
திருவாடிப்பூர மகோத்சவத்திருநாள் (tiruvāḍippūra magōtsavattirunāḷ - grand festival day of sacred āḍi pūram)


According to Tamil religious calendar, the sacred திருவாடிப்பூர மகோத்சவத்திருநாள்  (tiruvāḍippūra magōtsavattirunāḷ - grand festival day of sacred āḍi pūram) is celebrated today. ஆடிப்பூரம் (āḍippūram - āḍi pūram) is celebrated in the orthodox traditions of श्री वैष्णवमत संप्रदाय (śrī vaiṣṇavamata saṃpradāya – shri Vaishnava theological tradition) as the கோதை ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியாரின் திரு அவதார நட்சத்திரம் (kōtai srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyāri tiru avatāra nacattiram – sacred incarnation asterism of kōtai srī āṇṭāl nācciyār).

The traditional hagiographic accounts of the noble saint’s life-history, she grew up as the God-given adopted daughter of the eminent poet-saint ஸ்ரீ விஷ்ணுசித்தர் / श्री विष्णुचित्त (srī viṣṇucittar / śrī viṣṇucitta) who is more popularly known as ஸ்ரீ பெரியாழ்வார் (srī periyāḻvār) who had discovered the infant baby-saint near the கோவில் நந்தவனத்தின் துளசிமாடம் (kōvil nantavaṉattiṉ tuḷacimāṭam – holy basil plant of the temple garden) associated with ஸ்ரீ வடபத்ரசாயி திருக்கோவில் (srī vaṭabadrasāyi tirukkōvil – sacred vadabadrasayi temple) in the holy town of ஸ்ரீவில்லிபுத்தூர் (srīvilliputtūr)

Esoteric Philoshical Context-setting

Philosophically speaking, the very name ஸ்ரீ கோதை / श्री गोदा (srī kōtai / śrī godā), has deep esoteric significance. Literally, the term means श्री गोपिका (śrī  gopikā – sacred cowherdess), mythologically related to the episodes of  the रासभक्तिलील (rāsabhaktilīla – romantic devotional play) enacted in the legendary town of श्री गोकुल (śrī gokula) by none other than  भगवान् श्री कृष्ण (bhagavān śrī kṛṣṇa) along with the गोपिकाः (gopikāḥ - cowherdesses).  Here, the former represents the परमात्मन् (paramātman – supreme soul) viz. महाविभवतार श्रीमन् नारायणस्य (mahāvibhavatāra śrīman nārāyaṇasya – supreme glorious incarnation of lord Narayana) while the latter represents the बद्धजीवात्मनः (baddhajīvātmanaḥ – bound corporeal souls). And their divine communion is established by Bridal Mysticism

Beyond this well-known spiritual significance of Bridal Mysticism, the very name ஸ்ரீ கோதை / श्री गोदा (srī kōtai / śrī godā) has deeper spiritual significance. Philologically, the Sanskrit term गोदा (godā)  is derived from the गो / गौः (go / gauḥ - cow). Now, this seemingly simple term गो / गौः (go / gauḥ - cow) more than its literal meaning of denoting a biological animal viz. the गो / गौः (go / gauḥ - cow), it has been employed in the sacred वेदशास्त्राणि (vedaśāstrāṇi – vedic scriptures).  For example, it has used in the sense of “gnostic lustre” in the ऋग्वेदसंहिताः (ṛgvedasaṃhitāḥ - rig vedic corpus).  The eminent scholar and saint-poet Sri Aurobindo in his Vedic and Philological Studies highlights the deeper spiritual significance of the term. To quote him:

“The word Go in the Vedas appears to bear two ordinary meanings, first, cow, secondly, ray, light or lustre. In the hymns of Madhuchchhanda it occurs 6 times, in five hymns. It occurs twice in the fourth hymn addressed to Indra in the first three verses which are all of them important for the discovery of the proper sense of the word as it is used in this passage. In the third verse which is the key to the passage, we find the prayer “Then may we know (of) thy ultimate good thoughts”. Then may we know. When? as a consequence to what? Obviously as a consequence to the result of the second verse, which I translate “Come to us, O bringer out of the nectar (savana), thou the Soma-drinker; drink of the ecstatic Soma wine, a giver of illumination, enraptured” or in better English bringing out the sense & association of the words, “Come to us, O thou who art a distiller of the nectar, thou, the Soma-drinker, drink of the impetuously ecstatic Soma wine & be in the rapture of its intoxication our giver of illuminating light”.

Similarly, Sri Aurobindo, elsewhere also in his Secret of the Vedas, he further reiterates thus:  

"A study of the Vedic horse led me to the conclusion that go and asva represent the two companion ideas of Light and Energy, Consciousness and Force, which to the Vedic and Vedantic mind were the double or twin aspect of all the activities of existence."

I will not get into further details here, as it may diverge from the original intent of the post.  In this post i   just wanted to highlight that the very name of the saint has deeper spiritual significance from an esoteric perspective. 

Next, let us look at the celestial significance of the திருவாடிப்பூர மகோத்சவத்திருநாள்  (tiruvāḍippūra magōtsavattirunāḷ - grand festival day of sacred āḍi pūram) which as we now occurs in the month of ஆடிமாசம்आषाढमास (āḍimāsam / āṣāḍhamāsa – July mid to Aug mid). This month corresponds to Gregorian calendar between July mid to August mid. Astrologically (and thereby astronomically) speaking, the beginning of ஆடி (āḍi) corresponds to the celestial event of कर्क सङ्क्रान्ति (karka saṅkrānti - Cancer transition) that is, the annual transition of the सूर्य (sūrya - sun)  to the कर्कटक राशि / கடக ராசி (karkaṭaka rāśi / kaṭaka rāsi - Cancer Zodiac) from here on begins दक्षिणायण सूर्यस्य (dakṣiṇāyaṇa sūryasya - southward movement of sun) - theologized as भगवान् श्री सूर्य नरायण (bhagavān śrī sūrya narāyaṇa). I have tried to provide a deeper insight into the spiritual significance of this month in the following blog:


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Now, let us look at the spiritual significance of the नक्षत्र / நட்ச்த்திரம் (nakṣatra  / naṭcttiram - asterism) called பூரம் / पूर्वफल्गुनी (pūram / pūrvaphalgunī) which according to esoteric astrology is related to the वेददेवता (vedadevatā – vedic deity) called “भगदेव (bhagadeva)” who esoterically symbolizes प्रेम / रति (prema / rati – love / passion)  and no wonder life of  ஸ்ரீ கோதை / श्री गोदा (srī kōtai / śrī godā) who is associated with the பூரம் நட்ச்த்திரம் / पूर्वफल्गुनी नक्षत्र (pūram naṭcttiram / pūrvaphalgunī nakṣatra  - puram asterism) deals with नायक-नायकी मधुरभाव (nāyaka-nāyakī madhurabhāva – mister-mistress  honey attitude).  Of course, it is Spiritual Bridal Mysticism as ensured by the  above highlighted spiritual significance of the  ஆடிமாசம்आषाढमास (āḍimāsam / āṣāḍhamāsa – July mid to Aug mid) associated with the திருவாடிப்பூரம் (tiruvāḍippūram).

With this basic context setting, let us get into the actual details of the spiritual contribution of ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyār) to humanity.

Spiritual contribution of ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyār)

ஸ்ரீ கோதை / श्री गोदा (srī kōtai  / śrī godā), better known as ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyār), who is believed to be the महाविभव अवतार श्री महालक्ष्म्याः (mahāvibhava avatāra śrī mahālakṣmyāḥ -  supreme glorious incarnation of grand prosperity), is one amongst the பன்னிரு வைணவ ஆழ்வார்கள் (paṉṉiru vaiṇava āḻvārkaḷ - twelve Vaishnava saint-leaders) who were the eminent saints and leaders வைணவ சமய பக்திமார்கம் (vaiṇava camaya paktimārkam – devotional path of Vishnu theology)Here the term “ஆழ்வார்கள் (āḻvārgaḷ - rulers)is a plural form of the term “ஆழ்வார் (āḻvār- ruler)”. They are so called because they were the pioneers in leading the வைணவ மதத்தின் பக்தி இயக்கம் (vaiṇava matattiṉ bakti iyakkam – devotional movement of Vishnu theology) and most of whom contributed to the ஸ்ரீ வைணவ பக்தி இலக்கியம் (srī vaiṇava pakti ilakkiyam – sri vaishnava devotional literature) through their soul-melting mystic poetries viz.  தமிழ் பாசுரங்கள் (tamiḻ pāsuraṅgaḷ - Tamil poems) technically compiled together as நாலாயிர வைணவதிவ்யப்பிரபந்தங்கள்  (nālāyira vaiṇavadivyappirabandaṅgaḻ - four thousand  Divine Vaishnava compositions).

 ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyār) is unique amongst பன்னிரு வைணவ ஆழ்வார்கள் (paṉṉiru vaiṇava āḻvārkaḷ - twelve Vaishnava saint-leaders) since she is the only female poetess among these saints and who has contributed to the  நாலாயிர வைணவதிவ்யப்பிரபந்தங்கள்  (nālāyira vaiṇavadivyappirabandaṅgaḻ - four thousand  Divine Vaishnava compositions)  through her two major masterpieces of poetic mysticism viz.


பிரபந்தத்தின் பெயர்  (pirabandhaththin peyar – name of canto)


(# verses)

திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai)


நாச்சியார் திருமொழி (nācciyār tirumoḹi)




ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyār) from her very childhood days grew-up as an ardent devotee of श्री महाविष्णु (śrī mahāviṣṇu)  and out of the intense love that she had developed for her beloved God even inculcated  habit of secretly wearing the பூமாலை (pūmālai - garland) which her father , ஸ்ரீ பெரியாழ்வார் (srī periyāḻvār), wove for the अर्चावतारमूर्ति महवाविष्णोः (arcāvatāramūrti mahavāviṣṇoḥ - iconic incarnation of Maha Vishnu) and hence she is eulogized as the சூடிக்கொடுத்த சுடர் கொடி (sūdikkodutta sudarkodi – offeror of worn-garland).

The famous தனியன்கள் (taṉiyaṉkaḷ) composed by the eminent scholar  ஸ்ரீ உய்யக்கொண்டார் (srī uyyakkoṇṭār) on திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai) runs thus 

அன்னவயல் புதுவை ஆண்டாள் அரங்கர்க்குப்
பன்னு திருப்பாவை பல்பதியம் - இன்னிசையால்
பாடிக்கொடுத்தாள் நற்பாமாலை பூமாலை
சூடிக் கொடுத்தாளைச் சொல்லு.

சூடிக்கொடுத்த சுடர்க் கொடியே தொல் பாவை
பாடி அருளவல்ல பல்வலையாய் - நாடி நீ
வேங்கடவர்க்கு என்னை விதி என்ற இம்மாற்றம்
நாம் கடவா வண்ணமே நல்கு.
aṉṉavayal putuvai āṇṭāḷ araṅkarkkup
paṉṉu tiruppāvai palpatiyam - iṉṉicaiyāl
pāṭikkoṭuttāḷ naṟpāmālai pūmālai
cūṭik koṭuttāḷaic collu.

cūṭikkoṭutta cuṭark koṭiyē tol pāvai
pāṭi aruḷavalla palvalaiyāy - nāṭi nī
vēṅkaṭavarkku eṉṉai viti eṉṟa im'māṟṟam
nām kaṭavā vaṇṇamē nalku.
Andal of Puthur abound with swan in field
Had rendered many beautiful musical lyrics of Tiruppavai;
Had offered floral garland to Ranga,
Having worn foremost in her tresses;
Her you extol.

Oh! Glittering creeping plant! Adorned many a bangle;
Thou had offered Him flower after adorning thyself;
Thou art capable of composing the ancient hymn and bless us;
Thou had prayed to achieve Vengada; favour us to serve Him;
Bless us, we may not transgress (His utterings).
-translation source internet (Chennai Padbanabhan)
-Tamil Reference : திருப்பாவைக்கு ஸ்ரீ உய்யக்கொண்டாரரின் தனியங்கள்

திருப்பாவை பாராயாணம்  (tiruppāvai pārāyāam - thirupavai contemplation):

The sacred மார்கழி மாதம் / मृगशीर्ष मास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - mid Dec to mid Jan month) is known for the contemplation of the famous poem திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai) composed by சூடிக்கொடுத்த சுடர்கொடி ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (cūṭikkoṭutta cuṭarkoṭi srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyār), the eminent வைணவ ஆழ்வார் (vaiṇava āḻvār – Vaishnava saint)There is a glorification of முப்பது நாட்கள் பாவை நோன்பு (muppatu nāṭkaḷ pāvai nōṉbu – thirty days of virgin austerity) as observed by बद्धजीवात्मन् (baddhajīvātman – corporeal soul) in the भक्तिभावन (bhaktibhāvana – devotional attitude) of communion with the परब्रह्मन् (parabrahman - Supreme Divinity) theologized as भगवान् श्री कृष्णपरमात्मा (bhagavān śrī kṛṣṇaparamātmā) who in turn is the विभव अवतार महाविष्णोः (vibhava avatāra mahāviṣṇoḥ - glorious incarnation of cosmic expanse).

Even the sacred पाञ्चरात्र आगमशास्त्र (pāñcarātra āgamaśāstra) glorifies the spiritual importance of this month by dedicating an entire section titled "धनुर्मासमहात्म्य (dhanurmāsamahātmya - greatness of Margazhi month)". This month is also considered as शक्तिपीठमास / சக்தி பீட மாதம் (śaktipīṭhamāsa / saktipīṭamātam – pedestal month of spiritual energy). However, unfortunately, among many ignorant masses, this sacred term "பீடமாதம் (pīṭa mātam – pedestal month)" has been badly corrupted and is used in a derogatory sense of "பீடை மாசம் (pīḍaimātam – inauspicious / evil month)" as they superstitiously believe that the scriptures advise not to plan any marriages or any other auspicious domestic events during this month. However, the truth is otherwise. Yes, although it is true that it is generally recommended not to avoid such events, as far as possible; yet the reason for that is not because the month is considered பீடை மாசம் (pīḍaimātam – inauspicious / evil month). On the other hand, this month is considered too sacred or spiritual to indulge in mere लौकिक /भौतीक कार्यक्रमाः (laukika/bhautīka kāryakramāḥ – mundane/materialistic activities) rather than focusing on आध्यात्मिक/आधिदैविक कार्यक्रमाः (adhyatmika /athidaivīka kāryakramāḥ - spiritual / divine activities).    

Esoterically, a human year in the terrestrial realm corresponds to a divine day in the spiritual realm and accordingly, the human month of மார்கழி மாதம் / मृगशीर्ष मास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - mid Dec to mid Jan month) maps to the sacred ब्रह्म मुहूर्त काल (brahma muhūrta kāla) in the Divinely realm. This fact further adds to the sanctity of the month.

The whole month is considered very sacred and a முப்பது நாட்கள் பாவை நோன்பு (muppatu nāṭkaḷ pāvai nōṉbu – thirty days of virgin austerity) is observed very religiously practiced spiritual rite. Esoterically, பாவை (pāvai - virgin) represents the potentially untapped जीवात्मन् (jīvātman – corporeal soul) who indulges in rigorous நோன்பு (nōṉbu - austerity) measures to manifest its latent spiritual conscience and eventually commune with the परब्रह्मन् (parabrahman - Supreme Divinity).  

Thus, the objective of these masterpieces is to kindle and awaken the dormant जीवात्मन् (jīvātman – corporeal soul) from the deep slumber and to commune with the Divine परब्रह्मन् (parabrahman - Supreme Divinity). In fact, the beauty here is that, this would be a two-way call for the ying and the yang to work together as explained below:

A wake-up call to the जीवात्मन् (jīvātman – corporeal soul) to arise and awake and break open from the clutches of அசுத்த அவித்யாமாயநித்திரை अशुद्धाविद्यामायानिद्रा (asudda avidyamāyanittirai / aśuddhāvidyāmāyānidrā – impure nescient-mystery slumber). In the verses of ஸ்ரீ மாணிக்கவாசகர் (sri māṇikkavācakar) from திருவெம்பாவை (tiruvempāvai) focuses on the same. Similarly, ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் (sri āṇṭāḷ) also handles the same in திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvaias illustrated in the following verses:

புள்ளும் சிலம்பின காண் புள்ளரையன் கோயிலில்
வெள்ளை விளிசங்கின் பேரரவம் கேட்டிலையோ?
பிள்ளாய் எழுந்திராய்! பேய்முலை நஞ்சுண்டு
கள்ளச் சகடம் கலக் கழியக் காலோச்சி
வெள்ளத் தரவில் துயில் அமர்ந்த வித்தினை
உள்ளத்துக் கொண்டு முனிவர்களும் யோகிகளும்
மெள்ள எழுந்து அரியென்ற பேரரவம்
உள்ளம் புகுந்து குளிர்ந்து ஏல் ஓர் எம்பாவாய்.
puḷḷum cilampiṉa kāṇ puḷḷaraiyaṉ kōyilil
veḷḷai viḷicaṅkiṉ pēraravam kēṭṭilaiyō?
piḷḷāy eḻuntirāy! pēymulai nañcuṇṭu
kaḷḷac cakaṭam kalak kaḻiyak kālōcci
veḷḷat taravil tuyil amarnta vittiṉai
uḷḷattuk koṇṭu muṉivarkaḷum yōkikaḷum
meḷḷa eḻuntu ariyeṉṟa pēraravam
uḷḷam pukuntu kuḷirntu ēl ōr empāvāy.
Did you not hear alternate twittering birds making loud noises,
Did you not hear the loud sound of white conch,
From the temple of the king of Garuda,
Oh, girls please wake up,
Let us hear the holy sounds of "Hari, Hari".
From the savants and sages,
Calling him who drank the poisonous milk from the ghost,
Him who kicked and killed the ogre of the cart,
And him who sleeps on the great serpent Adi Sesha
So that it goes through our mind,
And make our mind cool, Oh, Goddess Pavai.
Tamil Reference : திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai) (6)

सुप्रभातम् (suprabhātam – early morning) wake-up call to the परब्रह्मन् (parabrahman - Supreme Divinity) to awaken Him from His சுத்த அவித்யாமாயநித்திரை शुद्धाविद्यामायानिद्रा (sudda avidyamāyanittirai / śuddhāvidyāmāyānidrā – pure-nescient-mystery slumber) to dissolve the பாசபந்தம் / पाशबन्ध (māyā / pāśabandha – binding fetter). Again ஸ்ரீ மாணிக்கவாசகர் (sri māṇikkavācakar) addresses them in திருபள்ளியெழுச்சி (tirupaḷḷiyeḻucci), while ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் (sri āṇṭāḷ) for her part handles the same in திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai) itself as illustrated in the following verses:

மாரிமலை முழைஞ்சில் மன்னிக் கிடந்து உறங்கும்
சீரிய சிங்கம் அறிவுற்றுத் தீவிழித்து
வேரி மயிர்ப்பொங்க எப்பாடும் பேர்ந்து உதறி
மூரி நிமிர்ந்து முழங்கிப் புறப்பட்டுப்
போதருமா போலே நீ பூவைப் பூவண்ணா உன்
கோயில் நின்று இங்ஙனே போந்தருளி, கோப்புடைய
சீரிய சிங்காசனத்திலிருந்து, யாம் வந்த
காரியம் ஆராய்ந்து அருள் ஏல் ஓர் எம்பாவாய்
mārimalai muḻaiñcil maṉṉik kiṭantu uṟaṅkum
cīriya ciṅkam aṟivuṟṟut tīviḻittu
vēri mayirppoṅka eppāṭum pērntu utaṟi
mūri nimirntu muḻaṅkip puṟappaṭṭup
pōtarumā pōlē nī pūvaip pūvaṇṇā uṉ
kōyil niṉṟu iṅṅaṉē pōntaruḷi, kōppuṭaiya
cīriya ciṅkācaṉattiliruntu, yām vanta
kāriyam ārāyntu aruḷ ēl ōr empāvāy
Like the majestic lion wakes up with ire,
From the mountain cave in the rainy season,
Looks with fiery sight,
And with deep angry sweat from all the hairs,
Turns up its head with awe,
And comes out making lots of din,
Hey Lord , who is the colour of the blue lotus,
Come from your temple to here,
And sit on the majestic royal throne,
And hear with compassion,
For why we have come here,
And help us to worship our Goddess Pavai.
Tamil Reference : திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai) (23)

திரு கல்யாண வைபோகம் (tiru kalyāṇa vaibōgam - sacred wedlock celebration)

திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai)  & நாச்சியார் திருமொழி (nācciyār tirumoḹi) are the two greatest contributions of her towards devotional literature particularly bridal mysticism. ஆண்டாலின் திருப்பாவை பாசுரங்கல்  (āṇṭāliṉ tiruppāvai pācuraṅgal – thiruppavai pasurangal of andal) similar to the மாணிக்கவசகரின் திருவெம்பாவை பதிகங்கள் (māṇikkavacakari tiruvempāvai patikagaḷ - thirvempavai decads of manikkavasagar), is a first person account of the traditional rite of பாவை நீராடல் நோன்பு (pāvai nīrāṭal nōnbu – maiden bathing austerity-vow)This நோன்பு (nōnbu - austerity-vow) very piously observed annually by young பாவைகள் (pāvaigaḷ - maidens) during the sacred மார்கழி மாதம் / मृगशीर्ष मास (mārkaḻi mātam / mṛgaśīrṣa māsa - mid Dec to mid Jan month). Here the saintess enters into a mystical பாவனை (bāvaṉai – role-play) by imagining herself as one of the பாவைகள் (pāvaigaḷ - maidens) from the sacred city of ¬Â÷À¡Ê (aayarpaadi) who were observing this நோன்பு (nōṇbu - austerity-vow)

The intention of this festival, as already discussed, is for these பாவைகள் (pāvaigaḷ - maidenswho are the would-be brides to commune with their beloved lover-God महाविष्णु (mahāviṣṇu). In other words, பாவைகள் (pāvaigaḷ - maidensare the बद्धजीवात्मनः (baddhajīvātmanaḥ – bound corporeal souls) who want to awaken the dormant divinity in them.  Ultimately, they wanted to unite with the परमात्मन् (paramātman – supreme soul) in a sacred wedlock and to be closely associated with भगवत् कैङ्गर्य (bhagavat kaiṅgarya - divine servitude) eternally, as testified in the following verses

சிற்றம் சிறு காலே வந்து உன்னை சேவித்து உன்-
பொற்றாமரை அடியே போற்றும் பொருள் கேளாய்
பெற்றம் மேய்த்து உண்ணும் குலத்தில் பிறந்து நீ-
குற்றேவல் எங்களைக் கொள்ளாமல் போகாது
இற்றைப் பறை கொள்வான் அன்று காண் கோவிந்தா
எற்றைக்கும் ஏழ் ஏழ் பிறவிக்கும் உன் தன்னோடு-
உற்றோமே ஆவோம் உனக்கே நாம் ஆட்செய்வோம்
மற்றை நம் காமங்கள் மாற்றேலோர் எம்பாவாய்
ciṟṟam ciṟu kālē vantu uṉṉai cēvittu uṉ-
poṟṟāmarai aṭiyē pōṟṟum poruḷ kēḷāy
peṟṟam mēyttu uṇṇum kulattil piṟantu nī-
kuṟṟēval eṅkaḷaik koḷḷāmal pōkātu
iṟṟaip paṟai koḷvāṉ aṉṟu kāṇ kōvintā
eṟṟaikkum ēḻ ēḻ piṟavikkum uṉ taṉṉōṭu-
uṟṟōmē āvōm uṉakkē nām āṭceyvōm
maṟṟai nam kāmaṅkaḷ māṟṟēlōr empāvāy
Milk-cows we would follow, reach the wood and eat,
Amongst tribe pastoral, sans any intellect, Thou'rt born
This the only virtue we own; our acquaintance is a bond;
The intimacy hither, could never be torn;
Oh! Govinda! Deficient in nothing!
We girls ignorant and forlorn
Addressed Thee in unbecoming names;
Let Thou not hiss! Lo! Master!
Bless us, we in ardour
Bestow on us our desire,
Listen and consider, our damsel..
-translation source interneti
-Tamil Reference :திருப்பாவை (tiruppāvai) (29)

ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (srī āṇṭāḷ nācciyār) is even more explicit with her bridal moods in her second masterpiece நாச்சியார் திருமொழி (nācciyār tirumoḹi) wherein she also, like the other mystic poet-saints cited above, seeks the helps of love-messengers to carry her message of love. Interestingly, she even prays to மன்மதன் / காமதேவன் (maṉmataṉ / kāmatēvaṉ cupid / lord of love) to help her in her Divine romance and pleads him to act as her messenger.  

தையொரு திங்களும் தரைவிளக்கித்
தண் மண்டலம் இட்டு மாசி முன்னாள்
ஐய நுண் மணல் கொண்டு தெரு அணிந்து
அழகினுக்கு அலங்கரித்து அனங்கதேவா!
உய்யவும் ஆங்கொலோ? என்று சொல்லி
உன்னையும் உம்பியையும் தொழுதேன்
வெய்யது ஓர் தழல் உமிழ் சக்கரக் கை
வேங்கடவற்கு என்னை விதிக்கிற்றியே!
taiyoru tiṅkaḷum taraiviḷakkit
taṇ maṇṭalam iṭṭu māci muṉṉāḷ
aiya nuṇ maṇal koṇṭu teru aṇintu
aḻakiṉukku alaṅkarittu aṉaṅkatēvā!
uyyavum āṅkolō? eṉṟu colli
uṉṉaiyum umpiyaiyum toḻutēṉ
veyyatu ōr taḻal umiḻ cakkarak kai
vēṅkaṭavaṟku eṉṉai vitikkiṟṟiyē!
In the months of the early Spring, seeking the elevation of spirit, I sweep the Earth, deck the street, and spread the beautiful mandala. O bodiless God of love, I wish you and your brother Syama. Direct me to the Lord of the radiant discuss, Lord of Venkatam hills.

-translation by Rama Bharati
-Tamil Reference :நாச்சியார் திருமொழி (nācciyār tirumoḹi) (1)


Of course, the highest expression her நாயகன் நாயகி பாவனை (nāyagaṉ nāyagi bāvaṉai – mister – mrstress role-play) is her dream experience of the திரு கல்யாணம் (tiru kalyāṇam  - sacred wedlock) with her beloved God

வாரண மாயிரம் சூழ வலம்செய்து,
நாரண நம்பி நடக்கின்றான் என்றெதிர்,
பூரண பொற்குடம் வைத்துப் புறமெங்கும்,
தோரணம் நாட்டக் கனாக்கண்டேன் தோழீநான்.
மத்தளம் கொட்ட வரிசங்கம் நின்றூத,
முத்துடைத் தாம நிரைதாழ்ந்த பந்தற்கீழ்
மைத்துனன் நம்பி மதுசூதன் வந்து,என்னைக்
கைத்தலம் பற்றக் கனாக்கண்டேன் தோழீநான்.
vāraṇa māyiram cūḻa valamceytu,
nāraṇa nampi naṭakkiṉṟāṉ eṉṟetir,
pūraṇa poṟkuṭam vaittup puṟameṅkum,
tōraṇam nāṭṭak kaṉākkaṇṭēṉ tōḻīnāṉ.
mattaḷam koṭṭa varicaṅkam niṉṟūta,
muttuṭait tāma niraitāḻnta pantaṟkīḻ
maittuṉaṉ nampi matucūtaṉ vantu,eṉṉaik
kaittalam paṟṟak kaṉākkaṇṭēṉ tōḻīnāṉ.
Oh my dear sakhi! I had this wonderful dream; I saw nAraNan (SrI ra’nganAthan),surrounded by thousands of elephants, going around SrI villiputtUr. My father, periyAzhvAr,and the citizens of the village are ready to extend a grand welcome to Him with pUrNakumbhams placed on their heads. The whole village is decorated with tOraNams (streamers)to mark the festive occasion.ma’ngaLa vAdyams were being played; conches were being blown; under the canopythat was decorated with low-lying pearl strands, madhusUdanan took my right hand intoHis and did pANigrahaNam; Oh dear sakhi! I saw this in my dream next.

Translation by V. Sadagopan
-Tamil Reference :நாச்சியார் திருமொழி (nācciyār tirumoḹi) (1,4)

अमृत मुक्ति (amta mukti – immortal  liberation)

கோதை ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் நாச்சியார் (kOdai sri āṇḍāḻ nācciyār) also dematerialized her பூத உடல் / भूत देह (booda udal/ bhūta deha – physical body) into pure energy in the form of ஓளி உடல் / तेजो देह  (oḻi uḍal / tejo deha – light body) by merging with her beloved अर्चावतार मूर्ति (arcāvatāra mūrti – iconic form of  incarnation) viz., ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதர் (sriraṅganātar). Again, the revered saint திருப்பாணாழ்வார் (tiruppāṇāhvār) also finally merged with the ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதர் (sriraṅganātar) by singing thus in ecstatic mood “கண்ட கண்கள் மற்றொனினை காணாவே (kaṇda kaṇgal maṛṛonṛinai kāṇāvE - My eyes have seen my Lord and will not see anything else)”.

The above examples are definetly not a exhaustive list as, one can observe by traversing through the pages of history that there were innumerable saints spread across the globe, who have attained similar status of अमर मुक्ति /अमरत्व (amara mukti / amaratva – deathless liberation / immortality). The following verses from हठयोगप्रदीपिका (haṭhayogapradīpikā), for example, lists some more such saints . 

श्री आदिनाथ्मत्स्येन्द्रशावरानन्दभैरवः।
मन्थानो भैरवो योगि सिद्धिर्बुद्धश्च कन्धडिः।
कोरंटकः सुरानन्दः सिद्ध्पादश्छ छर्पटिः।
कानेरी पूज्यपादश्च नित्यानन्थो निरञ्जनः।
कपालि बिन्दुनाथश्च काकछण्डीश्वराह्वयः॥
अल्लमः प्रभुदेवश्छ घोडा छोली छ टिटिणीः।
भानुकी नारददेवश्च खण्डः कपलिकस्तथ॥
इतयादयो महासिद्धा हठयोगप्रभावतः।
खण्डयित्वा कालदण्डं ब्रह्माण्डे विचरन्ति ते॥
śrī ādināthmatsyendraśāvarānandabhairavaḥ|
manthāno bhairavo yogi siddhirbuddhaśca kandhaḍiḥ|
koraṁṭakaḥ surānandaḥ siddhpādaścha charpaṭiḥ|
kānerī pūjyapādaśca nityānantho nirañjanaḥ|
kapāli bindunāthaśca kākachaṇḍīśvarāhvayaḥ||
allamaḥ prabhudevaścha ghoḍā cholī cha ṭiṭiṇīḥ|
bhānukī nāradadevaśca khaṇḍaḥ kapalikastatha||
itayādayo mahāsiddhā haṭhayogaprabhāvataḥ|
khaṇḍayitvā kāladaṇḍaṁ brahmāṇḍe vicaranti te||
Sri Âdinâtha (Śiva), matsyendra, Nâtha, Sâbar, Anand, Bhairava, Chaurangi, mîna nâtha, Goraksanâtha, Virupâksa, Bileśaya.
Manthâna, Bhairava, Siddhi Buddha, Kanthadi, Karantaka, Surânanda, Siddhipâda, Charapati.
Kânerî, Pûjyapâda, Nityanâtha, Nirañjana, Kapâli, Vindunâtha, Kâka Chandîśwara.
Allâma, Prabhudeva, Ghodâ, Cholî, Tintini, Bhânukî Nârdeva, Khanda Kâpâlika
These mahâsiddhas (great masters), breaking the sceptre of death, are roaming in the universe
-Translation by Pancham Sinh.
Sanskrit Reference: हठयोगप्रदीपिका (haṭhayogapradīpikā) (1.5 -1.10)

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