्शन परोमात्रानुग्रहज्योति (mahādarśana paromātrānugrahajyoti – grand revelation of the vast gracelight), also known as, महाविमर्शन परज्ञानप्रकाशस्य (mahāvimarśana parajñānaprakāśasya – grand deliberation of the transcendent gnostic effulgence).

Interestingly, the concept of ஜோதி தரிசன உத்சவம் / ज्योति दर्शन उत्सव (jōti taricaṉa utsavam / jyoti darśana utsava – light revelation festival)  plays an integral role in Hindu religious calendar tarting from the month of  ஐப்பசி / आश्विन / तुला (aippasi / āśvina/ tulā – Oct  mid to Nov mid) as summarized in the following table.


மாதம் / मास (māsam / māsa - month)

உத்சவம் / उत्सव (utsavam / utsava - festival)

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ஐப்பசி / आश्विन / तुला (aippasi / āśvina/ tulā – Oct  mid to Nov mid)

दीपावलि महोत्सव / தீபாவளி மகோத்சவம் (dīpāvaḻi mahotsava / dīpāvaḷi magōtsavam – grand light-series festival).

अधिधैविक सार्थकत्व दीवावलि महोत्सवस्य (adhidhaivika sārthakatva dīvāvalimahotsavasya - spiritual significance of stream of light grand-festival)



related theme:





கார்த்திகை/कार्तिक/वृश्चिक (kārththigai /kārtika/ vṛścika - Nov mid to Dec mid)

கார்திகை மகா தீப திருவிழா (kārtikai magā dīpa tiruviḻā)

கார்திகை மகா தீப திருவிழா (kārtikai magā dīpa tiruviḻā)



மார்கழி /अग्रहायण / धनुश् (mārgazhi / agrahāyaṇa / dhanuś  - Dec mid to Jan mid)

சபரைமலயில் மகரஜோதி தரிசனம் (sabaraimalayil makarajōti daricaṉam – magara-light vision at Sabarimala)

ஓம்! சுவாமியே சரணம் ஐயப்பா! (ōm! suvāmiyē saraṇam aiyappā!)



தை/ पौष / मकर  (thai  / pauṣa / makara – Jan mid to Feb mid)

தைபூச மகோத்சவம் (taipūsa magōtcavam)

தைபூசத்தின் மகிமை (taipūsatti magimai - glory of Taipusam)


    In a nutshell, this event of தைபூச மகோத்சவம் (taipūsa magōtcavam) constitutes the following process: There are பல வண்ணங்களில் ஏழு திரைகள் / सप्त पाटलाः भिन्न वर्णेषु (pala vaṇṇaṅgaḻil eḹutiraigaḻ / sapta pāṭalāḥ bhinna varṇeṣu – seven screens in different colors)  concealing the உள்ளொளி अन्तर्ज्योति (uḻḻoḻi / antarjyoti - inner light / effulgence) veiled by the सप्तविध अविद्याकञ्चुकाः महामायायाः (saptavidha avidyākañcukāḥ mahāmāyāyāḥ - seven-fold nescient-cloaks of supreme mystery) and which symbolizes the सप्तलोकाः व्य्वहारिक भवस्य (saptalokāḥ vyvahārika bhavasya – seven worlds of phenomenal becoming), concealing the परमार्थिक सत्त्व / परब्रह्म  (paramārthika sattva / parabrahma – noumenal being / transcendent divinity)


As part of this தைபூச மகோத்சவம் (taipūsa magōtcavam), each of these ஏழு திரைகள் / सप्त पाटलाः (eḹutiraigaḻ / sapta pāṭalāḥ– seven screens) are removed one after the other when the உள்ளொளி अन्तर्ज्योति (uḻḻoḻi / antarjyoti - inner light / effulgence) of the corresponding realm is made visible, esoterically suggesting that when one transcends the phenomenal realms of relative consciousness, one attains the absolute consciousness.

ஜோதி ஜோதி ஜோதி சுயஞ்
ஜோதி ஜோதி ஜோதி பரஞ்
ஜோதி ஜோதி ஜோதி யருட்
ஜோதி ஜோதி ஜோதி சிவம்.

வாமஜோதி சோமஜோதி வானஜோதி ஞானஜோதி
மாகஜோதி யோகஜோதி வாதஜோதி நாதஜோதி
ஏமஜோதி வியோமஜோதி ஏறுஜோதி வீறுஜோதி
ஏகஜோதி ஏகஜோதி ஏகஜோதி ஏகஜோதி.

ஆதிநீதி வேதனே ஆடல்நீடு பாதனே
வாதிஞான போதனே வாழ்கவாழ்க நாதனே.
jōti jōti jōti suyañj
jōti jōti jōti parañj
jōti jōti jōti yaruṭ
jōti jōti jōti sivam
vāma jōti sōma jōti vāna jōti jñāna jōti
māga jōti yōga jōti vāda jōti nāda jōti
ēma jōti vyōma jōti ēṛu jōti vīṛu jōti
ēkajōti ēkajōti ēkajōti ēkajōti
ādi nīdi vēdanē āḍal nīḍubādanē
vādi jñāna bōdanē vāḹga vāḹga nādanē.
Light Light Light is the Self
Light Light Light is the Supreme
Light Light Light is the Grace
Light Light Light is the Auspiscious (Sivam)
Solar Light, Lunar Light, Sky Light, Gnostic Light
Divine Light Yogic, Light, Vital Light, Sonic Light
Everlasting Light, Vacuum Light, uniterupted Light, omnipotent Light
Unique Light, Unique Light, Unique Light, Unique Light,
Original Law Enforcer, owner of ever-dancing feet
The guru of righteous wisdom, hail the glorious Lord
Tamil Reference :- திரு அருட்பா: ஜோதி ஜோதி (tiru aruṭpā: jōti jōti) (6.150.1-3)

The noble saint திரு அருட்பிரகாச இராமலிங்க வள்ளலார் (tiru aruṭpirakāca irāmaliṅka vaḷḷalār) is one of my all-time favorite इष्टगुरु (iṣṭaguru – chosen guru). In this series of blogs, I would like to share my humble thoughts on His Holiness, focusing on the following topics:





Topic -1

வள்ளலார் - ஒரு அறிமுகம் (vaḷḷalār oru aimugam - Vallalar -  an introduction)



வள்ளலாரின் சரியைகருமமார்கம் (vaḷḷalāriṉ cariyaikarumamārgam - disciplinary servitude path of vallalar)



வள்ளலாரின் கிரியாபக்திமார்கம் (vaḷḷalāri kiriyābaktimārkam - ritualistic-devotion path of Vallalar)


Topic -4

வள்ளலாரின் பக்தியோகமார்கம் (vaḷḷalāri paktiyōkamārgam - yogic-devotion path of Vallalar)



வள்ளலாரின் மெய்ஞான விஞானம் (vaḷḷalāri meyñāa viñāam - Vallalar's spiritual science)



வள்ளலாரின் நோக்கில் இதிகாசபுராணங்கள் (vaḷḷalāriṉ nōkkil itikācapurāṇaṅkaḷ - Vallalar's perspective on epics and mythologies)



வள்ளலாரின் மரணமிலாப் பெருவாழ்வு (vaḷḷalāri maraamilāp peruvāzhvu - Vallalar's immortalized supreme living)


Topic -8

வள்ளலார் குறித்த சர்ச்சைகளும் அடியேனின் தெளிவுரையும் (vaḷḷalār kuṟitta carccaikaḷum aṭiyēṉiṉ teḷivuraiyum - my humble clarifications on Vallalar related controversies)


அருட்பெருஞ்சோதி அருட்பெருஞ்சோதி!
தனிப்பெருங்கருனை அருட்பெருஞ்சோதி!
aruṭperuñcōti aruṭperuñcōti!
taṉipperuṅkaruṉai aruṭperuñcōti!
sacred gnosis revelation!
Vast grace light! Vast Grace Light
Unique Supreme Compassion Vast Grace Light!
Tamil Reference : மந்திரம் (mantiram)


 NOTE:  Please click on the appropriate links under the Table of Contents available on the left pane

 திருச்சிற்றம்பலம் (tirucciṟṟambalam - sacred gnosis revealed)!

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