
श्री रामजयम् (śrī rāmajayam - Glory to Lord Rama)


जय श्री राम (jaya śrī rāma - victory to Lord Rama)

श्री राम रामेति रामेति, रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं, रामनाम वरानने ॥
śrī rāma rāmeti rāmeti, rame rāme manorame |
sahasranāma tattulyaṃ, rāmanāma varānane ||
The name “Rama” is equivalent to thousand names of Vishnu and therefore it is good to chant this “Rama” mantra every day even if it is not possible to recite the entire Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Sanskrit Reference: श्री विष्णु सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र(śrī viṣṇu sahasranāma stotra)



रामायणं तस्य वैश्विकसंस्करणं च (rāmāyaṇaṁ tasya vaiśvikasaṁskaraṇaṁ ca  - Ramayana and its global versions)

 The पवित्रजीवचरित्र श्री रामस्य (pavitrajīvacaritra śrī rāmasya – sacred life-history of Lord Rama), technically called by the term श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama) was originally narrated very beautifully by the poetic genius in sage श्री वाल्मीकिमहऋषि (śrī vālmīkimahaṛṣi) as part of his magnum opus महा इतिहासकाव्य (mahā itihāsakāvya – grand historic epic) more popularly called as श्रीमद् वाल्मीकिरमायण (śrīmad vālmīkiramāyaṇa). 

    श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya) is the oldest महाइतिहासकाव्य (mahā itihāsakāvya – grand historic literature) narrating the legendary life history of Lord भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti)   who is the hero of this sacred epic, symbolizing the उत्तम पुरुष (uttama puruṣa - perfect being), an ideal role model of mankind who stood for the cause of धर्म (dharma - righteousness) and perfection. In the words of Sri Aurobindo,

 “The Ramayana embodied for the Indian imagination its highest and tenderest human ideals of character, made strength and courage and gentleness and purity and fidelity and self-sacrifice familiar to it in the sauvest and most harmonious forms coloured so as to attract the emotion and the aesthetic sense, stripped morals of all repellent austerity on one side or on the other of mere commonness and lent a certain high divineness to the ordinary things of life, conjugal and filial and maternal and fraternal feeling, the duty of the prince and leader and the loyalty of follower and subject, the greatness of the great and the truth and worth of the simple, toning things ethical to the beauty of a more psychical meaning by the glow of its ideal hues”.

    However, over the centuries, the श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama) different customized versions of the same evolved cutting across a variety of linguistic, national, and religious denominations.  For example, there is a natively customized version of श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama) almost in every Indian vernacular language (ancient, medieval & modern) viz.  தமிழ் (tamiḻ - Tamil), മലയാളം (malayāḷaṁ - Malayalam), తెలుగు  (telugu - Telugu),  ಕನ್ನಡ (kannaḍa- Kannada), हिन्दि (hindi - Hindi), বাংলা (bānlā- Bengali), मराठी (marāṭhī- Marathi), অসমীয়া (asamiya - Assamese), पालि (pāli - Pali), प्राकृत (prākṛta - Prakrit), অসমীয়া (asamiya - Assamese), ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (pajābī - Punjabi) etc. This could probably be because, historically speaking, भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti) was one of the earliest National integrators who had travelled through the entire length and breadth of the Indian peninsula cutting across all its four cardinal directions as part of his प्रवासकाले वनवासः (pravāsakālē vanavāsaḥ - forest-dwelling during his exile period), as depicted in the following map:

 Moreover, there are similar such customized versions extended to the native languages belonging to other countries as well, particularly in the Southeast Asian regional sub-continent viz. Javanese (Cambodia, Indonesia), Malay (Malaysia), Maranao (Philippines), Burmese (Burma / Myanmar) etc.     

Besides श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama) is not only integral to हिन्दुसनातनधर्म (hindusanātanadharma – eternal Hinduism) but was also adapted in other major religions of the sub-continent including बौद्धधर्म (bauddhadharma - Buddhism), जैनधर्म (jainadharma - Jainism) & सिख्धर्म (sikhdharma - Sikhism).

On the whole, according to eminent scholars and subject matter experts, there are more than 300 versions of natively customized श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama). In the following table, I have tried to provide a snapshot list of some of the important versions of श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama). Of course, this list an exhaustive one.


रामायण  (rāmāyaṇa)

कवि या स्रोत शास्त्र (kavi yā srōta śāstra – poet or source scripture)

भाष (bhāṣa - language)


श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya)

श्री वल्मीकमहऋषि (śrī valmīkamahaṛṣi)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


श्रीमद् अद्भुत रामायण  (śrīmad adbhuta rāmāyaṇa)

श्री वल्मीकमहऋषि (śrī valmīkamahaṛṣi)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


श्रीमद् आनन्द रामायण  (śrīmad ānanda rāmāyaṇa)

श्री वल्मीकमहऋषि (śrī valmīkamahaṛṣi)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


श्रीमद् अध्यात्म रामायण (śrīmad adhyātma rāmāyaṇa)

श्री व्यासमहऋषि (śrī vyāsamahaṛṣi)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


श्रीमद् रघुवंस (śrīmad rāmacaritamānasa)

श्री कालिदस (śrī kālidasa)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


श्रीमद् अगस्त्य रामायण (śrīmad agastya rāmāyaṇa)

श्री अगस्त्यमहऋषि (śrī agastya mahaṛṣi)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


श्रीमद् काकभुशुण्डि रामायण (śrīmad kākabhuśuṇḍi rāmāyaṇa)

श्री काकभुषुण्डि महऋषि (śrī kākabhuṣuṇḍi mahaṛṣi)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


रामोपाख्यान आरण्यकखाण्डे महाभारतस्य (rāmopākhyāna āraṇyakakhāṇḍe mahābhāratasya – Rama’s anecdote in the forest section of Mahabharata)

श्री व्यासमहऋषि (śrī vyāsamahaṛṣi)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)


श्रीमद् रामचरितमानस (śrīmad rāmacaritamānasa)

श्री तुल्सिदास् (śrī tulsidās)

अवधी (avadhī - avadhi) – an ancient dialect of हिन्दि (hindi - Hindi)


கம்பராமாயணம் (kambarāmāyaṇam)

கவிச்சக்ரவர்த்தி கம்பன் (kaviccakravartti kampaṉ)

தமிழ் (tamiḻ - Tamil)


శ్రీ రంగనాథ రామాయణము (śrī raṅganātha rāmāyaṇamu)

శ్రీ రంగనాథ (śrī raṅganātha)

తెలుగు  (telugu - Telugu)


അദ്ധ്യാത്മരാമായണം (ad'dhyātmarāmāyaṇaṁ)

തുഞ്ചത്തെഴുത്തച്ഛൻ (tuñcatteḻuttacchan)

മലയാളം (malayāḷaṁ - Malayalam)


ತೊರವೆಯ ರಾಮಾಯಣ (toraveya rāmāyaṇa)

ತೊರವೆಯ ಕುಮಾರ ವಾಲ್ಮೀಕಿ (toraveya kumāra vālmīki)

ಕನ್ನಡ (kannaḍa- Kannada)


কৃত্তিবাসী রামাযান (kr̥ttibāsī rāmāyāna)

কৃত্তিবাস ওঝা (Kr̥ttibāsa ōjhā)

বাংলা (bānlā- Bengali)


भावार्थरामायण (bhāvārtharāmāyaṇa)

श्री एकनाथमहाराज (śrī ēkanāthamahārājā)

मराठी (marāṭhī- Marathi)


 সপ্তকাণ্ড ৰামায়ণ (sapta khaṇḍa rāmāyaṇa)

মাধৱ কন্দলি (Madhava Kandali)

অসমীয়া (asamiya - Assamese)


बौद्ध रामायण / दसरथ जातक (bauddha rāmāyaṇa / dasaratha jātaka)

खुड्डकनिकाय सूत्रपिटके पालि बृहनालिकास्य (khuḍḍakanikāya sūtrapiṭake pāli bṛhanālikāsya – minor discourse in aphoristic collection of Pali Cannon)

पालि (pāli - Pali)


ਦਸਵੇਂ ਪਾਤਸ਼ਾਹ ਦਾ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ (dasavēṁ pātaśāha dā gratha – the treatise of the tenth king)

ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ (srī gurū gōbida sigha - Sri Guru Gobind Singh)

ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (pajābī - Punjabi)


जैन रामायण  / पउमचरियं (jaina rāmāyaṇa / paumacariyam)

श्री विमलसूरि (śrī vimalasūri)

प्राकृत (prākṛta - Prakrit)


रामायण कक्कविन् (rāmāyaṇa kakkavin)

Indonesian version



Hikayat Seri Rama

Malaysian version



Maharadia Lavana (mahārājā rāvaṇa)

Philippines version



ရာမဇာတ်တော် (rar m jarattaw / Yama Zatdaw)

Burma (Mayanmar) version



उत्तररामचरित (uttararāmacarita)

श्री भवभूति (śrī bhavabhūti)

संस्क्रित (saṃskrita - Sanskrit)

In fact, श्री वल्मीकमहऋषि (śrī valmīkamahaṛṣi) himself, in the following verses from his magnum opus masterpiece श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya), already seems to have hinted about this by stating thus:

यावत् स्थास्यन्ति गिरयस्सरितश्च महीतले ।
तावद्रामायणकथा लोकेषु प्रचरिष्यति ।।
yāvat sthāsyanti girayassaritaśca mahītalē ।
tāvadrāmāyaṇakathā lōkēṣu pracariṣyati ।।
As long as the mountains and rivers exist on this earth, the story of Ramayana will prevail among the people.
-translation source internet
Sanskrit Reference: श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa ) (1.2.36)

I would like to share here the following YouTube video, in which the presenter provides a good overview of global spread of  श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama)

Similarly, I would also like to share here the following YouTube video depicting the various classical creative art-forms depicting various aspects of श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama).

  संक्षेपेण श्रीरामस्य इतिहासः (saṁkṣēpēṇa śrīrāmasya itihāsaḥ - history of Lord Rama, in a nutshell)

Before proceeding further, let us take a quick look at the key milestones in the life of भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti). To this end, I would like to quote the famous एकश्लोकि रामायणम् (ekaśloki rāmāyaṇam – single verse Ramayana) which, as its name indicates, summarizes in a single verse, the key milestones of His life’s journey:

आदौ राम तपोवनादि गमनं हत्वा मृगं कांचनं । वैदेही हरणं जटायु मरणं सुग्रीव सम्भाषणं ॥
वाली निर्ग्रहणं समुद्र तरणं लंकापुरी दाहनं । पश्चात रावण कुम्बकर्ण हननं एतहि रामायणं ॥
इति एकश्लोकि रामायणं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
ādau rāma tapovanādi gamanaṃ hatvā mṛgaṃ kāṃcanaṃ | vaidehī haraṇaṃ jaṭāyu maraṇaṃ sugrīva sambhāṣaṇaṃ ||
vālī nirgrahaṇaṃ samudra taraṇaṃ laṃkāpurī dāhanaṃ | paścāta rāvaṇa kumbakarṇa hananaṃ etahi rāmāyaṇaṃ ||
iti ekaśloki rāmāyaṇaṃ sampūrṇam ||
Once when Rama was sent to the forest, He chased a deer, meanwhile, Sita was kidnapped, Jatayu was killed. Then there were discussions and planning with Sugreeva for the war, Vali was killed, the ocean was crossed and Lanka was burnt. Then Lord Rama, slayed Kumbakarna and Ravana and rescued Goddess Sita . This is the story of Ramayana.
Sanskrit Reference: एकश्लोकि रामायणम् (ekaśloki rāmāyaṇam – ramayana in a single verse)

Interestingly, although  रामायणम् (rāmāyaṇam - rama's journey) is a huge epic its whole essence can be explained in this single picture.

    Similarly, கவிஞர் வாலி (kaviñar vāli) summarized  the essence of श्री वलिमिक रामायणम् (śrī valimika rāmāyaṇam) in a beautiful lyrics which  was rendered in the golden voice of Dr. K.J. Yesudas to the soul kindling tunes of Maestro Illayaraja.

ராம நாமம் ஒரு வேதமே
ராக தாளமொடு கீதமே

மனம் எனும் வீணை மீட்டிடுவோம்
இசை எனும் மாலை சூட்டிடுவோம்

அருள் மிகு ராம நாமம் ஒரு வேதமே
ராக தாளமொடு கீதமே

அவன் தான் நாரணன் அவதாரம்
அருள்சேர் ஜானகி அவன்தாரம்
கௌசிக மாமுனி யாகம் காத்தான்
கௌதமர் நாயகி சாபம் தீர்த்தான்
(ராம நாமம் ஒரு வேதமே)

ஓர் நவமி அதில் நிலவெலாம் புலர, நினைவெலாம் மலரவே, உலகு
புகழ் தாய் மடியில் ஒரு மழலையாய் உதிக்க, மறையெலாம்
துதிக்கவே, தயரதனின் வம்சத்தின் பேர் சொல்ல, வாழ்த்துக்கள் ஊர்
சொல்ல, விளங்கிய திருமகனாம் ஜனகர் மகள் வைதேகி பூச்சூட,
வைபோகம் கொண்டாட, திருமணம் புரிந்தவனாம்

மணிமுடி இழக்கவும் மரவுரி தரிக்கவும்
அரண்மனை அரியணை துறந்தவனாம்
இனியவள் உடன்வர இளையவன் தொடர்ந்திட
வனங்களில் உலவிடத் துணிந்தவனாம்

ஶ்ரீ ராம சங்கீர்த்தனம்
நலங்கள் தரும் நெஞ்சே
மனம் இனிக்க, தினம் இசைக்க, குலம் செழிக்கும்
தினம் நீ சூட்டிடு பாமாலை
இது தான் வாசனைப் பூமாலை
இதைவிட ஆனந்தம் வாழ்வில் ஏது
இசைத்தே நாமமே நாளும் ஓது
rāma nāmam oru vētamē
rāka tāḷamoṭu kītamē

maṉam eṉum vīṇai mīṭṭiṭuvōm
icai eṉum mālai cūṭṭiṭuvōm

aruḷ miku rāma nāmam oru vētamē
rāka tāḷamoṭu kītamē

avaṉ tāṉ nāraṇaṉ avatāram
aruḷcēr jāṉaki avaṉtāram
kaucika māmuṉi yākam kāttāṉ
kautamar nāyaki cāpam tīrttāṉ
(rāma nāmam oru vētamē)

ōr navami atil nilavelām pulara, niṉaivelām malaravē, ulaku
pukaḻ tāy maṭiyil oru maḻalaiyāy utikka, maṟaiyelām
tutikkavē, tayarataṉiṉ vamcattiṉ pēr colla, vāḻttukkaḷ ūr
colla, viḷaṅkiya tirumakaṉām jaṉakar makaḷ vaitēki pūccūṭa,
vaipōkam koṇṭāṭa, tirumaṇam purintavaṉām

maṇimuṭi iḻakkavum maravuri tarikkavum
araṇmaṉai ariyaṇai tuṟantavaṉām
iṉiyavaḷ uṭaṉvara iḷaiyavaṉ toṭarntiṭa
vaṉaṅkaḷil ulaviṭat tuṇintavaṉām

śrī rāma caṅkīrttaṉam
nalaṅkaḷ tarum neñcē
maṉam iṉikka, tiṉam icaikka, kulam ceḻikkum
tiṉam nī cūṭṭiṭu pāmālai
itu tāṉ vācaṉaip pūmālai
itaiviṭa āṉantam vāḻvil ētu
icaittē nāmamē nāḷum ōtu
The name of Rama is a sacred scripture,
A melody that resonates with rhythm and structure.

Let our hearts become the veena, played with devotion,
And let the music of love fill our souls with emotion.

The grace of Rama's name, a divine revelation,
A song that blends seamlessly with every musical notation.

He is the incarnation of Narayana, the divine,
Janaki, the consort, blessed by his design.
Goswami Tulsidas, enchanted by his charm,
Gautama Rishi, freed from a curse's harm.
(Rama's name is a sacred scripture)

On the ninth day, let the moon rise and shine,
Let memories blossom like flowers divine.
Praise the motherland with a melodious tune,
Celebrate the glorious wedding of Janaka's moon.
With a pearl-studded crown and a radiant smile,
He wandered through forests, mile after mile.

With a turban adorned and a bow in his hand,
He conquered the fortress, a noble command.
Joined by his beloved, a beautiful bride,
They danced in the woods, side by side.

Oh, the divine hymn of Sri Rama,
Oh, heart that bestows blessings and drama.
Sweet melodies, daily rhythms, and ancestral pride,
You, my dear, sing the evening lullaby with pride.
This is the fragrance of a poetic garland,
An eternal chant that we forever hold in our hand.
- translation source Gen AI
Tamil Reference: கவிஞர் வாலியின் திரை இசைப்பாடல் (kaviñar vāliyiṉ tirai icaippāṭal)

    भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti)  represents the परमात्म (paramātma – Supreme Soul), while सीतादेवी (sītādevī), known for her pious character and chastity represents an ideal जीवात्मन् (jīvātman – corporeal soul). The noble life of Lord श्री राम (śrī rāmawas very beautifully captured by the poetic genius in sage श्री वाल्मीकि महऋषि (śrī vālmīki mahaṛṣi) and later by other poets including the great Tamil poet கவிச்சக்ரவர்த்தி கம்பர் (kaviccakravartti kampar)श्री तुलसिदास (śrī tulasidāsa) etc.; His life exemplifies the best practices to be followed by every human being in discharging his धर्म (dharma - duty) towards father, mother, brothers, wife, children & society etc.   

·               As an obedient son of his father and mothers, भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti) was ready to fulfill his father’s commands without any hesitation, even at the cost of sacrificing the luxuries of his royal life as a king by taking up 14 years of tough exile into the forests.

·   As a responsible husband, he exemplified the noble dharma of एकपत्नीव्रत (ekapatnīvrata – monogamy austerity), which in my opinion is one of the most critical morals that has been emphasized loud and clear, particularly in a tradition when it was acceptable in those days for the men of royal order to have multiple wives. श्री राम (śrī rāma), in this regard is respected as one of the noblest of souls ever born - a true gentleman.     

·      Again, the bindings between भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti)  and his beloved brothers illustrates the ideal relationship of brotherhood. श्री लक्ष्मण (śrī lakśmaa), literally accompanied his brother भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti)all through the exile and the struggles faced by his bellowed brother, giving him physical and moral support in overcoming the tough periods - as the saying goes, “தம்பியுடையான் படைக்கும் அஞ்சான் (tambiyuṭaiyāṉ paṭaikkum añjāṉ – man having a brother, fears not even an army)”. Similarly, श्री भरत (śrī bharata) who is the other brother of  भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti), had so much regard and respect for भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti), that he wanted his brother’s shoes to take the prestigious throne, rather than himself.

Last but not the least, भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti)  also known for his just rule as a noble king. In fact, the term āma rājyam has become almost de-facto standard to represent an ideal kingdom. श्री राम (śrī rāma’s). tenure has a king is supposed to be the golden era of ideal administration and governance where the whole society was clean and pure at heart. To quote Sri Aurobindho, once again, 

And in the Ramayana we have an idealized picture of such a Dharmarajya, a settled universal empire. Here too it is not an autocratic despotism but a universal monarchy supported by a free assembly of the city and provinces and of all the classes that is held up as the ideal, an enlargement of the monarchical state synthesizing the communal autonomies of the Indian system and maintaining the law and constitution of the Dharma

According to some scholars, the heroes of रामायण (rāmāyaṇa) also personify the चतुर्दसंहिताः (catur vedasaṃhitāḥ - four vedic corpuses). For example, श्री राम (śrī rāma) personifies ऋग्वेद संहिता (ṛgveda saṃhitā)while his brothers श्री लक्ष्मन (śrī lakśmana), श्री भरत (śrī bharata) & श्री शत्रुग्ण (śrī śatrugṇa) represent the remaining त्रिवेदसंहिताः (trivedasaṃhitāḥ - triple vedic corpuses) viz.  यजुर्वेदसंहिता (yajurvedasaṃhitā), सामवेदसंहिता (sāmavedasaṃhitā) & अथर्ववेदसंहिता (atharvavedasaṃhitā) respectively.

 Well, when discusses the essence of रामायण (rāmāyaṇa), one cannot afford to miss the contribution of श्री भक्त हनुमान् (śrī bhakta hanumān), who worked as a humble friend, servant and devotee of  भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti)श्री भक्त हनुमान् (śrī bhakta hanumān) who is considered to be a चिरञ्जीवी (cirañjīvī – immortal), represents esoterically the mental aspect of consciousness. That is why, हनुमान् (haṇumān) is half-human & half-monkey deity. As a monkey, he represents the human mind which is generally known for its unsteadiness, which keeps jumping from thought to thought. Moreover, the human mind just as lord हनुमान् (haṇumān), does not usually realize its own potential and is generally latent, which needs to be kindled to rise up to the occasion. Once the mind realizes its own potential, it begins manifestation of its strength, courage and wisdom – as did Lord श्री भक्त हनुमान् (śrī bhakta hanumān) who represents the infinite potential of the mind to expand itself and reach higher realms of the Divine Consciousness. श्री भक्त हनुमान् (śrī bhakta hanumān) also exemplifies दास्य भक्ति (dāsya bhakti – servitude devotion) to his master भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti).

If श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता (śrīmad bhagavadgītā – song celestial), embedded within महा भारत (mahābhārata) epic, was the philosophic gift to mankind in the form of a दिव्य दर्शन (divya darśana - divine vision) by भगवान् श्री कृष्ण (bhagavān śrī kṛṣṇa) to his beloved friend and devotee श्री अर्जुन (śrī arjuna)वासिष्टदर्शनम (vāsiṣṭadarśanam) also called a श्री योगवासिष्ठ महरामायण (śrī yogavāsiṣṭha maharāmāyaṇa) – a philosophic discourse given by the great श्री महऋषि वासिष्ट (śrī mahaṛṣi vāsiṣṭa) to none other than His Holiness Lord श्री राम (śrī rāma) on some of the highest spiritual truths.

Let us next hear a more spiritual account, from none other than पवित्रमाता श्री सीतादेवी (pavitramātā śrī sītādevī – Holy Mother Sita Devi), who explains the noble valour of भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti – Lord Sri Ramachandramurti) and His life’s mission to thus to श्री ब्रह्मा (śrī brahma – Sri Brahma), as narrated by श्री व्यासमहऋषि (śrī vyāsamahaṛṣi) in his famous treatise श्रीमद् अध्यात्म रामायण (śrīmad adhyātma rāmāyaṇa)

रामं विद्धि परं ब्रह्म सच्चिदानन्दमद्वयम् ।
सर्वोपाधिविनिर्मुक्तं सत्तामात्रमगोचरम् ॥
आनन्दं निर्मलं शान्तं निर्विकारं निरञ्जनम् ।
सर्वव्यापिनमात्मानं स्वप्रकाशमकल्मषम् ॥
मां विद्धि मूलप्रकृतिं सर्गस्थित्यन्तकारिणीम् ।
तस्य सन्निधिमात्रेण सृजामीदमतन्द्रिता ॥
तत्सान्निध्यान्मया सृष्टं तस्मिन्नारोप्यतेऽबुधैः ।
अयोध्यानगरे जन्म रघुवंशेऽतिनिर्मले ॥
विश्वामित्रसहायत्वं मखसंरक्षणं ततः ।
अहल्याशापशमनं चापभङ्गो महेशितुः ॥
मत्पाणिग्रहणं पश्चाद्भार्गवस्य मदक्षयः ।
अयोध्यानगरे वासो मया द्वादशवार्षिकः ॥
दण्डकारण्यगमनं विराधवध एव च ।
मायामारीचमरणं मायासीताहृतिस्तथा ॥
जटायुषो मोक्षलाभः कबन्धस्य तथैव च ।
शबर्याः पूजनं पश्चात्सुग्रीवेण समागमः ॥
वालिनश्च वधः पश्चात्सीतान्वेषणमेव च ।
सेतुबन्धश्च जलधौ लङ्कायाश्च निरोधनम् ॥
रावणस्य वधो युद्धे सपुत्रस्य दुरात्मनः ।
विभीषणे राज्यदानं पुष्पकेण मया सह ॥
अयोध्यागमनं पश्चाद्राज्ये रामाभिषेचनम् ।
एवमादीनि कर्माणि मयैवाचरितान्यपि
आरोपयन्ति रामेऽस्मिन्निर्विकारेऽखिलात्मनि ॥
रामो न गच्छति न तिष्ठति नानुशोचत्याकाङ्क्षते
त्यजति नो न करोति किञ्चित् ।
आनन्दमूर्तिरचलः परिणामहीनो
मायागुणाननुगतो हि तथा विभाति ॥
rāmaṁ viddhi paraṁ brahma saccidānandamadvayam ।
sarvōpādhivinirmuktaṁ sattāmātramagōcaram ॥
ānandaṁ nirmalaṁ śāntaṁ nirvikāraṁ nirañjanam ।
sarvavyāpinamātmānaṁ svaprakāśamakalmaṣam ॥
māṁ viddhi mūlaprakr̥tiṁ sargasthityantakāriṇīm ।
tasya sannidhimātrēṇa sr̥jāmīdamatandritā ॥
tatsānnidhyānmayā sr̥ṣṭaṁ tasminnārōpyatē'budhaiḥ ।
ayōdhyānagarē janma raghuvaṁśē'tinirmalē ॥
viśvāmitrasahāyatvaṁ makhasaṁrakṣaṇaṁ tataḥ ।
ahalyāśāpaśamanaṁ cāpabhaṅgō mahēśituḥ ॥
matpāṇigrahaṇaṁ paścādbhārgavasya madakṣayaḥ ।
ayōdhyānagarē vāsō mayā dvādaśavārṣikaḥ ॥
daṇḍakāraṇyagamanaṁ virādhavadha ēva ca ।
māyāmārīcamaraṇaṁ māyāsītāhr̥tistathā ॥
jaṭāyuṣō mōkṣalābhaḥ kabandhasya tathaiva ca ।
śabaryāḥ pūjanaṁ paścātsugrīvēṇa samāgamaḥ ॥
vālinaśca vadhaḥ paścātsītānvēṣaṇamēva ca ।
sētubandhaśca jaladhau laṅkāyāśca nirōdhanam ॥
rāvaṇasya vadhō yuddhē saputrasya durātmanaḥ ।
vibhīṣaṇē rājyadānaṁ puṣpakēṇa mayā saha ॥
ayōdhyāgamanaṁ paścādrājyē rāmābhiṣēcanam ।
ēvamādīni karmāṇi mayaivācaritānyapi
ārōpayanti rāmē'sminnirvikārē'khilātmani ॥
rāmō na gacchati na tiṣṭhati nānuśōcatyākāṅkṣatē
tyajati nō na karōti kiñcit ।
ānandamūrtiracalaḥ pariṇāmahīnō
māyāguṇānanugatō hi tathā vibhāti ॥
Sita said,
'Oh son Hanuman!You should recognise Sri Ram as the supreme Brahm who is the sublime, real, truthful, matchless, peerless supreme Soul and who is the treasury, abode of eternal bliss, happiness, peace and tranquility. Without doubt he is devoid of (i.e., beyond the scope or realm of) any or all honours or attributes, is the only and exclusive authority, is not the subject matter of mind, intellect and sense organs (i.e., they cannot comprehend him), is a treasury of bliss, joy, peace and tranquility, is most pure and holy, is without any faults and reproof6, is Niranjan (faultless, free from all delusions), is all-pervading, omnipresent, self-illuminated and a Parmatma (i.e., the supreme Soul) who is without any sins, blemishes or evils (i.e., is without unrighteousness and impropriety of any kind). And you must recognise me (Sita) as the pristine, sublime ‘Nature’ (essential element and cosmic, infinite creative energy) behind creation, sustenance and annihilation. Indeed, I create this delusionary world in conjunction with him (Sri Ram) without any let-up or indolence (i.e., I do it diligently and constantly). Inspite of it, the stupid and ignorant people charge him (i.e., allege him) of being the creator of this creation of mine which I have done myself by simply being near to him. So, his taking birth in Ayodhya in the most pure clan of Raghu, then helping sage Vishawamitra by protecting his fire sacrifice, liberating Ahilya from her curse and breaking the bow of Lord Shiva were all due to my influence or wish. Thereafter, he betrothled me, demolished the vanity and haughtiness of sage Parashuram, and stayed with me for 12 years in Ayodhya. Then he went to the Dandakarnya forest, slayed Viradh, killed Marich in the form of a decoy (golden) deer and un-real (illusionary) Sita was then abducted by Ravana. Then, Jatau (the vulture) Canto and Kabandh (the demon) were liberated (from their sinful bodies), the Lord was worshipped by Sabari (the tribal woman) and thereafter he befriended Sugriv (the king of monkeys). Thereafter, Bali was slayed, Sita was searched, a bridge was constructed over the ocean and Lanka was besieged. Then he (Sri Ram) slayed the evil Ravana along with his sons in the war, Vibhishan was crowned on the throne of Lanka and then he returned by the Pushpak plane back to Ayodhya along with me (Sita) (41). He was enthroned on the throne of Ayodhya—though all these events (verse 35-42) were done by me, the ignorant and foolish people allege or claim that they were done by Sri Ram who is faultless, uniform, supreme Soul who resides in all (and does nothing if left to himself). This ‘Ram’ in fact does not walk, nor stop, nor feel remorse or sorrowful, nor have any desire or wants, nor renounces or abandons, nor does any other deed or activity. He is an embodiment of bliss, peace and tranquility, is stable, unwavering and constant, and is without (having the least expectation of) reward or results. It is only due to the influence or effect of Maya (delusinary powers or effects) that he appears to be such (as described above).'

-translation by Sri Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia
Sanskrit Reference: श्रीमद् अध्यात्मरामायण (śrīmad śrīmad adhyātmarāmāyaṇa) (1.32-43)

रामनामस्य माहात्म्यम् (rāmanāmasya māhātmyam – greatness of Rama’s name)

Interestingly, according to the occult मन्त्रयोगस्य विज्ञानम् (mantrayōgasya vijñānam - science of mantra yoga), even the very name “राम (rāma)” serves as a very powerful mantra since it is considered to be the द्विाक्षरमन्त्रः (dviākṣaramantraḥtwo syllabled sonic formula) derived from the संयोग द्वयाक्षर्योः (saṁyōga dvayākṣaryō - union of two syllables) viz. “रा (rā)” & “ (ma)” which in turn are picked from the संयोग शैववैष्णव तारकमन्त्रयोः (saṃyoga śaivavaiṣṇava tārakamantrayoḥ - combination of shaiva-vaishnava protecting-mantras) viz. 

राम (rāma)

रा (rā)


ॐ नमोनारायण (oṃ namonāyaṇa)

ॐ नशिवाय (oṃ namaśivāya)

सामवेदमन्त्र (sāmavedamantra)

यजुर्वेदमन्त्र (yajurvedamantra)

अष्टाक्षर तारक मन्त्र श्री वैष्वणवमतसंप्रदाये (aṣṭākṣara tāraka mantra śrī vaiṣvaṇavamatasaṃpradāye – eight syllabled protecting mantra in the  Sri Vaishnava theological tradition)

पञ्चाक्षर तारक मन्त्र शैवमतसंप्रदाये (pañcākṣara tāraka mantra śaivamatasaṃpradāye – five-syllabled protecting mantra in the Saiva theological tradition)

In fact, it is widely belived that राम नाम (rāma nāma – name of Rama), is more powerful than the actual lord श्री राम (śrī rāma) and hence the “रामइति पुण्यनाम जपः (“rāma” iti puṇyanāma japaḥ - chanting of the sacred name “Rāma”) is considered to be so powerful, as vouched by none other than Lord श्री परमशिव (śrī paramaśiva) Himself while explaining thus it to His beloved श्री पराशक्ति (śrī parāśakti):

श्री राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे।
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं राम नाम वरानने॥
śrī rāma rāma rāmeti rame rāme manorame|
sahasranāma tattulyaṁ rāma nāma varānane||
O Varanana (lovely-faced woman), I chant the holy name of Rama, Rama, Rama and thus constantly enjoy this beautiful sound. This holy name of Ramachandra is equal to one thousand holy names of Lord Vishnu.
Translation source internet
Sanskrit Reference: पद्म पुराण (padma purāṇa) (72.335)

Again, in the श्री अध्यात्मरामायण (śrī adhyātmarāmāyaṇa), as part of the ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण (brahmāṇḍa purāṇa),  Lord परमशिव (paramaśiva) similarly explains रामनामस्य माहात्म्यम् (rāmanāmasya māhātmyam – greatness of Rama’s name) and the spiritual significance of his नाम जप (nāma japa – name chanting). In fact, according to श्री वेदव्यासमहऋषि (śrī vedavyāsamahaṛṣi), just by the रामइति पुण्यनाम जपः (“rāma” iti puṇyanāma japaḥ - chanting of the sacred name “Rāma”), an ordinary hunter was miraculously transformed into a great poet saint, as testified in the following verses:

राम त्वन्नाममहिमा वर्ण्यते केन वा कथम् ।
यत्प्रभावादहं राम ब्रह्मर्षित्वमवाप्तवान् ॥
अहं ते राम नाम्नश्च प्रभावादीदृशोऽभवम् ।
अद्य साक्षात्प्रपश्यामि ससीतं लक्ष्मणेन च ॥
रामं राजीवपत्राक्षं त्वां मुक्तो नात्र संशयः ।
आगच्छ राम भद्रं ते स्थलं वै दर्शयाम्यहम् ॥
rāma tvannāmamahimā varṇyatē kēna vā katham।
yatprabhāvādahaṁ rāma brahmarṣitvamavāptavān॥
ahaṁ tē rāma nāmnaśca prabhāvādīdr̥śō'bhavam।
adya sākṣātprapaśyāmi sasītaṁ lakṣmaṇēna ca॥
rāmaṁ rājīvapatrākṣaṁ tvāṁ muktō nātra saṁśayaḥ।
āgaccha rāma bhadraṁ tē sthalaṁ vai darśayāmyaham ॥
Oh Sri Ram! By the potential power and grace of that holy name, I have achieved the exalted stature of a ‘Brahmarishi’ (a sage who has attained the supreme state of Brahmahood)— how can anyone describe the glory and fame of that divine name? ... Oh Sri Ram! I have become such an exalted and fortunate one by the virtue (power, potent, grace, effect) of your holy name that I am having the good fortune of viewing you who are a lotus-eyed one, along with Sita and Laxman. Ah! Verily, without doubt—I have been liberated. Oh Sri Ram, come. Now I shall show you the place for your residence during your sojourn in the forest'
- translation by Sri Ajai Kumar Chhawchharia
Sanskrit Reference: श्री अध्यात्मरामायण (śrī adhyātmarāmāyaṇa) (2.6.64,87-88)

Moreover, several other sacred texts, including लघु उपनिषदः (laghu upaniṣadaḥ - minor upanishads) like the श्री राम रहस्योपनिषद् (śrī rāma rahasyopaniṣad) and the श्री राम तापन्योपनिषद् (śrī rāma tāpanyopaniṣad), also deal at length with the spiritual significance of राम नाम जप (rāma nāma japa – chanting of Rama’s name). Take the following verses from the former, for example, 

ॐ रहस्यं रमतपतं वासुदेवं च मुद्गलम् ।
शाण्डिल्यं पैङ्गलं भिक्षुं महच्च्हारीरकं शिखा ॥
सनकाद्या योगिवर्या अन्ये च ऋषयस्तथा ।
प्रह्लादाद्या विष्णुभक्ता हनूमन्तमथाब्रुवन् ॥
वायुपुत्र महाबाहो किंतत्त्वं ब्रह्मवादिनाम् ।
पुराणेष्वष्टादशसु स्मृतिष्वष्टादशस्वपि ॥
चतुर्वेदेषु शास्त्रेषु विद्यास्वाध्यात्मिकेऽपि च ।
सर्वेषु विद्यादानेषु विघ्नसूर्येशशक्तिषु ।
एतेषु मध्ये किं तत्त्वं कथय त्वं महाबल ॥
हनूमान्होवाच ॥
भो योगीन्द्राश्चैव ऋषयो विष्णुभक्तास्तथैव च ।
श्रुणुध्वं मामकीं वाचं भवबन्धविनाशिनीम् ॥
एतेषु चैव सर्वेषु तत्त्वं च ब्रह्म तारकम् ।
राम एव परं ब्रह्म तत्त्वं श्रीरामो ब्रह्म तारकम् ॥
oṁ rahasyaṁ ramatapataṁ vāsudēvaṁ ca mudgalam ।
śāṇḍilyaṁ paiṅgalaṁ bhikṣuṁ mahacchārīrakaṁ śikhā ॥
sanakādyā yōgivaryā anyē ca r̥ṣayastathā ।
prahlādādyā viṣṇubhaktā hanūmantamathābruvan ॥
vāyuputra mahābāhō kiṁtattvaṁ brahmavādinām ।
purāṇēṣvaṣṭādaśasu smr̥tiṣvaṣṭādaśasvapi ॥
caturvēdēṣu śāstrēṣu vidyāsvādhyātmikē'pi ca ।
sarvēṣu vidyādānēṣu vighnasūryēśaśaktiṣu ।
ētēṣu madhyē kiṁ tattvaṁ kathaya tvaṁ mahābala ॥
hanūmānhōvāca ॥
bhō yōgīndrāścaiva r̥ṣayō viṣṇubhaktāstathaiva ca ।
śruṇudhvaṁ māmakīṁ vācaṁ bhavabandhavināśinīm ॥
ētēṣu caiva sarvēṣu tattvaṁ ca brahma tārakam ।
rāma ēva paraṁ brahma tattvaṁ śrīrāmō brahma tārakam ॥
Great sages like Sanaka and others, similarly other seers, and the devotees of Vishnu like Prahlada as Hanumat thus.
O Son of Vayu, the mighty- armed one, what is the truth propounded by the Vedic seers which is to be recognized as the truth among the teachings of the eighteen Puranas and the eighteen Smrti-s;
The four Vedas, the various Shastras, the lores relating to the atman and the schools of thought of worshippers of Ganapati, Sun, Shiva and Shakti?
Pray, expound this, O mighty one.
Hanuman replied thus: O great seers sages and devotees of Vishnu listen to my words which will destroy the bondage of worldly existence.
Among all these, the truth is the Brahman, the Savior, Rama alone is the Supreme Brahman. Rama alone is the highest austerity, Rama alone is the supreme truth, Sri Rama is the Brahman, the Saviour.
Translation A.A Ramanathan
Sanskrit Reference: श्री राम रहस्योपनिषद् (śrī rāma rahasyopaniṣad) (1.1-1.6)

द्विधमहाइतिहासशास्त्रे (dvidhamahāitihāsaśāstre – twofold major epic-scriptures)

   While we know that there are more than 300 scriptures dealing with the श्रीमद् रामायण (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa– sacred journey of Rama), the foremost the best among them is, of course, the one very beautifully captured by the poetic genius in sage श्री वाल्मीकिमहऋषि (śrī vālmīkimahaṛṣi) as part of his magnum opus महा इतिहासकाव्य (mahā itihāsakāvya – grand historic epic) more popularly called as श्रीमद् वाल्मीकिरमायण (śrīmad vālmīkiramāyaṇa).  Before proceeding further, I would like to whole heartedly offer my निश्छल नमस्कार (niśchala namaskāra - sincere salutation) to this noble saint-poet:

कूजन्तं राम रामेति मधुरं मधुराक्षरम् ।
आरुह्य कविताशाखां वन्दे वाल्मीकिकोकिलम् ॥
kūjantaṁ rāma rāmēti madhuraṁ madhurākṣaram ।
āruhya kavitāśākhāṁ vandē vālmīkikōkilam ॥
I salute the cuckoo, that is verily the sage Vālmīki himself, which having climbled the branch of poetry, and sweetly coos the sweet syllables "Rāma Rāma".
-translation source internet
Sanskrit Reference: श्रीवल्मिकिवन्दनश्लोक (śrīvalmikivandanaśloka)


    Next, I would like to extend my विनम्र नमस्कार (vinamra namaskāra - humble salutation) to his magnum opus masterpiece श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya)

चरितं रघुनाथस्य शतकोटिप्रविस्तरम्।
एकैकमक्षरं पुंसां महापातकनाशनम् ॥
वाल्मीकिगिरिसम्भूता रामाम्भोनिधिसङ्गता ।
श्रीमद्रामायणी गङ्गा पुनाति भुवनत्रयम् ॥
वाल्मीकेर्मुनिसिंहस्य कवितावनचारिणः ।
शृण्वन् रामकथानादं को न याति परां गतिम् ॥
caritaṁ raghunāthasya śatakōṭipravistaram।
ēkaikamakṣaraṁ puṁsāṁ mahāpātakanāśanam ॥
vālmīkigirisambhūtā rāmāmbhōnidhisaṅgatā ।
śrīmadrāmāyaṇī gaṅgā punāti bhuvanatrayam ॥
vālmīkērmunisiṁhasya kavitāvanacāriṇaḥ ।
śr̥ṇvan rāmakathānādaṁ kō na yāti parāṁ gatim ॥
The biography of Raghunatha is hundreds of millions of pages long.
Each of these syllables destroys the greatest sins of men.
It was born on the mountain of Valmiki and is associated with the treasure of the waters of Rama
The Śrīmad-Rāmayāṇī, the Ganges, purifies the three worlds.
The poems of the lion sage Valmiki wandered in the forest
Who does not attain the supreme destination by hearing the sound of the story of Lord Rāmacandra?.
-translation source internet
Sanskrit Reference: श्रीमद् रामायण नमस्कार श्लोक (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa namaskāra ślōka)

Finally, I would like to offer my deepest reverence to भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti) who is the भव्य महाकाव्यस्य परमनायकः (bhavya mahākāvyasya paramanāyakaḥ - ultimate hero of the grand epic) and further extend it to all His प्रियतम परिवाराः (priyatama parivārāḥ - beloved entourages) who are the भव्य महाकाव्यनाटकस्य प्रमुखाः अभिनेतारः (bhavya mahākāvyanāṭakasya pramukhāḥ abhinētāraḥ - key actors in the grand epic drama) viz.  श्रीमति सीतादेवी (śrīmati sītādevī), लक्ष्मण (lakṣmaṇa), शत्रुघ्न (śatrughna), भरत (bharata), हौनुमान् (haunumān), शुग्रीव  (śugrīva), अङ्गद (aṅgada) & जाम्बवान् (jāmbavān) and several others.

वैदेहीसहितं सुरद्रुमतले हेमे महामण्डपे
मध्ये पुष्पकमासने मणिमये वीरासने सुस्थितम् |
अग्रे वाचयति प्रभञ्जनसुते तत्त्वं मुनिभ्यः परं
व्याख्यान्तं भरतादिभिः परिवृतं रामं भजे श्यामलम् || ||
वामे भूमिसुता पुरश्च हनुमान् पश्चात् सुमित्रासुतः
शत्रुघ्नो भरतश्च पार्श्वदलयो वाय्वाधिकोणेषु च |
सुग्रीवश्च विभीषणश्च युवराज् तारासुतो जाम्बवान्
मध्ये नील सरोज कोमलरुचिं रामं भजे श्यामलम् || ||
vaidēhīsahitaṁ suradrumatalē hēmē mahāmaṇḍapē
madhyē puṣpakamāsanē maṇimayē vīrāsanē susthitam |
agrē vācayati prabhañjanasutē tattvaṁ munibhyaḥ paraṁ
vyākhyāntaṁ bharatādibhiḥ parivr̥taṁ rāmaṁ bhajē śyāmalam ||
vāmē bhūmisutā puraśca hanumān paścāt sumitrāsutaḥ
śatrughnō bharataśca pārśvadalayō vāyvādhikōṇēṣu ca |
sugrīvaśca vibhīṣaṇaśca yuvarāj tārāsutō jāmbavān
madhyē nīla sarōja kōmalaruciṁ rāmaṁ bhajē śyāmalam ||
I sing in praise of that dark - grey - complexioned Rama who accompanied by Vaidehi under the divine Kalpaka tree in the golden auditorium is gracefully seated on this centrally situated gem-studded and majestically architected Pushpah with Hanuman in the fore expostulating the highest philosophy with the Rishis offering explanation thereon and surrounded by Bharata and others. The beautiful pattAbhishekam scene, where Raama is surrounded by family and devotees is described with affection. The great Raghuveeran is seated in veerAsanam and is like a beautiful blue lotus in hue. HanumAn is holding His lotus feet in front of the throne. SitA devi is seated on His left side. LaxmaNa stands behind and holds the umbrella as a royal insignia. Bharatha and Satrugna are at two corners. Sri Raama is seated in the midst of his retinue (parivaaram) of fellow soldiers, Sugreevan, VibhishaNan, prince Angathan, son of TaarA and the great bear JaambhavAn. The blue effulgence in the middle of all of them is the object of our meditation as we begin our salutation to Shri Rama.
-translation source internet
Sanskrit Reference: श्रीमद् रामायण नमस्कार श्लोक (śrīmad rāmāyaṇa namaskāra ślōka)


    Let let us next understand a little more about the concept of महा इतिहासकाव्य (mahā itihāsakāvya – grand historic epic). इतिहास (itihāsa - epic) is a special type of scripture which provides an historical account of the major incidents and provides a record of the major philosophical and moral teachings that underlies those happenings. Literally, the Sanskrit term “इतिहास (itihāsa)” means “इति आस् (iti ha ās – as it happened)” while etymologically the term “इतिहास (itihāsa)” is derived as a combination of the following terms  “इति (iti – thus/as)”,  “ (ha – verily/is)” & “आस (āsa - happened)”. A popular definition of the term “इतिहास (itihāsa)” is given below: 

इति हेत्यव्ययं पारंपर्योपदेशाभ्यधायी तस्य असनम् आसः अवस्थानम् एतेष्विति इतिहासः।iti hetyavyayaṃ pāraṃparyopadeśābhyadhāyī tasya asanam āsaḥ avasthānam eteṣviti itihāsaḥ।An epic records the teachings and narrates previous occurrences.
Sanskrit Reference: प्रसिद्ध श्लोक (prasiddha śloka – popular verse)

   In other words, इतिहास (itihāsa - history) means “एवं खलु घटितम् (ēvaṁ khalu ghaṭitam - thus it verily happened)” or more clearly defining “यथा सत्यं घटितम् (yathā satyaṁ ghaṭitam - as it truly happened)”. Again, according to अमरकोश (amarakośa), which is a very famous संस्कृतपदानां शब्दकोशः (saṁskr̥tapadānāṁ śabdakōśa - thesaurus of Sanskrit terms), the term इतिहास (itihāsa - history) is so called since it provides पूर्वघटनानां ऐतिहासिकं कथनम् (pūrvaghaṭanānāṁ aitihāsikaṁ kathanam- historic narrative of the past events).   

    Thus, इतिहास (itihāsa) is essentially deals with history of important events that occurred in the past. But more importantly, it provides a record of the past teachings, particularly in terms of the चतुर्विध पुरुषार्थाः (caturvidha puruṣārthāḥ - four-fold human pursuits) viz. धर्म (dharma - morals)अर्थ (artha - wealth)काम (kāma - desire)मोक्ष (mokṣa - liberation). This fact is testified by the following popular प्रसिद्ध श्लोक (prasiddha śloka – popular verse)

धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणाम् उपदेश समन्वितम्।
पुरार्वृत्तकथायुक्तम् इतिहासं प्रचक्षते॥
dharmārthakāmamokṣāṇām upadeśa samanvitam।
purārvṛttakathāyuktam itihāsaṃ pracakṣate॥
It is said that history contains stories from ancient times, It contains the precepts of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
-translation source internet
Sanskrit Reference: बृहद भागवतामृत टीका (br̥hada bhāgavatāmr̥ta ṭīkā) (2.1.110)

n, both श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya) as well as श्रीमद् व्यास महाभारत (śrīmad vyāsa mahābhārata) technically belong to the category of महा इतिहास काव्य शास्त्र (mahā itihāsa kāvya śāstra – grand historic epic literature). The following table summarizes about two most popular epics forming an integral part of Hindu religious culture. 



काव्यनायक (kāvyanāyaka - epic hero)

ऋषिमुनिकवि (ṛṣimunikavi - seer-sage-poet)


(# verses)


श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya)

भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti)  

श्री वल्मीकमहऋषि (śrī valmīkamahaṛṣi)



श्रीमद् व्यास महाभारत इतिहासकाव्य (vyāsa mahābhārata itihāsakāvya)

भगवान् श्री कृष्णपरमात्मन् (bhagavān śrī kṛṣṇaparamātman).

श्री व्यासमहऋषि (śrī vyāsamahaṛṣi)



Each महा इतिहास काव्य शास्त्र (mahā itihāsa kāvya śāstra – grand historic epic literature) is like the live biographical account tracking the specific milestone events in the life of a historically important person by some of his contemporary historians; It is like writing “The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna” which is a famous biography on भगवान् श्री रामकृष्ण परमहंस (bhagavān śrī rāmakṛṣṇa paramahaṃsa) by his eminent scholar disciple - श्री महेन्द्रनाथ्गुप्त (śrī mahendranāthgupta), or the similar biography one on श्री औरोबिन्दोगोश् (śrī aurobindogoś – Sri Aurobindo Gosh) by the eminent scholar-disciple श्री श्रिनिवासा ऐयङ्गार् (śrī śrinivāsā aiyaṅgār -  Sri Srinivasa Aiyengar), or on the life of the noble saint திரு அருட்பிரகாச இராமலிங்க வள்ளலார் (tiru aruṭpirakāca irāmaliṅka vaḷḷalār) by his disciple திரு  தொழுவூர் வேலாயுத முதலியார் (tiru  toḻuvūr vēlāyuta mutaliyār), etc. In other words, it is a biography written during the hero’s lifetime itself. Similarly, in the case of திரு  தொழுவூர் வேலாயுத முதலியார் (tiru  toḻuvūr vēlāyuta mutaliyār). In all the above examples on famous biographies, the biographer lived in the same contemporary times of the respective saints, capturing “एवं खलु घटितम् (ēvaṁ khalu ghaṭitam - thus it verily happened)”, the important spiritual milestones in the life of these saints.

    However, please remember that there is a key difference between such समकालीन चरित्राणि (samakālīna caritrāṇi – contemporary biographies) cited above and the द्विधमहाइतिहासशास्त्रे (dvidhamahāitihāsaśāstre – twofold major epic-scriptures) viz. श्रीमद् वाल्मीकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (śrīmad vālmīki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya) & श्रीमद् व्यास महाभारत (śrīmad vyāsa mahābhārata), since in the latter case, the biographers are themselves evolved ऋषिमुनिकव्यः (ṛṣimunikavyaḥ - seer-sage-poets) viz.  श्री वल्मीकमहऋषि (śrī valmīkamahaṛṣi) & श्री व्यासमहऋषि (śrī vyāsamahaṛṣi), who, through their गूढ योग प्रज्ञा दर्शन (gūḍha yōga prajñā darśana - vision of occult yogic wisdom) were both envisioning the key event milestones in the lives of the respective काव्यनायकाः (kāvyanāyakāḥ - epic heroes) viz. भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti) & भगवान् श्री कृष्णपरमात्मन् (bhagavān śrī kṛṣṇaparamātman).

श्रुत्वा वस्तु समग्रं तद्धर्मात्मा धर्मसंहितम् ।
व्यक्तमन्वेषते भूयो यद्वृत्तं तस्य धीमत:।।
उपस्पृश्योदकं सम्यग्मुनिस्स्थित्वा कृताञ्जलि:।
प्राचीनाग्रेषु दर्भेषु धर्मेणान्वेषते गतिम् ।।
रामलक्ष्मणसीताभी राज्ञा दशरथेन च ।
सभार्येण सराष्ट्रेण यत्प्राप्तं तत्र तत्त्वत:।।
हसितं भाषितं चैव गतिर्या यच्च चेष्टितम्।
तत्सर्वं धर्मवीर्येण यथावत्सम्प्रपश्यति ।।
स्त्रीतृतीयेन च तदा यत्प्राप्तं चरता वने ।
सत्यसन्धेन रामेण तत्सर्वं चान्ववेक्षितम् ।।
तत: पश्यति धर्मात्मा तत्सर्वं योगमास्थित:।
पुरा यत्तत्र निर्वृत्तं पाणावामलकं यथा ।।
तत्सर्वं तत्त्वतो दृष्ट्वा धर्मेण स महाद्युति:।
अभिरामस्य रामस्य चरितं कर्तुमुद्यत:।।
कामार्थगुणसंयुक्तं धर्मार्थगुणविस्तरम् ।
समुद्रमिव रत्नाढ्यं सर्वश्रुतिमनोहरम् ।।
śrutvā vastu samagraṁ taddharmātmā dharmasaṁhitam ।
vyaktamanvēṣatē bhūyō yadvr̥ttaṁ tasya dhīmata:।।
upaspr̥śyōdakaṁ samyagmunissthitvā kr̥tāñjali:।
prācīnāgrēṣu darbhēṣu dharmēṇānvēṣatē gatim ।।
rāmalakṣmaṇasītābhī rājñā daśarathēna ca ।
sabhāryēṇa sarāṣṭrēṇa yatprāptaṁ tatra tattvata:।।
hasitaṁ bhāṣitaṁ caiva gatiryā yacca cēṣṭitam।
tatsarvaṁ dharmavīryēṇa yathāvatsamprapaśyati ।।
strītr̥tīyēna ca tadā yatprāptaṁ caratā vanē ।
satyasandhēna rāmēṇa tatsarvaṁ cānvavēkṣitam ।।
tata: paśyati dharmātmā tatsarvaṁ yōgamāsthita:।
purā yattatra nirvr̥ttaṁ pāṇāvāmalakaṁ yathā ।।
tatsarvaṁ tattvatō dr̥ṣṭvā dharmēṇa sa mahādyuti:।
abhirāmasya rāmasya caritaṁ kartumudyata:।।
kāmārthaguṇasaṁyuktaṁ dharmārthaguṇavistaram ।
samudramiva ratnāḍhyaṁ sarvaśrutimanōharam ।।
Hearing the entire story of Rama from the intellecual Narada, the righteous (Valmiki) sought to know clearly more about the history of Rama endowed with wisdom.
Having performed achamana, Valmiki seated on kusha grass with folded palms, searched for the course of past events in the history of Rama by his power of penance.
By the power of his penance, the holy sage visualised clearly Rama, Lakshmana and Sita, king Dasaratha, his wives and his kingdom and all that they had observed, experienced, endeavoured during the course of events. He also visualised clearly their laughter and conversation exactly as in real life.
All that was acquired by truthful Rama, Lakshmana and wife Sita as the third person when they were moving in the Dandakaranya forest, was visualised.
Highly resplendent Valmiki, having visualised the story (of Rama), with his power of penance and blending the merits of attainment of worldly prosperity and pleasures together with the detailed description of the merit of righteousness as an end and aim, like an ocean filled with gems, got ready to compose the story of delightful Rama which regales everybody's ears.
The divine sage, composed the history of Rama born in the race of Raghu, just as it was related by the illustrious sage Narada in the past.
-translation source internet
Sanskrit Reference: श्रीमद् वाल्मीकिरमायण (śrīmad vālmīkiramāyaṇa) (1.3.1-9)

Thus, in the case of the द्विधमहाइतिहासशास्त्रे (dvidhamahāitihāsaśāstre – twofold major epic-scriptures) viz. वाल्मिकि रामायण इतिहासकाव्य (vālmiki rāmāyaṇa itihāsakāvya) & व्यास महाभारत इतिहासकाव्य (vyāsa mahābhārata itihāsakāvya), the biographical recordings were recorded not just ordinary mortal scholars or historians but by saints who were themselves highly evolved spiritual visionaries – technically referred as a महऋषिमुन्यः (mahaṛṣimunyaḥ– supreme seer sages). Again, according to science of Vedic etymology, a spiritual sage is called a ऋषि (ṛṣi - seer) because he is able to दृश्यश्रव्यक (dṛśyaśravyaka – audio visualize) events through his yogic यौगिकज्ञानदिव्यचक्षुस् / யோகஞானதிவ்வியக்கண் (yaugikadivyacakṣus/ yōgajñāṉadivviyakkaṇ  -  yogic gnostic spiritual eye) from the highest states of ब्रह्मज्ञान (brahmajñāna – spiritual wisdom) viz. विज्ञानमयकोश (vijñānamayakośa – gnosis predominant realm), आनन्दमयकोश (ānandamayakośa – bliss predominant realm)  and beyond.  

महऋषि वाल्मीकि (mahaṛṣi vālmīki – supreme seer/sage valmiki) was a contemporary of Lord भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti) who in turn is the महा विभव अवतार (mahā vibhava avatāra – supreme glorious incarnation) during the त्रेतायुग (tretā yuga).  महऋषि वाल्मीकि (mahaṛṣi vālmīki – supreme seer/sage valmiki) composed the epic poem recording the history of भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti).  In fact, श्री वलिमिक रामायणम् (śrī valimika rāmāyaṇam) itself testifies the encounters between भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti) and the saint-poet.

Similarly, महाभारत (mahābhārata) is a महा इतिहास काव्य शास्त्र (mahā itihāsa kāvya śāstra – grand historic epic literature) yogically recorded by sage व्यास महऋषि (vyāsa mahaṛṣi) who lived during the contemporary period of the events in the महाभारत (mahābhārata). This noble महऋषिमुनिकवि (mahaṛṣimunikavi – supreme seer-sage-poet) visualized these events as they were happening and recorded the same with the help of none other than श्री गणेशभगवान् (śrī gaṇeśabhagavān) who played the role of a यौगिकलिपिक (yaugikalipika – yogic scribe).

In other words, the events are happening in a continuum traversing through all the realms of consciousness – physical / terrestrial, vital, psychic as well as gnostic, and even spiritual which form a concentric hierarchy of consciousness viz. புரப்புரம் /बाह्यबाह्य (purappuram/bāhyabāhya – external outer)புரம் बाह्य (puram/bāhya – outer)அகப்புரம் /अन्तर्बाह्य (agappuram / antarbāhya - internal outer)அகம்/ अन्तर  (agam – inner) & அகமகம் अन्तरन्तर (agamagam / antarantara – internal inter) respectivelyAnd such a concentric heirarchy is applicable at all the three levels of the पञ्चविध कोशाः अविद्यामाया चैतनस्य (pañcavidha kośāḥ avidyā māyā caitanasya - fivefold sheaths of nescient mystery-consciousness), the पञ्चविध कार्यवस्थाः बद्धात्म चैतन्यस्य (pañcavidha kāryavasthāḥ baddhātma caitanyasya  – five-fold effectual states of corporeal soul-consciousness) and the पञ्चविध स्थूलभूत तत्त्वानि अप्रवृत्ति  चैतन्यस्य (pañcavidha sthūlabhūta tattvāni apravṛtti  caitanyasya – fivefold gross material principles of inertial-consciousness)

Please understand that these boundaries are more epistemological layers rather than ontological tight walls and represent the different hierarchies of the same spiritual continuum of the absolute omnipresent non-dual singularity. At the outermost layer they are manifested as terrestrial historic personalities operating from the जाग्रत् अवस्था (jāgrat avasthā – waking state) in the अन्नमयकोश (annamayakośa – food predominant realm) while at the inner most layer they are operating from the तुरीयातीत अवस्था (turīyātīta avasthā – transcendent state) in the परमानन्दमय कोश (paramānandamaya kośa – supreme bliss predominant realm)


स्थण्डिल स्थानस्य (sthaṇḍila sthānasya – boundary of locus) (A)

कोश अविद्यामाया चैतनस्य (kośa avidyāmāyā caitanasya - sheath of nescient mystery-consciousness) (X)

कार्यवस्था बद्धात्म चैतन्यस्य (kāryavasthā baddhātma caitanyasya  – effectual state of corporeal soul-consciousness) (Y)

स्थूलभूत तत्त्व अप्रवृत्ति  चैतन्यस्य                (sthūlabhūta tattva apravṛtti  caitanyasya – gross material principle of inertial-consciousness) (Z)


 புரப்புரம் /बाह्यबाह्य (purappuram / bāhyabāhya – external outer)

अन्नमयकोश (annamayakośa – food-predominant sheath)

जाग्रत् अवस्था (jāgrat avasthā  waking state)


पृथिवि तत्त्व (pṛthivi tattva – earth principle)


புரம் / बाह्य (puram/bāhya – outer)

प्राणमयकोश् (prāṇamayakośa – vital-predominant sheath)

स्वप्न अवस्था (svapna avasthā  dreaming state)


अपस् तत्त्व (apas tattva – water principle)


அகப்புரம் /अन्तर्बाह्य (agappuram / antarbāhya - internal outer)

मनोमयकोश (manomayakośa – mind-predominant sheath)

सुषुप्ति अवस्था (suupti avasthā  sleeping state)


अग्नि  तत्त्व (agni tattva – fire principle)


அகம்/ अन्तर (agam – inner)  

विज्ञानमयकोश (vijñānamayakośa – wosdom-predominant sheath)

तुरीय अवस्था (turīya avasthā – trance state)

वायु  तत्त्व (vāyu  tattva – air principle)


அகமகம் अन्तरन्तर (agamagam / antarantara – internal inter)

आनन्दमयकोश  (ānandamayakośa – bliss-predominant sheath)

तुरीयातीत अवस्था (turīyātīta avasthā

– transcendent state)


आकाश  तत्त्व (ākāśa  tattva – vaccum principle)


Geometrically speaking these three dimensions viz. कोश अविद्यामाया चैतनस्य (kośa avidyāmāyā caitanasya - sheath of nescient mystery-consciousness) (X)कार्यवस्था बद्धात्म चैतन्यस्य (kāryavasthā baddhātma caitanyasya  – effectual state of corporeal soul-consciousness) (Y) & स्थूलभूत तत्त्व अप्रवृत्ति  चैतन्यस्य (sthūlabhūta tattva apravṛtti  caitanyasya – gross material principle of inertial-consciousness) (Z) in the bove table, are mutually perpendicular to each other as shown below 

    And corresponding to each axises viz. X, Y & Z, there is a five fold nested concentric hierarchical boundaries as listed in A and the mutual interdependencies between them can be graphically visualized as follows:

It is the same reality that that runs through and links the स्थूल रूप (sthūla rūpa – gross form) and the सूक्षम रूप (sūkṣama rūpa – subtle form). The difference between them is in (epistemological) degrees and not in (ontological) kind. As above, so below. To quote Swami Vivekananda 

“The difference between the subtlest mind and the grossest matter is only one of degree. Therefore the whole universe may be called either mind or matter, it does not matter which. You may call the mind refined matter, or the body concretised mind; it makes little difference by which name you call which. All the troubles arising from the conflict between materialism and spirituality are due to wrong thinking. Actually, there is no difference between the two”.

    In fact. the same, logic holds good for all phenomenal entities including the Divine and spiritual personalities – like the Hindu Gods viz. முருகன் (murugan)பிள்ளையார் (piḷḷaiyār)கண்ணன் (kaṇṇaṉ)அம்மன் (amman) etc., as well as saints like அகத்தியர் (agattiyar), மாணிக்கவாசகர் (māṇikkavācakar)திருஞானசம்பந்தர் (tiruñāṉacampantar)திருமூலர் (tirumūlar) etc., just to name a few.  One can always view from the from the outermost material plane and narrate a historical account of their birth, growth, religious mission, and final emancipation etc. or one can view them from the innermost spiritual realm and narrate these personalities as occult शक्ति तत्त्व (śakti tattva – energy principle) in yogic experience. The difference is only from relativistic frame of reference and not in absolute terms i.e. whether you view from evolutionary perspective (outside-in view from grossest to subtlest) or the involutionary perspective (inside-out view from subtlest to grossest). Please remember the involution and evolution are relative phenomenal frames, but not for the absolute omnipresent noumenal reality. It transcends all such boundaries… To quote திரு அருட்பிரகாச இராமலிங்க வள்ளலார் (tiru aruṭpirakāca irāmaliṅka vaḷḷalār), who glorifies such all-embracing omnipresent Divinity in the அருள்விளக்க மாலை (aruḷviḷakka mālai) from his magnum opus spiritual masterpiece திருவருட்பா (tiruvaruṭpā), as follows:

அண்டவள வெவ்வளவோ அவ்வளவும் அவற்றில்
அமைந்தசரா சரஅளவெவ் வளவோஅவ் வளவும்
கண்டதுவாய் ஆங்கவைகள் தனித்தனியே அகத்தும்
காண்புறத்தும் அகப்புறத்தும் புறப்புறத்தும் விளங்க
விண்டகுபே ரருட்சோதிப் பெருவெளிக்கு நடுவே
விளங்கிஒரு பெருங்கருணைக் கொடிநாட்டி அருளாம்
தண்டகும்ஓர் தனிச்செங்கோல் நடத்திமன்றில் நடிக்கும்
தனிஅரசே என்மாலை தாளில்அணிந் தருளே.
நல்லாசொல் யோகாந்தப் பதிகள்பல கோடி
நாட்டியதோர் போதாந்தப் பதிகள்பல கோடி
வல்லார்சொல் கலாந்தநிலைப் பதிகள்பல கோடி
வழுத்தும்ஒரு நாதாந்தப் பதிகள்பல கோடி
இல்லார்ந்த வேதாந்தப் பதிகள்பல கோடி
இலங்குகின்ற சித்தாந்தப் பதிகள்பல கோடி
எல்லாம்பே ரருட்சோதித் தனிச்செங்கோல் நடத்தும்
என்அரசே என்மாலை இனிதுபுனைந் தருளே.
நாட்டியதோர் சுத்தபரா சத்திஅண்டம் முதலா
ஞானசத்தி அண்டமது கடையாக இவற்றுள்
ஈட்டியபற் பலசத்தி சத்தர்அண்டப் பகுதி
எத்தனையோ கோடிகளும் தன்நிழற்கீழ் விளங்கச்
சூட்டியபொன் முடிஇலங்கச் சமரசமெய்ஞ் ஞானச்
சுத்தசிவ சன்மார்க்கப் பெருநிலையில் அமர்ந்தே
நீட்டியபே ரருட்சோதித் தனிச்செங்கோல் நடத்தும்
நீதிநடத் தரசேஎன் நெடுஞ்சொல்அணிந் தருளே.
தன்பெருமை தான்அறியாத் தன்மையனே எனது
தனித்தலைவா என்னுயிர்க்குள் இனித்ததனிச் சுவையே
நின்பெருமை நான்அறியேன் நான்மட்டோ அறியேன்
நெடுமால்நான் முகன்முதலா மூர்த்திகளும் அறியார்
அன்புறும்ஆ கமமறைகள் அறியாவே எனினும்
அவரும்அவை களும்சிலசொல் அணிகின்றார் நினக்கே
என்பருவம் குறியாதே எனையாண்ட அரசே
யானும்அவர் போல்அணிகின் றேன்அணிந்திங் கருளே
aṇṭavaḷa vevvaḷavō avvaḷavum avaṟṟil
amaintacarā cara'aḷavev vaḷavō'av vaḷavum
kaṇṭatuvāy āṅkavaikaḷ taṉittaṉiyē akattum
kāṇpuṟattum akappuṟattum puṟappuṟattum viḷaṅka
viṇṭakupē raruṭcōtip peruveḷikku naṭuvē
viḷaṅki'oru peruṅkaruṇaik koṭināṭṭi aruḷām
taṇṭakumōr taṉicceṅkōl naṭattimaṉṟil naṭikkum
taṉi'aracē eṉmālai tāḷilaṇin taruḷē.
nallācol yōkāntap patikaḷpala kōṭi
nāṭṭiyatōr pōtāntap patikaḷpala kōṭi
vallārcol kalāntanilaip patikaḷpala kōṭi
vaḻuttumoru nātāntap patikaḷpala kōṭi
illārnta vētāntap patikaḷpala kōṭi
ilaṅkukiṉṟa cittāntap patikaḷpala kōṭi
ellāmpē raruṭcōtit taṉicceṅkōl naṭattum
eṉaracē eṉmālai iṉitupuṉain taruḷē.
nāṭṭiyatōr cuttaparā catti'aṇṭam mutalā
ñāṉacatti aṇṭamatu kaṭaiyāka ivaṟṟuḷ
īṭṭiyapaṟ palacatti cattar'aṇṭap pakuti
ettaṉaiyō kōṭikaḷum taṉniḻaṟkīḻ viḷaṅkac
cūṭṭiyapoṉ muṭi'ilaṅkac camaracameyñ ñāṉac
cuttaciva caṉmārkkap perunilaiyil amarntē
nīṭṭiyapē raruṭcōtit taṉicceṅkōl naṭattum
nītinaṭat taracē'eṉ neṭuñcolaṇin taruḷē.
taṉperumai tāṉaṟiyāt taṉmaiyaṉē eṉatu
taṉittalaivā eṉṉuyirkkuḷ iṉittataṉic cuvaiyē
niṉperumai nāṉaṟiyēṉ nāṉmaṭṭō aṟiyēṉ
neṭumālnāṉ mukaṉmutalā mūrttikaḷum aṟiyār
aṉpuṟumā kamamaṟaikaḷ aṟiyāvē eṉiṉum
avarumavai kaḷumcilacol aṇikiṉṟār niṉakkē
eṉparuvam kuṟiyātē eṉaiyāṇṭa aracē
yāṉumavar pōlaṇikiṉ ṟēṉaṇintiṅ karuḷē
In the vastness of her grace, she stands tall,
With beauty that surpasses them all.
Her eyes behold the wonders of the world,
Radiating light, like stars unfurled.

She is the embodiment of compassion's might,
Guiding us through darkness, shining bright.
In her gentle footsteps, we find solace,
As she adorns the night with her divine grace.

Words of wisdom, like countless stars in the sky,
Echo through time, never to die.
Poetry of dance, in every step she takes,
Melodies of love, her touch awakes.

She is the queen of my heart's desire,
Enchanting me with her celestial fire.
In the realm of purity, she reigns supreme,
A beacon of light, in my every dream.

The art of dance, a sacred rhythm's embrace,
The essence of knowledge, in every space.
Countless verses, in her divine shrine,
Resonate beneath the golden shine.

In the realm of wisdom, she finds her place,
In the realm of truth, her light we embrace.
In the realm of loveIn the vastness of her grace, she stands tall,
With beauty that surpasses them all.
Her eyes behold the wonders of the world,
Radiating light, like stars unfurled.

She is the embodiment of compassion's might,
Guiding us through darkness, shining bright.
In her gentle footsteps, we find solace,
As she adorns the night with her divine grace.

Words of wisdom, like countless stars in the sky,
Echo through time, never to die.
Poetry of dance, a million verses unfold,
Expressing emotions, untold stories untold.

The power of language, in its purest form,
Resonates deeply, amidst the storm.
From the depths of Vedanta's ancient lore,
To the bliss of Siddhanta's sacred core.

In the realm of knowledge, she reigns supreme,
Enlightening souls, like a radiant beam.
With every step she takes, the world is blessed,
Her words of justice, a soothing caress.

Her greatness, unknown to her own eyes,
Within her being, a sweet surprise.
I may not fully comprehend her worth,
But her divine form, the gods unearth.

Love transcends all barriers, it is true,
Her words embrace me, and they do.
In her verses, I find solace and peace,
For she is my queen, and I am at ease.

Seasons may change, and time may pass,
But I remain steadfast, like a looking glass.
In her presence, I find solace and grace,
For she is my queen, and I am embraced.

-translation attempt based on Gen AI based LLM
Tamil Reference: திருவருட்பா :அருள்விளக்க மாலை (tiruvaruṭpā : aruḷviḷakka mālai)


ब्रह्मविद्या ईश्वर अवतारस्य (brahmavidyā īśvara avatārasya – spiritual science of divine incarnation)

    Before moving on let us try to understand the philosophy underlying the concept of अवतार (avatāra - incarnation).  Although, one cannot find much references to the term अवतार (avatāra - incarnation) in the original वेदश्रुतिः (vedaśrutiḥ - vedic revelations) viz. चतुर्वेदसंहिताः (caturvedasaṃhitāḥ - four vedic corpuses) nor even in the प्रस्थानत्रयी वेदान्तदर्शनस्य (prasthānatrayī vedāntadarśanasya – primary triad of final wisdom philosophy), yet it plays an integral role in the उत्तरमीमांस वेदान्त सम्प्रदायाः (uttaramīmāṃsa vedānta sampradāyāḥ - posterior inquiry final wisdom traditions) and more specifically in the different sub-schools of वैष्णवमत संप्रदायाः (vaiṣṇavamata saṃpradāyāḥ - vaishnava theological traditions). The earliest reference of the term can be traced back to अष्टाध्यायी (aṣṭādhyāyī), a famous treatise on classical Sanskrit Grammar written by श्री पाणिनि महऋषि (śrī pāṇini mahaṛṣi).  However, the greatest coverage to the term occurs in the महापुराण शास्त्राणि (mahāpurāṇa śāstrāṇi – grand puranic scriptures) and the आगमशास्त्रसंहिताः (āgamaśāstrasaṃhitāḥ - agamic scriptural corpuses).

The term अवतार (avatāra - incarnation) literally is related to the term ‘अवतारण (avatāraṇa - descent)’, as it is etymologically derived from the Sanskrit roots अव (ava - below)’ & ‘तार् (tār – coming down)’.  In spiritual terms, it implies the अवतारण देवत्वस्य (avatāraṇa devatvasya – descent of divinity), or in other words corresponds to the philosophical doctrine of शक्तिनिपात / शक्तिपात (śaktinipāta / śaktipāta – descent of power).

In philosophical terms of पाञ्चरात्रागमसंहिता (pāñcarātrāgamasaṃhitā – pancaratra agamic corpus)for instance, Lord श्रिमन् नारायण / महाविष्णु (śriman nārāyaṇa / mahāviṣṇu) could potentially take following types of पञ्चविध वर्गाः अवताराणाम् (pañcavidha vargāḥ avatārāṇām – fivefold classes of incarnations) viz. 



             वर्ग अवतारस्य (varga avatārasya – class of incarnation)


परवासुदेव (paravāsudeva – transcendent universal being)


महव्यूह अवताराः महाविष्णौ (mahavyūha avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇau - grand divisional incarnations of Maha Vishnu)


महाविभव अवताराः महाविष्णौ (mahāvibhava avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇau - grand majestic incarnations of Maha Vishnu)


अन्तर्यामिन् अवतार महाविष्णौः (antaryāmin avatāra mahāviṣṇauḥ - indweller incarnation of Maha Vishnu)


अर्चावतार मूर्तिह् महाविष्णौः (arcāvatāra mūrtih mahāviṣṇauḥ - iconic incarnations of Maha Vishnu)

The महाविभव अवताराः महाविष्णौ (mahāvibhava avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇau - grand majestic incarnations of Maha Vishnu) can further be sub-classified into six kinds according to scriptures like the गर्गसंहिता (gargasaṃhitā)


उपवर्ग महविभव अवताराराणाम् (upavarga mahavibhava avatārārāṇām – sub-class of supreme majestic incarnation)


पूरण अव्ताराः महाविष्णौः (pūraṇa avtārāḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - holistic incarnations of Maha Vishnu)


लीला अवताराः महाविष्णौः (līlā avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - playful incarnations of Maha Vishnu)


अंश अवताराः महाविष्णौः (aṃśa avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - aspective incarnations of Maha Vishnu)


आवेश अवताराः महाविष्णौः (āveśa avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - angry incarnations of Maha Vishnu)


गुण अवताराः  महाविष्णौः (guṇa avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - quality incarnations of Maha Vishnu)


काल अवताराः महाविष्णौः (kāla avatārāḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - temporal incarnations of Maha Vishnu)

Amongst the various अवताराः श्री महाविष्णोः (avatāraḥ śrī mahāviṣṇoḥ - nineth supreme glorious incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu), the following पूरण अव्ताराः महाविष्णौः (pūraṇa avtārāḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - holistic incarnations of Maha Vishnu) are considered to be the दश महाविभव पूरण अवतारः महाविष्णौः (daśa mahāvibhava pūraṇa avatāraḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - ten supreme glorious holistic incarnations of Maha Vishnu) 

The दश महाविभव पूरण अवतारः महाविष्णौः (daśa mahāvibhava pūraṇa avatāraḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - ten supreme glorious holistic incarnations of Maha Vishnuis very beautifully glorified in the famous दशावतारस्तोत्रम् (daśāvatārastotram – ten incarnations eulogy) composed by श्री वेदान्तदेशिकाचार्य (śrī vedāntadeśikācārya) an important परमाचार्य (paramācārya – supreme preceptor) belonging to the श्री वैष्णवमत संप्रदाय (śrī vaiṣṇavamata saṃpradāya), formally founded by श्री रामानुजाचार्य (śrī rāmānujācārya) to preach the विशिष्टाद्वैतवेदान्तदर्शन (viśiṣṭādvaitavedāntadarśana – qualified non-dualistic final-wisdom philosophy).  I shall now quote a few verses from the same

देवो नश्शुभमातनोतु दशधा निर्वर्तयन्भूमिकां
रङ्गे धामनि लब्धनिर्भररसैरध्यक्षितो भावुकैः ।
यद्भावेषु पृथग्विधेष्वनुगुणान्भावान् स्वयं बिभ्रती
यद्धर्मैरिह धर्मिणी विहरते नानाकृतिर्नायिका॥

नाथायैव नमःपदं भवतु नश्चित्रैश्चरित्रक्रमै-
र्भूयोभिर्भुवानान्यमूनि कुहनागोपाय गोपायते।
कालिन्दीरसिकाय कालियफणिस्फारस्फटावाटिका
रङ्गोत्सङ्गविशङ्कचंक्रमधुरापर्यायचर्याय ते ॥
devo naśśubhamātanotu daśadhā nirvartayanbhūmikāṃ
raṅge dhāmani labdhanirbhararasairadhyakṣito bhāvukaiḥ ।
yadbhāveṣu pṛthagvidheṣvanuguṇānbhāvān svayaṃ bibhratī
yaddharmairiha dharmiṇī viharate nānākṛtirnāyikā॥

nāthāyaiva namaḥpadaṃ bhavatu naścitraiścaritrakramai-
rbhūyobhirbhuvānānyamūni kuhanāgopāya gopāyate।
kālindīrasikāya kāliyaphaṇisphārasphaṭāvāṭikā
raṅgotsaṅgaviśaṅkacaṃkramadhurāparyāyacaryāya te ॥
Let the God, who has acted in ten different roles,
In the great Stage of this world and made happiness reach his devotees,
And the Goddess who acted in appropriate roles along with him,
Playing the proper Dharma suitable to his Dharma, Grant us all that is good.

Let our phrase I salute belong only to that Lord,
Who protects this world by his surprising actions,
Who found the waters of Yamuna tasty,
And who fearlessly danced in the centre of the wide hood of the snake Kaliya,
As if it is a stage and who is but a cowherd boy doing these great actions.

-translated by P. R. Ramachander

Sanskrit Reference: दशावतारस्तोत्रम् (daśāvatārastotram) (1,10)

And भगवान् श्री रामचन्द्रमूर्ति (bhagavān śrī rāmacandramūrti) & भगवान् श्री कृष्ण परमात्मन् (bhagavān śrī kṛṣṇa paramātman) are considered the most important amongst the दश महाविभव पूरण अवतारः महाविष्णौः (daśa mahāvibhava pūraṇa avatāraḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - ten supreme glorious holistic incarnations of Maha Vishnu).

The famous महामन्त्र षोडशकनामानाम् (mahāmantra ṣoḍaśakanāmānām – supreme mantra of sixteen names) originally revealed to श्री नारदमहऋषि (śrī nāradamahaṛṣi) at the end of the द्वापरयुग (dvāparayuga – second epoch) by none other than the Lord श्री ब्रह्मा / हिरण्यगर्भ (śrī brahmā / hiraṇyagarbha) in the कलिसन्तरणोपनिषद् (kalisantaraṇopaniṣad) which belongs to the कृष्णयजुर्वेदसंहिता (kṛṣṇayajurvedasaṃhitā – black Yajurveda corpus) glorifies thus: 

नारदः पुनः पप्रच्छ तन्नाम किमिति । स होवाच हिरण्यगर्भः।
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे।
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे

इति षोडशकं नाम्नां कलिकल्मषनाशनम्।
नातः परतरोपायः सर्ववेदेषु दृश्यते ।
इति षोडशकलावृतस्य जीवस्यावरणविनाशनम् ।
ततः प्रकाशते परं ब्रह्म मेघापाये रविरश्मिमण्डलीवेति ।।
nāradaḥ punaḥ papraccha tannāma kimiti । sa hovāca hiraṇyagarbhaḥ।
hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare।
hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare

iti ṣoḍaśakaṃ nāmnāṃ kalikalmaṣanāśanam।
nātaḥ parataropāyaḥ sarvavedeṣu dṛśyate ।
iti ṣoḍaśakalāvṛtasya jīvasyāvaraṇavināśanam ।
tataḥ prakāśate paraṃ brahma meghāpāye raviraśmimaṇḍalīveti ।।
Nārada then asked for the (holy) names (of the Lord). Brahmā responded thus (The names are):
Oh Hari, Oh Rāma, Oh Hari, Oh Rāma,
Oh Rāma, Oh Rāma, Oh Hari, Oh Hari,
Oh Hari, Oh Kṛṣṇa, Oh Hari, Oh Kṛṣṇa,
Oh Kṛṣṇa, Oh Kṛṣṇa, Oh Hari, Oh Hari.
These (are) the sixteen names which destroy the evil effects of the iron-age. A better means than this is not seen in all the Vedas.
This (prayer) destroys the veil that clouds the individual self with the sixteen (gross) elements (kalās). There upon shines the supreme Brahman (in all its glory) just like the radiant disk of the sun at the disappearance of the clouds.

-translation by A.A. Ramanathan
Sanskrit Reference: कलिसन्तरणोपनिषद् (kalisantaraṇopaniṣad)

In the श्री गौडीय वैष्णवमत संप्रदाय (śrī gauḍīya vaiṣṇavamata saṃpradāya) formally founded by श्रील श्री कृष्ण चैतन्य महाप्रभु (śrīla śrī kṛṣṇa caitanya mahāprabhu) for preaching अचिन्त्यभेदाभेदवेदान्तदर्शन (acintyabhedābhedavedāntadarśana – inconceivable different yet non-different final-wisdom philosophy)the above महामन्त्र षोडशकनामानाम् (mahāmantra ṣoḍaśakanāmānām – supreme mantra of sixteen names) was customized by the order of the two lines and rendered for chanting

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे।
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे॥

hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare।
hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare॥
Oh Hari, Oh Kṛṣṇa, Oh Hari, Oh Kṛṣṇa,
Oh Kṛṣṇa, Oh Kṛṣṇa, Oh Hari, Oh Hari,
Oh Hari, Oh Rāma, Oh Hari, Oh Rāma,
Oh Rāma, Oh Rāma, Oh Hari, Oh Hari.

Sanskrit Reference: कलिसन्तरणोपनिषद् (kalisantaraṇopaniṣad)

Interestingly, according to the esoteric cosmological science defined in the महापुराण्शास्त्राणि (mahāpurāṇśāstrāṇi – grand puranic scriptures), the actual incarnation of  the दश महाविभव पूरण अवतारः महाविष्णौः (daśa mahāvibhava pūraṇa avatāraḥ mahāviṣṇauḥ - ten supreme glorious holistic incarnations of Maha Vishnu) is, temporally speaking, spread out across the चतुर्युगाः चक्र अन्तरेण प्रतिपदमन्वन्तर समग्र कल्पस्य (caturyugāḥ cakra antareṇa pratipadamanvantara samagra kalpasya – four-epochs cycle within each patriarchate of every aeon)  in the ब्रह्माण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (brahmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) of 4:3:2:1


उपवर्ग महविभव अवताराराणाम् (upavarga mahavibhava avatārārāṇām – sub-class of supreme majestic incarnation)

युग (yuga –epoch)

Ascending order of evolution

Terrestrial Duration

(in human years)


श्री मत्स्य अवतार (śrī matsya avatāra –sacred fish incarnation)

कृत्यायुग (kṛtyāyuga – creation epoch)



श्री कूर्म अवतार  (śrī kūrma avatāra – sacred tortoise incarnation)


श्री वराह अवतार  (śrī varāha avatāra – sacred pig incarnation)


श्री नरसिंह अवतार  (śrī narasiṃha avatāra – sacred man-lion incarnation)


श्री वामन / त्रिविक्रम अवतार (śrī vāmana / trivikrama avatāra – sacred dwarf / tri-step incarnation)

त्रेतायुग (tretāyuga – third epoch)



श्री परशुराम अवतार (śrī paraśurāma avatāra – sacred axe-elegance incarnation)


श्री राम अवतार (śrī rāma avatāra – sacred elegance incarnation)


श्री बलराम अवतार (śrī balarāma avatāra – sacred strong-elegance incarnation )

द्वापरयुग (dvāparayuga – second epoch)



श्री कृष्ण अवतार  (śrī kṛṣṇa avatāra – sacred dark incarnation)


श्रि कल्कि अवतार (śrī kalki avatāra – sacred turbid incarnation)

कलियुग (kaliyuga – dark/black epoch)


Before proceeding further, in order to appreciate these concepts better, we need to get some fundamental brush up of the various time scales discussed here. We have already seen that time is generally expressed in units of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. While such denominations are sufficient for most of our practical life, it may not be enough for measuring higher realms of time, both in the microcosmic and the macrocosmic aspects. Hence, a more comprehensive scale of measurement is required and thanks to the Hindu sages whose foresight has helped in defining very elaborate and well thought through काल विद्या (kāla vidyā - science of time). The following table lists the various काल परिमा (kāla parimā – time measures) defined by Hindu wisdom, as articulated in various sacred scriptures, including विष्णु पुराण (viṣṇu purāṇa), श्रीमद् भागवत पुराण (śrīmad bhāgavata purāṇa)सूर्य सिद्धान्त (sūrya siddhānta) etc.

Unit of Measure


1 त्रसरेण (trasareṇu)

The lowest unit of combination of 3 hexatoms

1 तृटि (tṛṭi)

The time taken to integration of 3 त्रसरेणवः (trasareṇavaḥ) =  (approx) 8/13,500th  of a क्षणाः (kṣaṇa - second)  = 1/6787.5th  of a क्षणाः (kṣaṇa - second)

1 वेधः (vedhaḥ)

100 तृट्यः (tṛṭyaḥ)s = 8/135th of a क्षणाः (kṣaṇa - second)

1 लव (lava)

 वेधाः (vedhāḥ)s = 8/45th  of a क्षणाः (kṣaṇa - second)

1 निमिष (nimiṣa- moment)

लवाः (lavāḥ)s = 8/15th  of a क्षणाः (kṣaṇa - second)Etymologically the term निमिष (nimiṣa) means “blinking of the eye”

1 विकला (vikalā)

क्षणाः (kṣaṇa - second)

1 क्षण (kṣaṇa) or 1 परमाणु  (paramāṇu)

निमिषाः (nimiṣāḥ - moments) - Average time taken by a human to blink his eyes once.  - 8/5 क्षणाः (kṣaṇāḥ - seconds)

मात्र  (mātra)

निमिषाः (nimiṣāḥ - moments)

गुरु (guru)

 2 मात्र  (mātra)

प्राण (prāṇa- breath)

10 गुरवः (guravaḥ) =  4 क्षणाः (kṣaṇāḥ - seconds)

काष्टा (kāṣṭā)

51 क्षणाः (kṣaṇāḥ - seconds)  = (approx) 8 क्षणाः (kṣaṇāḥ - seconds)

1 पल (pala) or विघटि (vighaṭi) or  विनाडी (vināḍī)


प्राणाः (prāṇāḥ - breaths) = 60 विपलानि (vipalāni) = 6 परमाणवः (paramāṇavaḥ - micro particles) =3 काष्ठाः (kāṣṭhāḥ) = (approx) 24 क्षणाः (kṣaṇāḥ - seconds)

निमेष (nimeṣa - minute)

60 क्षणाः (kṣaṇāḥ - seconds)

लघु (laghu)

15 काष्ठाः (kāṣṭhāḥ)  =  approx 2 निमेषौ (nimeṣau = minutes)

घटी  / नाडी / ¿¡Æ¢¨¸ / दन्दा (ghaṭī  / nāḍī /   naazhigai /  dandā)

60 पलानि (palāni) =  15 लघवः (laghavaḥ) = (approx) 24 निमेषाः (nimeṣāḥ - minutes)

कला (kalā)

लघु (laghu) = 30 काष्ठाः (kāṣṭhāḥ) = 60 विकला (vikalā) =  1 निमेष (nimeṣa - minute) 

क्शन (kśana)

30 कला (kalā)s

मुहूर्त (muhūrta)

घटी (ghaṭī) = 12 क्षणाः (kṣaṇāḥ - seconds) s  = approx 48 minutes

यमः (yamaḥ)

मुहूर्ताः (muhūrtāḥ) = (approx) 1/4th of a day

करनः (karanaḥ)

2.5 यमाः (yamāḥ) = 15 मुहूर्ताः (muhūrtāḥ) = ½ तिथि (tithi)

तिथि / मनुष्य अहोरात्र (titi/ manuṣya  ahorātra – lunar/sidereal day)

60  घट्यः (ghaṭyaḥ) = करणौ  (karaṇau) यमाः (yamāḥ) = 30 मुहूर्ताः (muhūrtāḥ) = 24 hours (approx).

वार (vāra - week)

7 Solar Day of the week

पक्ष (pakṣa -  fortnight)

15 तिथ्यः (tithyaḥ – lunar days)

मास (māsa  - month)

पक्षौ (pakṣau) = 30 तिथ्यः (tithyaḥ – lunar days) (approx)

lunar month measured in lunar days  

solar month measured in solar days

ऋतु (ṛtu – season)

मासौ (māsau - months)

आयनम् (āyanam - solistice)

ऋत्वः (ṛtvaḥ -seasons) = मासाः (māsāḥ - months)

1 मनुष्य वत्सर (manuśya vatsara  - human year)

आयनम् (āyanam)s = 12 मासाः (māsāḥ - months)  (360 मनुष्य दिनाः (manuṣya dināḥ - human days) approx, 4.5 days rounded of for calculations)

1 पितृ  दिन (pitṛ  dina – ancestral day)  

15 मनुष्य दिनाः (manuṣya dināḥ - human days)

पितृ  रात्रि (pitṛ  rātri – ancestral night)

15 मनुष्य  रात्र्यः (manuṣya rātrayaḥ  -  15 human nights)

पितृ अहोरात्र (pita ahorātra – ancestral daynight)

30 मनुष्य अहोरात्र (manuṣya  ahorātra – day + night= 1 पितृ  दिन (pitṛ  dina – ancestral day) + 1 पितृ  रात्रि (pitṛ  rātri – ancestral night)

देव अहोरात्र (deva ahorātra – divine daynight)

मनुष्य वत्सर (manuśya vatsara  - human year) = 360 मनुष्य दिनाः (manuṣya dināḥ - human days)

देव वत्सर (deva vatsara – divine year)

360 देव अहोरात्र्यः (deva ahorātrayaḥ - divine daynights) = 1,29,600 मनुष्य अहोरात्र्यः (manuṣya ahorātrayaḥ - divine daynights)

कलियुग (kali yuga – dark era)

1200 देव वत्सराः (deva vatsarāḥ – divine years) = 4,32,000 मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years)

द्वापर युग (dvāpara yuga)

2400 देव वत्सराः (deva vatsarāḥ – divine years) =  8,64,000  मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ human years) =2 कलियुगे (kaliyuge – dark eras)

त्रेत युग (treta yuga)

3600 देव वत्सराः (deva vatsarāḥ – divine years) =  1,296,000 मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years) = 3 कलियुगानि (kaliyugāni – dark epochs)

सत्य युग (satya yuga)


4800 देव वत्सराः (deva vatsarāḥ – divine years) = 1,728,000 मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years) =4 कलियुगानि (kaliyugāni – dark epochs)

चतुर् युग (catur yuga) or 1 महायुग (mahāyuga)

12000 देव वत्सराः (deva vatsarāḥ – divine years) =  4,320,000 (4.3 million) मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years)

 1 चतुर्युग (caturyuga) =

कलियुग (kali yuga – dark era) +

द्वापर युग (dvāpara yuga) +

त्रेत युग (treta yuga) +

सत्य युग (satya yuga)

मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate)

71.43 1 महायुगानि (mahāyugāni) =  308,571,428.6 (308.5 million) मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years)

कल्प (kalpa - aeon)

 1000 महायुगानि (mahāyugāni) = 4,320,000,000  (4.32 billion) मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years) Or  14 मन्वन्तराणि (manvantarāṇi - patriarchates)

सूर्यकल्प (suryakalpa – solar aeon)

कल्पाः (kalpāḥ - aeons) = 30,240,000,000 (30.24 billion) मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years)

ब्रह्म दिन (brahma dina – brahma day)


2 कल्पौ (kalpau - aeons) = ब्रह्म अहोरात्र (brahma ahorātra – divine daynight) = 8,640,000,000 (8.64 billion) मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years)

ब्रह्म वत्सर (brahma vatsara – brahma  year)

360 ब्रह्म दिनाः (brahma dināḥ - divine years) = 3,110,400,000,000  (3.1 trillion) मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years).

ब्रह्म आयुस् (brahma āyus – brahma’s lifespan)

100 ब्रह्म वत्सराः (brahma vatsarāḥ – brahma years)  = 311,040,000,000,000 (311 trillion) मनुष्य वत्सराः (manuśya vatsarāḥ  - human years)

Of course, an important point to remember is that there are slight variations on these time scales across different scriptures which are in turn based on the specific time-cycle model they follow. For example, the revered परमाचार्य श्री अभिनवगुप्त (paramācārya śrī abhinavagupta) in his magnum opus masterpiece श्री तन्त्रालोकः (śrī tantrālokaḥ) summarizes thus on the time-scale with a deeper anthropocentric yogic model, while discussing about the essence of time.      

शतानि षट् सहस्राणि चैकविंशतिरित्ययम्।
विभागः प्राणगः षष्टिवर्षाहोरात्र उच्यते॥
विश्वाय्मान्तः स्थितस्तस्य बाह्ये रूपं निरूप्यते॥
षट् प्राणाश्चषकस्तेषां षष्टिर्नाली च तास्तथा।
तिथिस्थत्त्रिशता मासस्ते द्वादश तु वत्सरः॥
अब्दं पित्र्यस्त्वहोरात्र उद्वदक्षिणतोऽयनात्।
पितृणां यत्स्वमानेन वर्षं तद्दिव्यमुच्यते॥
षष्टयधिकं च त्रिशतं वर्षाणमात्र मानुषम्।
तच्च द्वादशाभिर्हत्वा माससंख्यात्र लभ्यते॥
तां पुनसिंत्रशता हत्वाहोरात्रकल्पना वदेत्।
हत्वा तां चैकविंशत्या सहस्त्रैः षट्शतेन च॥
प्राणसंख्यां वदेत्तत्र षष्ट्याद्यब्दोदयं पुनः।
उक्तं च गुतिभिः श्रीमद्रौरवादिस्ववृत्तिषु॥
देवानां यधोरात्रं मानुषाणां स हायनः।
शतत्रयेण षष्ट्या च नृणां विबिधवत्सरः॥
श्रीमत्स्वच्छन्दशास्त्रे च तदेव मतमीक्ष्यते।
पितृणां तदहोरात्रमित्युपक्रम्य पृष्टतः॥
एवं दैवस्तवहोरात्र इति ह्यैक्योपस्ंहृतिः।
तेन ये गुरवः श्रीमत्स्वच्छन्दोक्तिद्वयादितः॥
पित्र्यं वर्षं दिव्यदिनमूचुर्भ्रान्ता हि ते मुधा।
दिव्यार्काब्दसहस्त्राणि युगेषु चतुरादितः॥
एकैकहान्या तावदद्भिः शतैस्तेष्वष्ट संधयः।
चतुर्युगैकसप्तत्या मन्वन्तस्ते चतुर्दश॥
ब्रह्मणोऽहस्तत्र चेन्द्राः क्रमाद्यान्ति चतुर्दश।
śatāni ṣaṭ sahasrāṇi caikaviṃśatirityayam।
vibhāgaḥ prāṇagaḥ ṣaṣṭivarṣāhorātra ucyate॥
viśvāymāntaḥ sthitastasya bāhye rūpaṃ nirūpyate॥
ṣaṭ prāṇāścaṣakasteṣāṃ ṣaṣṭirnālī ca tāstathā।
tithisthattriśatā māsaste dvādaśa tu vatsaraḥ॥
abdaṃ pitryastvahorātra udvadakṣiṇato'yanāt।
pitṛṇāṃ yatsvamānena varṣaṃ taddivyamucyate॥
ṣaṣṭayadhikaṃ ca triśataṃ varṣāṇamātra mānuṣam।
tacca dvādaśābhirhatvā māsasaṃkhyātra labhyate॥
tāṃ punasiṃtraśatā hatvāhorātrakalpanā vadet।
hatvā tāṃ caikaviṃśatyā sahastraiḥ ṣaṭśatena ca॥
prāṇasaṃkhyāṃ vadettatra ṣaṣṭyādyabdodayaṃ punaḥ।
uktaṃ ca gutibhiḥ śrīmadrauravādisvavṛttiṣu॥
devānāṃ yadhorātraṃ mānuṣāṇāṃ sa hāyanaḥ।
śatatrayeṇa ṣaṣṭyā ca nṛṇāṃ vibidhavatsaraḥ॥
śrīmatsvacchandaśāstre ca tadeva matamīkṣyate।
pitṛṇāṃ tadahorātramityupakramya pṛṣṭataḥ॥
evaṃ daivastavahorātra iti hyaikyopasṃhṛtiḥ।
tena ye guravaḥ śrīmatsvacchandoktidvayāditaḥ॥
pitryaṃ varṣaṃ divyadinamūcurbhrāntā hi te mudhā।
divyārkābdasahastrāṇi yugeṣu caturāditaḥ॥
ekaikahānyā tāvadadbhiḥ śataisteṣvaṣṭa saṃdhayaḥ।
caturyugaikasaptatyā manvantaste caturdaśa॥
brahmaṇo'hastatra cendrāḥ kramādyānti caturdaśa।
An individual breathes twenty-one thousand six hundred times during a day and night. Exactly the same is the number of days and nights combined in the span of sixty years.
The division of time into states, day and night, month, season, year, twelve years and sixty years and the consequent ends and starts during those divisions aresacred for the purpose of meditation and worship.
The analysis of time that has been presented here particularly in relationship to the process of breathing, that indeed, is a throb of the Force indwelling the Universal Being and manifesting outside as such.
Six breaths form a caṣaka, cup, while sixty caṣaka form a nāli, a period of twenty-four minutes, thirty tithis form a month while twelve months a year. The equinoxes form the day and night of the Fathers, pitṛs. A year is divine from the measurement of the Fathers while three hundred and sixty human years form a divine year.
The number of days in a human year, i.e., 360, when divided by twelve, yields the number of months in a year. The same 360 being divided by 30, yields the number of days and nights of gods and Fathers. The number of breaths, 21,600, when divided by the number of days in a human year, yields 60 years of gods and Fathers.
This has been stated by my revered teacher as well as by Tantras like Raurava, etc.
The length of the divine day and night is the same as that of a human year, that is, 360 days.
The same view has been reviewed in the Svacchanda Tantra under the background that what is the extent of a human year is the extent of a divine day and night.
Being so, those teachers have gone off the point who claim that a Fathers' year is equivalent to a day of gods.
Out of the total time of twelve thousand of divine years divided into four yugas, krta yuga extends for four thousand years, tretii for three thousand years, dviipara for two thousand years, and kali for one thousand years. There are eight sandhis,joints, in this duration. Seventy-one caturyugas, group of four yugas, for a Manvantara, period of a Manu. This is the period of a day of Brahman during which lndras come and go numbering fourteen.

-translation by Prof. Satyaprakash Singh
Sanskrit Reference: श्री तन्त्रालोकः (śrī tantrālokaḥ) (6.127-140)

Wow! This is definitely mind boggling, when we begin to realize, the scale of the ब्रह्मन् (brahman – divinity), and I am just reminded of these golden verses of பெரியாழ்வார் (periyāḹvār) in his திருப்பல்லாண்டு  (tiruppallāṇḍu), describing God.

பல்லாண்டு பல்லாண்டு பல்லாயிரதாண்டு
பலகோடி நூறாயிரம்
மல்லாண்ட திந்தோள் மணிவண்ண! உன்
சேவடி செவ்வி திருக்காப்பு
pallāṇḍu pallāṇḍu pallāyiratāṇḍu
palakōḍi nūṛāyiram
mallāṇḍa tiṇtōḻ maṇivaṇṇa! un
sēvaḍi sevvi tirukkāppu
O Lord in the colour of blue emerald, who destroyed the evil wrestlers with thy strong shoulders, May the beauty of your divine red feet protect us for many many countless years, many hundred thousands countless years, many crores of thousands of years.
Tamil Reference :திருப்பல்லாண்டு (tiruppallāṇḍu) (1)

Well all this huge numbers may seem very fanciful, but as Madam H.P. Blavatsky explains in her epoch making book Isis Unveiled, 

These ciphers are not fanciful, but founded upon actual astronomical calculations, as has been demonstrated by S. Davis. Many a scientist, Higgins among others, notwithstanding their researches, has been utterly perplexed as to which of these was the secret cycle”.

Honestly, looking at such massive time scales, humbles us - the ordinary mortals, the literally insignificant role we are supposed to be playing, in the entire scheme of things – The BIG picture.  Looking at the above time scales, we can very clearly understand that, the Brahman is definitely much beyond the human scope (range) of Time. Both from the temporal and spatial dimensions, we should in all honesty admit that we are less than a speck of dust in the ब्रह्माण्ड (brahmāṇḍa). We are almost NOWHERE!

Well yes, NOWHERE is definitely the right word to be used here as in the one sense it means our role in this whole system is almost no where even significant when talking about the bigger scheme of things, but looking at it the other way round, NOWHERE also means Now Here! Yes, it means every individual soul definitely has a very vital role and potential to play now, here in this world. After all, we are the Heroes of the divine drama. We can discuss more about this later and for now return back to our discussion.

From the table mapping the relationship between  युग (yuga - era)  & अवतार  (avatāra - incarnation) listed earlier, one can easily observe that the चतुर् युग (catur yuga  - four eras) are split in the ब्रह्माण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (brahmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) of 4:3:2:1 in the ascending order of evolution, starting with the सत्य युग (satya yuga) (comprising 1,728,000 human years) followed by the remaining three. This ब्रह्माण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (brahmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) is also referred by श्री अभिनवगुप्त (śrī abhinavagupta) in his magnum opus तन्त्रलोक (tantraloka) as well as its abridged version the तन्त्रसार (tantrasāra). For example, he acknowledges thus in the following paragraph from the बाह्यविधिः प्रकाशनम् (bāhyavidhiḥ prakāśanam) of तन्त्रसार (tantrasāra).

तत्र माणुषं वर्षं देवानाम् तिथिः। अनेन क्रमेण दिव्यानि द्वादशवर्षं सहस्त्राणि चतुर्युगम्। चत्वारि त्रीणि द्वै एकमिति कृतात् प्रभृति तावद्धि शतैरष्टौ सन्ध्याः।tatra māṇuṣaṁ varṣaṁ devānām tithiḥ| anena krameṇa divyāni dvādaśavarṣaṁ sahastrāṇi caturyugam| catvāri trīṇi dvai ekamiti kṛtāt prabhṛti tāvaddhi śatairaṣṭau sandhyāḥ|
There the year of human beings is equal to one day of gods in heaven. In accordance with such calculation twelve thousand years of gods are equal to four aces (of the mortal world). Then there are respectively four, three, two and one thousands of years which lie between each of the spans of the four yugas.

Translatiion by Gautam Chaterjee
Sanskrit Reference: तन्त्रलोक (tantraloka) (4)

Moreover, in the same scripture, the four fold ratio mentioned earlier is exoterically expressed as the number of legs of the cow representing धर्म (dharma) which is originally four during the सत्य युग (satya yuga), is broken to 3, 2 and 1 in the त्रेता युग (tretā yuga), while द्वापर युग (dvāpara yuga) and the कलि युग (kali yuga – dark era) respectively.    

Please remember that once in every 4,32,000 years there is a विभव अवतार (vibhava avatāra  - glorious incarnation) descending from above, to set right anomaly and restore back the धर्म (dharma – order/cosmos). In the सत्ययुग (satyayuga - truth epoch), for example, there are four incarnations (as listed in the above table), while it is 3, 2 and 1 (yet to happen) in the respective eras. By the way, please remember that युग प्रलय (yuga pralaya – epoch dissolution)  is only special kind of temporal recycling, Hindu wisdom has recognized various frequencies of temporal recycling as listed below

नित्य प्रलय (nitya pralaya - continual dissolution): This is the kind of dissolution continuously occurring in the microcosmic-world as endorsed even by modern quantum physics of the nuclear and the sub-atomic worlds, where there is continuous emission and absorption of particles in what is generally referred to as particle time (measured in very tiny units of time e.g. picoseconds etc.). Please remember that these पञ्च महा कृत्य (pañca mahā kṛtya – fivefold cosmic acts) are not once in a while activity but eternally recurring series of continuous acts making up the phenomenal universe. Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi very clearly explains this as captured in the following verses by close disciple Sri Muruganar,  

"Know that according to His will, law and plan, every moment of everyday the five functions of God (creation, sustenance, destruction, veiling and Grace) will be going on perfectly and unceasingly in the universe, which is full of moving and unmoving objects. Every moment (i.e., many millions of times in a second) each atom (in the universe) is destroyed and newly created. Since this is going on unceasingly, it appears as if they (the objects of the universe) are the same (objects) existing continuously.”.

दिन प्रलय (dina pralaya – daily dissolution):  This is kind of dissolution is also called as दिनादिन मरनम  (dinādina maranam - daily death) when the human soul temporarily dissoves its waking consciousness and goes to sleep.  

पौरुश प्रलय (pauruśa pralaya- personal dissolution)This is the kind of dissolution for the जीवात्मन् (jīvātman -  individual soul),  more commonly known as मृत्यु (mṛtyu - death).

नैमित्तिक/ भौमिकअवान्तर प्रलय  (naimittika / bhaumika/ avāntara pralaya- occasional/ terrestrial/ minor dissolution): 

This is supposed to occur at the end of every कल्प  (kalpa - aeon) the first half of a ब्रह्मदिन (brahmadina – divine day) which is approximately equivalent to 1000 महायुगानि (mahāyugāni – mega epochs) i.e 4.32 शतकोटि मानववर्षाः (śatakoṭi mānavavarṣāḥ  - billion human years); when all the manifested forms in the ब्रह्माण्ड (brahmāṇḍa – cosmic egg - terrestrial Universe) will be dissolved by fire back to the original state of  स्थूल तत्त्व (sthūla tattva -  gross elements). Thus, this is not a complete dissolution, as the world is only reduced to the subtler residual sate of elements hence considered to be नैमितिक (naimittika - occasional). Correspondingly, during the following 4.32 शतकोटि मानववर्षाः द्वितीयकल्पे ब्रह्मरात्रियाः (śatakoṭi mānavavarṣāḥ dvitīyakalpe brahmarātriyāḥ – billion human years in the second aeon of god’s night),  the  ब्रह्माण्ड (brahmāṇḍa – cosmic egg) is considered to be in a state of hibernation. Each कल्प (kalpa - aeon) is governed by a team of 14 मनवः (manavaḥ - progenitors) and the मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate) is considered to be around 71महायुगानि (mahāyugāni – mega epochs). Etymologically, the term मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate) is derived from the  words मनु (manu - progintor) & अन्तर (antara – duration). Thus, मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate) means “the duration between two manus”. The following words from the सूर्य सिद्धान्त (sūrya siddhānta) describes a मन्वन्तर (manvantara - patriarchate)  thus,

योगानां सप्ततिः सैका मन्वन्तरमिहोच्यते।
कृताब्दसंख्या तस्यान्ते सन्धिः प्रोक्तो जलपलवः॥
yogānāṁ saptatiḥ saikā manvantaramihocyate|
kṛtābdasaṁkhyā tasyānte sandhiḥ prokto jalapalavaḥ||
One and seventy Ages are signed here as Patriachate (manvantara); at its end is said to be a twilight which has the number of years of a Golden Age, and which is a deluge.

Translation by E. Burgese
Sanskrit Reference: सूर्य सिद्धान्त (sūrya siddhānta).(1.18)

सौर्य प्रलय (saurya pralaya - solar dissolution): 

This is supposed to occur at the end of every सूर्य कल्प (sūrya kalpa -   solar aeon), which is around 30.24 शतकोटि मानववर्षाः (śatakoṭi mānavavarṣāḥ  - billion human years),.
प्राक्र्त प्रलय / महा प्रलय  (prākrta pralaya/ mahā pralaya - total dissolution): 

The total dissolution is supposed to be occurring at the end of every ब्रह्म (brahma) life which is calculated to be around 311.04 परार्ध  मानववर्षाः (parārdha  mānavavarṣāḥ  - trillion human years)

आत्यन्तिक प्रलय (ātyantika pralaya - absolute dissolution): 

While all the above kinds are predominantly at the collective level, this happens when the individual self, on attaining release from bondage attains मोक्श (mokśa - liberation). Etymologically, the term ‘आत्यन्तिक (ātyantika)’ is derived as अति (ati - beyond) + अन्त (anta  - end), meaning ‘Beyond End’. This is the state of absolute immortality attained by rare जीवन्मुक्त (jīvanmukta – living liberate) who by their spiritual progress have attained this state of மரணமில்லா பெரு வாழ்வு (maraṇamillā peru vāḹvu - Immortal Life of Bliss), and becomes a चिरञ्जीवा  (cirañjīvā – immortal being)

    To understand more about this concept, I would like to share my humble learnings on the spiritual glory of Lord श्री चिदम्बरनटराज (śrī cidambaranaṭarāja)  and the significance of his worship in the following blog series



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वार्षिक उत्सव (vārika utsava- annual festival) celebrated as ब्रह्मोत्सव / महोत्सव (brahmotsava / mahotsava – grand festival)



कल्प विज्ञान चिदंबरस्य (kalpa vijñāna cidabarasya – ritual science of gnostic space)



निहित-जाल ताण्डव नटराजस्य (nihitajālatāṇḍava naarājasya – nested network dance of dance-king)




ब्रह्मपिण्डसंसुतिविज्ञान गुर्वर्थत्व (brahmapiṇḍasasutivijñāna gurvarthatva - Macro and Micro Cosmological significance)




ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)




ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)




ज्योतिष अर्थवत्त्व आर्द्रा दर्शनस्य (jyotia arthavattva ārdrā darśanasya - astronomical significance of Arudra vision)




ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)



ज्योतिष अर्थवत्त्व आर्द्रा दर्शनस्य (jyotia arthavattva ārdrā darśanasya - astronomical significance of Arudra vision)



ब्राह्मप्रतिकाविद्यानटराजस्य (brāhmapratikāvidyānaarājasya – sacred iconography of dance-king)


श्रीरामप्रति विद्वेशभक्ति रावणस्य (śrīrāmaprati vidveśabhakti rāvaṇasya – hateful devotion of Ravana towards Lord Rama)

Take the case of रावण (rāvaṇa), the  महा असूर (mahā asūra – great demonwho confronted श्री रामचन्द्र (śrī rāmacandra) by abducting his beloved consort सीता देवी(sītā devīHere, right at the beginning, रावण (rāvaṇa) had realized that श्री रामचन्द्र (śrī rāmacandrawho he was planning to confront, was none other than महा विभव अवतार (mahā vibhava avatāra – supreme incarnationof श्री महा विष्णु (śrī mahā viṣṇu) the पर ब्रह्म (para brahma – absolute divnity).

Killing रावण (rāvaṇa),

This fact is testified by  महऋषि व्यास (mahaṛṣi vyāsa) in the following verses from the आरण्य काण्डम् (āraṇya kāṇḍam) in the अध्यात्मरामायणम् (adhyātmarāmāyaṇam)wherein रावण (rāvaṇa) contemplates thus when he heard the complaint of his sister सूर्पनख (sūrpanakha) about her mutilation by श्री रामचन्द्र (śrī rāmacandra) and his brother,  

यद्वा न रामो मनुजः परेशो मां हन्तुकामः सबलं बलौघैः।
स्मप्रर्थितोऽयं द्रहिणोने पूर्वं मनुष्यरूपोऽद्य् रघोः कुलेऽभूत्॥
वध्यो यदि स्यां प्रमात्म्नाहं वैकुण्ठराज्यं परिपालयेऽहम्।
नो चोदिदं राक्षसराज्यमेव मोक्षेये चिरं रामामतो व्रजामि॥
इत्थं विचिन्त्याखिलराक्षसेन्द्रो रामं विदित्वा परमेश्वरं हरिम्।
विरोध्बुद्धथैव हरिं प्रयामि द्रु तं न भवक्त्या भग्वान् प्रसिदेत्॥
yadvā na rāmo manujaḥ pareśo māṁ hantukāmaḥ sabalaṁ balaughaiḥ|
smaprarthito'yaṁ drahiṇone pūrvaṁ manuṣyarūpo'dy raghoḥ kule'bhūt||
vadhyo yadi syāṁ pramātmnāhaṁ vaikuṇṭharājyaṁ paripālaye'ham|
no codidaṁ rākṣasarājyameva mokṣeye ciraṁ rāmāmato vrajāmi||
itthaṁ vicintyākhilarākṣasendro rāmaṁ viditvā parameśvaraṁ harim|
virodhbuddhathaiva hariṁ prayāmi dru
In all probability, Rama many not be a mere man. He may be that Supreme Being, who has assumed a human form in the line of the Raghus, and come with his forces to destroy me with my army, as implored by Brahma in the days of old. If I am killed by the Supreme Self, I shall reign in the Supreme Realm of Vaikuntha. If I am not killed, I shall be enjoying this realm of the Rakshasas for a long time. So I am going to oppose Rama.” Reflecting this way, the Lord of the Rakshasa concluded that Rama must be Hari, the Supreme Lord, and resolved within himself, “I shall attain to Him, through the atitude of confrontation; for the Lord soes not reveal Himself quickly by ordinary forms of Bhakti (devotion).
Sanskrit Reference: अध्यात्मरामायणम् (adhyātmarāmāyaṇam) (5.59-61)

The important point for us to understand is that, the all these episodes are are of a greater design, in other words, a  beautifully dramatized ब्रह्म लीला (brahma līlā - divine play). For example, it has been pre-destined by ब्रह्म संकल्प (brahma saṁkalpa) of Lord महा विष्णु (mahā viṣṇu) Himself, that his two trusted द्वारापाला (dvārāpālā - gatekeeprs) at श्री वैकुण्ठ (śrī vaikuṇṭha) viz. जय (jaya) & विजय (vijaya), would be born repeatedly thrice in the असुर वंश (asura vaṁśa – demonic race) and in each birth would reach me back through विद्वेश भक्ति (vidveśa bhakti – confrontational devotion) as testified in the following verses of श्रीदेवीभगवतमहापुराण (śrīdevībhagavatamahāpurāṇa)

श्री भगवान् उवाच
एतौ सुरेतर्गातं प्रतिपद्यासद्यः संरम्भसम्भृतसमाध्यनुबद्धयोगौ।
भुयः सकाश्मुप्यास्यत आशु यो वः शापो मयैव निमितस्तदैवत विप्राः॥
śrī bhagavān uvāca
etau suretargātaṁ pratipadyāsadyaḥ saṁrambhasambhṛutasamādhyanubaddhayogau|
bhuyaḥ sakāśmupyāsyata āśu yo vaḥ śāpo mayaiva nimitastadaivata viprāḥ||
The Bhagavan said: These attendants will soon be born in the species of Asuras, noted for their antagonism to the Devas. There they will develop intense antagonism towards Me, and as a consequence their mind will get concentrated on Me through confrontation, which will help them to come back to me very quickly. Know that you happened to curse them, because I willed so.

Translation by Swamy Tapasyananda (RKM Order)
Sanskrit Reference: श्रीदेवीभगवतमहापुराण (śrīdevībhagavatamahāpurāṇa) (3.16.26)

Accordingly, जय (jaya) & विजय (vijaya) were born as हिरण्याक्ष (hiraṇyākṣa) killed by वारह अवतार (vāraha avatāra) & हिरण्यकशिपु (hiraṇyakaśipu) killed by नरशिम अवतार (naraśima avatāra), as रावण (rāvaṇa) & कुम्भकर्ण (kumbhakarṇa) killed by राम अवतार (rāma avatāra), and finally as शिशुपाल (śiśupāla) & दन्तिवक्त्र (dantivaktra) by कृष्ण (kṛṣṇa). In each of these the confrontational episodes, the confronting जीवात्म (jīvātma – bound soul)when all the मल (mala - impurities) are cleansed in the hands of the परमात्म (paramātma -  Divine being) finally unites with the same. This fact is testified in the अध्यात्मरामायणम् (adhyātmarāmāyaṇam) itself, where it is stated thus,

यद्वा न रामो मनुजः परेशो मां हन्तुकामः सबलं बलौघैः।
स्मप्रर्थितोऽयं द्रहिणोने पूर्वं मनुष्यरूपोऽद्य् रघोः कुलेऽभूत्॥
वध्यो यदि स्यां प्रमात्म्नाहं वैकुण्ठराज्यं परिपालयेऽहम्।
नो चोदिदं राक्षसराज्यमेव मोक्षेये चिरं रामामतो व्रजामि॥
इत्थं विचिन्त्याखिलराक्षसेन्द्रो रामं विदित्वा परमेश्वरं हरिम्।
विरोध्बुद्धथैव हरिं प्रयामि द्रु तं न भवक्त्या भग्वान् प्रसिदेत्॥
yadvā na rāmo manujaḥ pareśo māṁ hantukāmaḥ sabalaṁ balaughaiḥ|
smaprarthito'yaṁ drahiṇone pūrvaṁ manuṣyarūpo'dy raghoḥ kule'bhūt||
vadhyo yadi syāṁ pramātmnāhaṁ vaikuṇṭharājyaṁ paripālaye'ham|
no codidaṁ rākṣasarājyameva mokṣeye ciraṁ rāmāmato vrajāmi||
itthaṁ vicintyākhilarākṣasendro rāmaṁ viditvā parameśvaraṁ harim|
virodhbuddhathaiva hariṁ prayāmi dru taṁ na bhavaktyā bhagvān prasidet||
In all probability, Rama may not be a mere man. He may be that Supreme Being, who has assumed a human form in the line of the Raghus, and come with his forces to destroy me with my army, as implored by Brahma in the days of old. If I am killed by the Supreme Self, I shall reign in the Supreme Realm of Vaikuntha. If I am not killed, I shall be enjoying this realm of the Rakshasas for a long time. So I am going to oppose Rama.” Reflecting this way, the Lord of the Rakshasa concluded that Rama must be Hari, the Supreme Lord, and resolved within himself, “I shall attain to Him, through the atitude of confrontation; for the Lord soes not reveal Himself quickly by ordinary forms of Bhakti (devotion).

Translation by Swamy Tapasyananda (RKM Order)
Sanskrit Reference: अध्यात्मरामायणम् (adhyātmarāmāyaṇam) (5.59-61)

Again, in the युद्ध काण्ड (yuddha kāṇḍa – battle section), at the fag end of the युद्ध  (yuddha - battle), just before the final onslaught of रावण (rāvaṇa), his chief consort मन्दोदरी (mandodarī) caringly warns him that he is actually fighting a losing battle as he is confronting श्री रामचन्द्र (śrī rāmacandra), who was none other the Almighty महा विष्णु (mahā viṣṇu) and who had earlier destroyed similar defaulters धर्म (dharma - righteousness) viz., हिरण्याक्ष (hiraṇyākṣa) & हिरण्यकशिपु (hiraṇyakaśipu). रावण (rāvaṇa) in response to his wife’s warning, reassures her of that he was already aware of these facts and yet decided to take the path of confrontation as a fast track to मोक्ष (mokṣa  - salvation)

परानन्दमयी शुद्धा सेव्यते या मुमुक्षुभिः।
तां गतिं तु गमिष्यामि हतो रामेण संयुगे॥
प्रक्षालय कल्मषाणीह मुक्तिं यास्यामि दुलर्भाम्॥
कलेशादि प्रपञ्चक तरङ्ग्युतं भ्रमाढयं दारात्मजाप्तघनबन्धुझषाभियुक्तम्।
जैवार्नलाभनिजरोषमनङ्गजालं संसारसागरमित्य हरिं व्रजामि॥
parānandamayī śuddhā sevyate yā mumukṣubhiḥ|
tāṁ gatiṁ tu gamiṣyāmi hato rāmeṇa saṁyuge||
prakṣālaya kalmaṣāṇīha muktiṁ yāsyāmi dularbhām||
kaleśādi prapañcaka taraṅgyutaṁ bhramāḍhayaṁ dārātmajāptaghanabandhujhaṣābhiyuktam|
jaivārnalābhanijaroṣamanaṅgajālaṁ saṁsārasāgaramitya hariṁ vrajāmi||
That state, pure and blissful, which liberation seekers attain – that very goal, I shall gain by being killed by Rama in battle. All my sins done in this world shall be washed off by death at Rama’s hand and I shall find liberation, which is a rare attainment for a Jiva. I shall cross this ocean of Samsara having for its waves the five kleshas (ignorance, I-sense with regard to the body, attachments, anger and fear); and filled with aquatic creatures constituted of wife, children, friends, wealth, relatives and the like; terrifice by the submarine fire of one’s own anger; and dangerous with a net of sexuality.

Translation by Swamy Tapasyananda (RKM Order)
Sanskrit Reference: अध्यात्मरामायणम् (adhyātmarāmāyaṇam) (10.59-61)

First and foremost, it is a peculiar kind of संबन्ध (saṁbandha - relation) that develops between the पशु (paśu – bound soul) and the पति (pati - god) which eventually leads the former’s deliverance. It is peculiar because it is characterized by क्षत्रुपक्ष वैकारिक (kṣatrupakṣa vaikārika – antogonistic emotion) between the two. In other words, the भक्ति (bhakti - devotion) here is disguised by तिग्मद्वेश (tigma dveśa – intense hatred) rather than प्रीति (prīti - love) and hence the modus operandi in the process of मुक्ति (mukti - liberation) is more उग्र (ugra – violent). Moreover, as the पशु (paśu – bound soul) resorts to अधर्म (adharma - unrighteousness) by misusing all his सूरत्व (sūratva - valour), the forceful (violent) rectification was needed, in order to correct the defaulting soul.

To understand more about this concept of विद्वेष भक्ति (vidveṣa bhakti – Hateful Devotion), I would like to share my humble learnings in the following blog



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A philosophical analysis about the spiritual significance of विद्वेष भक्ति (vidveṣa bhakti – Hateful Devotion)


Speculations on feasibility of देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel)

In my humble opinion, I think it all boils down on what one means by concepts like “काल (kāla - time)” and “यात्र (yātra - travel)”. These concepts have been some of the most debated and speculated topics not only in ancient philosophical traditions across the globe but also medieval philosophies as well as modern sciences. Particularly, the ontological and epistemological status of time is one of the most important questions debated across different schools of philosophies.

Take the Indian scenario itself, there are considerable differences in between each of these pairs of schools Hindus, Buddhists and Jains have their own customized versions as well. Similarly, in the western world there are a variety of schools.

    While some schools consider काल (kāla - time) as an independent ontological entity – दरव्य (dravya - element), while for others it is just an epistemological construct.; similarly, for some it is a धर्मि (dharmi – substantial), while for others it is धर्म (dharma -attributive); again, some schools believe that time momentary, while others say it is enduring, while still other believe it is perduring. For some time is linear (flat space-time), for some it is cyclical, while for still others it is spiral. Classical physics considers time to be static and absolute, whereas relativistic physics considers it dynamic and relative. Certain schools of quantum physics consider time not as a fundamental principle, but as a derived or emergent one. In a nutshell, there is no single universally accepted model of time either in religion, philosophy or for that matter even in physics.

    The next important concept to understand is that not only there are striking differences in the ontological viewpoints on time across philosophical schools, but there are also differences in the measurement scales of time i.e. defining the units and durations of time scales. Before proceeding further, please remember that both according to ancient Hindu philosophical wisdom, as well as modern relativistic-quantum physics देश (deśa - space) & काल (kāla - time) are not considered as two isolated entities but as one integrated संप्रवाह (saṁpravāha - continuum) called the fabric of देश-काल संप्रवाह (deśa-kāla saṁpravāha – space time contiuum).

    For example, according to the श्रीमद् भागवत महापुराण (śrīmad bhāgavata mahāpurāṇa) the denomination of space-time begins from microscopic subatomic scales of परमानु (paramānu), अनु (anu), त्रसरेनु (trasarenu), त्रुति (truti),वेध (vedha) & लव (lava) through मानुष्य काल (mānuṣya kāla – human time) of meso-time scales of निमिष (nimiṣa)क्षण (kṣaṇa), काष्ठा (kāṣṭhā), लघु (laghu), नाडिक (nāḍika), मुहूर्त (muhūrta) दिन (dina - day)सप्ताह (saptāha -week), पक्ष (pakṣa - fortnight), मास (māsa - month), आयन (āyana – half year)वर्ष (varṣa - year), युग (yuga - aeon), महायुग (mahā yuga – grand epoch), मन्वन्तर (manvantara – patriarch era), कल्प (kalpa - aeon) etc. 

In a nutshell, the comprehensive timescale roughly spanning from nanoseconds to more than trillions of years. Many scholars, scientists and subject matter experts are testifying that these time scales are astonishingly very close to modern cosmological estimates.
    In many scriptures the length of the 
महायुग (mahāyuga – grand epoch) is considered to be 43,20,000 भूलोक स्थानिक देशकाल सन्दर्भक्षेत्रस्य सापेक्षं मानववर्षाः (bhūloka sthānika dēśakāla sandarbhakṣētrasya sāpēkṣaṁ mānava varṣāḥ - human years relative to terrestrial-world spacetime frame of reference). This is further split into चतुर्युगकाल (caturyugakāla – fourfold epoch period) in in the ब्रह्माण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (brahmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) viz.


युग (yuga – epoch)

ब्रःमाण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (braḥmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) (4:3:2:1)

भूलोक स्थानिक देशकाल सन्दर्भक्षेत्रस्य सापेक्षं मानववर्षाः (bhūloka sthānika dēśakāla sandarbhakētrasya sāpēka mānava varṣāḥ - human years relative to terrestrial-world spacetime frame of reference)

ब्रह्मलोक स्थानिक देशकाल सन्दर्भक्षेत्रस्य सापेक्षं देववर्षाः (brahmaloka sthānika dēśakāla sandarbhakētrasya sāpēka devavarṣāḥ- divine  years relative to divine-world spacetime frame of reference)


 कृत्यायुग (kṛtyā yuga – creation epoch)






त्रेतायुग (tretāyuga – third epoch)





द्वापरयुग (dvāpara yuga – second epoch)





कलियुग (kaliyuga – dark/black epoch)





महायुग (mahāyuga – grand epoch)





एकसप्ततिक महायुगाः (ekasaptatika mahāyugāḥ – seventy one grand epochs) constitute what is called as a एक मन्वन्तर (eka manvantara – one patriarch-era) and then चतुर्दश मन्वन्तरः (manvantara – patriarch periods) constitute a एक कल्प (eka kalpa – one aeon) which in turn corresponds to चतुर्विंशतिः घण्टाः एक ब्रह्मदिनस्य (caturviṁśatiḥ ghaṇṭāḥ eka brahmadinasya – twenty four hours of one god-day) and षष्टित्रिशत ब्रह्मदिनाः (ṣaṣṭitriśata brahmadināḥ – three hundred and sixty god-days) corresponds to एक ब्रह्मवर्ष (eka brahmavarṣa – one god-year)and  एकशत ब्रह्मव्र्षाः (ekaśata brahmavrṣāḥ – one hundred god-years) correspond to आयुष्काल ब्रह्मस्य (āyuṣkāla brahmasya – life-span of god)And more importantly, such scales are cyclical wherein the events are repetitively recurring. 
    In fact, the दशमहावोभव अवताराः श्री महाविष्णोः (daśamahāvobhava avatārāḥ śrī mahāviṣṇoḥ - ten supreme glorious incarnations of Lord Maha Visnu) are also uniformly spread across महायुग (mahāyuga – grand epoch). That is, there is one महा विभव अवतार (mahā vibhava avatāra - supreme glorious incarnation) for every 4,32,000 भूलोक स्थानिक देशकाल सन्दर्भक्षेत्रस्य सापेक्षं मानववर्षाः (bhūloka sthānika dēśakāla sandarbhakētrasya sāpēka mānava varṣāḥ - human years relative to terrestrial-world spacetime frame of reference).

In other words, the ब्रह्माण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (brahmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) (4:3:2:1) is applicable not only to the युगाः (yugāḥ - epochs) but also to the corresponding विभव अवताराः (vibhava avatārāḥ - glorious incarnations).
    In this context, just as there are temporal units of measure discussed above, there are spatial measures as well. For example, the temporal ranges discussed so far belongs to the realm of human consciousness operating within the spatial range of देशकालक्षेत्र मानुष्यलोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra mānuṣyalokasya– spacetime field of human realm) But this is not the only space-time realm. There are still higher realms of spiritual consciousness viz.


देशकालक्षेत्र मानुष्यलोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra – spacetime field)

Example Unit Measure


देशकालक्षेत्र मानुष्यलोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra mānuṣyalokasya – spacetime field of human realm)

मणुष्य दिन (maṇuṣya dina – human day), मणुष्य वार (maṇuṣya vāra – human week), मणुष्य पक्ष (maṇuṣya pakṣa – human fortnight),  मणुष्य मास (maṇuṣya māsa – human month) & मणुष्य वर्ष (maṇuṣya varṣa – human year) etc.


देशकालक्षेत्र पितृलोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra pitṛlokasya– spacetime field of manes realm)

पितृ दिन (pitṛ dina – ancestor day), पितृ वार (pitṛ vāra – ancestor week), पितृ पक्ष (pitṛ pakṣa – ancestor fortnight),  पितृ मास (pitṛ māsa – ancestor month) & पितृ वर्ष (pitṛ varṣa – ancestor year) etc.


देशकालक्षेत्र देवलोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra devalokasya – spacetime field of deity realm)

देव दिन (deva dina – god day), देव वार (deva vāra – god week), देव पक्ष (deva pakṣa – god fortnight),  देव मास (deva māsa – god month) & देव वर्ष (deva varṣa – god year) etc.


देशकालक्षेत्र ब्रह्मालोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra brahmālokasya – spacetime field of Brahma realm)

ब्रह्मा दिन (brahmā dina – brahma day), ब्रह्मा वार (brahmā vāra – brahma week), ब्रह्मा पक्ष (brahmā pakṣa – brahma fortnight),  ब्रह्मा मास (brahmā māsa – brahma month) & ब्रह्मा वर्ष (brahmā varṣa – brahma year) etc.


देशकालक्षेत्र विष्णुलोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra viṣṇulokasya – spacetime field of Vishnu realm)

विष्णु दिन (viṣṇu dina – vishnu day), विष्णु वार (viṣṇu vāra – vishnu week), विष्णु पक्ष (viṣṇu pakṣa – vishnu fortnight),  विष्णु मास (viṣṇu māsa – vishnu month) & विष्णु वर्ष (viṣṇu varṣa – vishnu year) etc.


देशकालक्षेत्र शिवलोकस्य (deśakālakṣetra śivalokasya– spacetime field of Shiva realm)

शिव दिन (śiva dina – shiva day), शिव वार (śiva vāra – shiva week), शिव पक्ष (śiva pakṣa – shiva fortnight),  शिव मास (śiva māsa – shiva month) & शिव वर्ष (śiva varṣa – shiva year) etc.

Thus, each realm has a relative frame of reference and of course there is a mathematical mapping relating these realms. Like a मणुष्य वर्ष (maṇuṣyavarṣa – human year) in the भूलोक (bhūloka – terrestrial plane) corresponds to a देवदिन (devadina – god day) in the देवलोक (devaloka – heavenly plane)Similarly, there are corresponding mappings between other realms as well.

Based on the account given in the sacred श्रीमद् भागवत महापुराण (śrīmad bhāgavata mahāpurāṇa)at present (as on 20th January 2024), in the capacity of ordinary mortals are operating currently from भूलोक (bhūloka – terrestrial plane) in the 5118th year कलियुगस्य अष्टविशतितमहायुगस्य (kaliyuga aṣṭaviśatitamahāyugasya – dark epoch of twenty-eighth grand epoch) within the वैवस्वत मन्वन्त्र (vaivasvata manvantra) which is the सप्तम मन्वन्तर (saptama manvantara – seventh patriarch era) within the श्वेतवराहकल्प एकपञ्चाश ब्रह्मवर्षस्य (śvetavarāhakalpa ekapañcāśa brahmavarṣasya – white-boar aeon of the fift-first divine year).  The eminent Indian astronomer श्री वराहमिहिर (śrī varāhamihira) in his phenomenal work सूर्य सिद्धान्त (sūrya siddhānta) very clearly testifies this model.

 However, the next important point to understand is that while referring about the time scales in the Indian scriptural context viz. इतिहास (itihāsa - epic)पुराण (purāña - mythology)ज्योतिषशास्त्र (jyotiṣaśāstra – astrological treatise), there seems to be some discrepancies regarding the durations amongst different scriptures. For example, some eminent astronomers do not subscribe to the above ब्रह्माण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (brahmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) (4:3:2:1)

श्री आर्यभट्ट (śrī āryabhaṭṭa) in his monumental work आर्यभाटीय (āryabhāṭīya) states that the महायुगकाल (mahāyugakāla – grand epoch period) is distributed in equal proportions across the चतुर्युग (caturyuga – fourfold epochs) viz. 10,80,000 years each.

Similarly, लगध महऋषि (lagadha mahaṛṣi) in his magnum opus masterpiece वेदाङ ज्योतिष (vedāṅga jyotiṣa) which is one of the oldest astrological (astronomical) treatises, does not talk about such huge time scales. In fact, instead of the चतुर्युग काल (caturyuga kāla – fourfold epoch period) spanning to lakhs of solar years, he only refers to a period of five-fold solar years viz. सांवत्सर (sāṁvatsara), परिवत्सर (parivatsara), इदावत्सर (idāvatsara), अनुवत्सर (anuvatsara) & उद्रवत्सर (udravatsara) respectively (totalling to approximately 12,830 human days) which is again a reflection of the definitions in the ancient वेदशास्त्र (vedaśāstra – vedic scripture) like the तैत्तिरीय ब्राह्मन (taittrīya brahmana).

    Please do not get confused between such vast differences between these two strikingly different models of युग (yuga - epoch) system. Although both the models commonly leverage the term “युग (yuga - epoch)” to represent time scales, yet they target completely different functionalities. The former is used to measure cosmological phenomena, while the latter serves more for social and ritualistic calendar purposes. In other words, they are similar but not the same. Once we understand this, the seeming disparities (inconsistencies) in yuga definitions will reduce.

With this general background overview on time scale models, let us get back to the topic of देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel). The Indian scriptural corpus is pregnant with multiple accounts of such देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel) episodes. There are ample case studies in the महाभारत (mahābhārata)महापौराणिक शास्त्राणि (mahāpaurāṇika śāstrāṇi – grand mythological treatises)योगवाषिष्टमहरामायण (yogavāṣiṣṭamaharāmāyaṇa) beautifully demonstrating देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel).  For example, श्री नारद महामुनि (śri nārada mahāmuni), for example, is one of the most popular देशकालयात्रकाः (deśakālayātrakāḥ – spacetime travellers) mentioned across almost all the महापौराणिक शास्त्राणि (mahāpaurāṇika śāstrāṇi – grand mythological treatises). The stories relating to ककुद्मी (kakudmī) & लीला (līlā) etc. are other very popular examples. But one may be wondering how such देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel) is physically possible, particularly, when traveling across prohibitively large astronomical distances, considering the physical limitations posed by the laws of relativistic physics?    
    The conventional view is a common-sense logic according to linear sequencing of time scales, also referred as ‘
mesotime scales. Such a linear flow of time is also called ‘psychological time in modern physics. It’s a great model for all practical purposes and I personally am fine with it.

But this is not the only model discussed in ancient religious philosophies as well as in modern science. The temporal models referred in the महापौराणिक शास्त्राणि (mahāpaurāṇika śāstrāṇi – grand mythological treatises) are the आवर्तनमूलक ब्रह्माण्डीय प्रतिमानानि (āvartanamūlaka brahmāṇḍīya pratimānāni spirally cyclical cosmological models) spanning great ranges of time scales. 

Now, instead of looking at these massive time scales in a unidirectional linear mode which makes it difficult for the feasibility of देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel). However, this difficulty can be theoretically reduced if we begin to consider other alternate प्रतिमानानि देशकालक्षेत्रगणितस्य (pratimānāni deśakālakṣetragaṇitasya – models of spacetime geometry). For example, instead of the linear Euclidian model, we can consider a आवर्तनमूलक ब्रह्माण्डीय प्रतिमानानि (āvartanamūlaka brahmāṇḍīya pratimānāni spirally cyclical cosmological models). Such models are also speculated by many physicists including Frank Tipler the eminent mathematician physicist. Again, typically, such spiralized देशकालक्षेत्रगणित (deśakālakṣetragaṇita - spacetime geometry), one can conceive द्वौ भिन्नौ प्रक्षेपवक्रौ (dvau bhinnau prakṣēpavakrau – two different trajectories) viz.

  • क्रमक यात्र (kramaka yātra – gradual travel)one is traversing along the आवर्तणमूलक वक्रता (āvartaṇamūlaka vakratā– spiral curve) which is a relatively दीर्घतरः प्रक्षेपवक्रः  (dīrghataraḥ prakṣēpavakraḥ -  longer trajectory). One can visualize such a आवर्तणमूलक सारणि (āvartaṇamūlaka sāraṇi – spiral channel) as a क्षोभकारी नली (kṣōbhakārī nalī - perturbant tube). And any अनुप्रस्थछेदीय चाप चतुर्वैम देशकाले (anuprasthachedīya cāpa caturvaima deśakāle – cross-sectional arc in the four-dimensional spacetime) i.e., a 3+1D curve is considered as a देशकाल अतिपृष्टम् खण्डब्रह्माण्डे (deśakāla atipṛṣṭam khaṇḍabrahmāṇḍe – spacetime hypersurface in a block-universe) containing both देशभागाः (deśabhāgāḥ - space parts) as well as कालभागाः (kālabhāgāḥ - time parts).      

  • सुवेग यात्र (suvega yātra – rapid travel)In this case, तीविर मुमुक्षु ब्रह्मजिज्ञासायाः (tīvira mumukṣu brahmajijñāsāyāḥ - intense seeker of spiritual wisdom) instead of the क्रमिकप्रगतेः नियमितप्रक्षेपवक्रता (kramikapragatēḥ niyamitaprakṣēpavakratā - regular trajectory of gradual progress), takes a short cut which is a प्रत्यक्षं लम्बरेखा (pratyakṣaṁ lambarēkhā - direct vertical line) covering a अधोलंभकदूर (adholaṃbhakadūra – perpendicular distance), (which, mathematically speaking, is the shortest distance between the source and target) by making a

    देशकालवक्रतायाः माध्यंने छिद्रं भवति
      (deśakālavakratāyāḥ mādhyaṃne chidraṃ bhavati – hole through the spacetime curvature) which is technically called a “कृमिकुण्डम् (kr̥mikuṇḍam - wormhole)”

    According to many scriptures महायुग चक्राणि (mahāyuga cakrāṇi - grand epoch cycles) can also be shrunk accordingly, as done in the scriptures itself. For example, the कलियुग (kaliyuga – dark/black epoch) is stated to be 4,32,000 वर्षाः (varṣāḥ - years) in some scriptures at the same time, another scripture scales same as just 4,320 वर्षाः (varṣāḥ - years) and still others provide a similar but slightly different timescales. This seeming disparity between them will be cleared if we understand the laws of relativity viz. relative frames of references used across different scriptural versions which need to be interpreted from perspectives viz. Vertical vs spiral etc. 

    For example, the duration in terms of vertical scales of 43,20,000 भूलोक स्थानिक देशकाल सन्दर्भक्षेत्रस्य सापेक्षं मानववर्षाः (bhūloka sthānika dēśakāla sandarbhakṣētrasya sāpēkṣaṁ mānava varṣāḥ - human years relative to terrestrial-world spacetime frame of reference) distributed across चतुर्युगकाल (caturyugakāla - four-epoch period) in the ब्रह्माण्डीय स्वर्णपातः देश्कालचक्राणाम् (brahmāṇḍīya svarṇapātaḥ deśkālacakrāṇām – macrocosmic golden ratio of spacetime cycles) (4:3:2:1) viz. 17,28,000:12,96,000:8,64000:4,32,000 can be कालगतरूपेण विस्तारितः (kālagatarūpēṇa vistāritaḥ - temporally dilated) in other words mapped  / reduced to 12,000 ब्रह्मलोक स्थानिक देशकाल सन्दर्भक्षेत्रस्य सापेक्षं देववर्षाः (brahmaloka sthānika dēśakāla sandarbhakṣētrasya sāpēkṣaṁ devavarṣāḥ- divine  years relative to divine-world spacetime frame of reference) distributed in the same ratio as 4,800: 3,600: 2,400: 1,200. 

     Please remember that मनोवैज्ञानिक काल (manovaijñānika kāla – psychological time), as established by Albert Einstein's सापेक्षता का सामान्य सिद्धान्त (sāpēkatā kā sāmānya siddhānta – general theory of relativity), is not an absolute measure, but is rather relative to some specific सन्धर्भात्मक खण्ड (sandharbhātmaka khaṇḍa – referential frame). For example, the आयुष्काल श्री रामस्य (āyuṣkāla śrī rāmasya – lifetime of Lor Rama) can be calculated from both scales based on your personal belief system or सोपेक्ष सन्धर्ब खण्डस्य (sopekṣa sandharba khaṇḍasya – relative frame of reference).

    Moreover, we should understand as testified in many schools of ancient metaphysics as well as medieval ontological philosophy and even modern physics, निरपेक्षकाल (nirapekṣakāla – absolute time) is not a त्रिकालेषु रेखीयैकदिशाप्रवाहः (trikālēṣu rēkhīyaikadiśāpravāhaḥ - linear unidirectional flow across the three tenses) commencing from the भूतकालः (bhūtakālaḥ - past tense) and traversing through the वर्तमानकालः (vartamānakālaḥ- present tense), towards the भविष्यत्कालः (bhaviṣyatkālaḥ - future tense).

It rather is the तनावरहित स्थायित्व निरन्तरता (tanāvarahita sthāyitva nirantaratā – tense-free enduring continuum). In fact, कालपरिमाणम् (kālaparimāṇam – time dimension) is a special kind of extension to the देशस्य त्रयः प्रैणामाः (deśasya trayaḥ praiṇāmāḥ - three dimensions of space) always persisting in चतुर्परिणाम देशकालः (caturpariṇāma deśakālaḥ - four dimensional spacetime).

However, as part of our constrained व्यावहारिक सत्त्व लौकिक चैतन्स्यस्य (vyāvahārika sattva laukika caitansyasya – phenomenal realm of mundane consciousness), the देशस्य त्रयः प्रैणामाः (deśasya trayaḥ praiṇāmāḥ - three dimensions of space) and only the वर्तमानसमय कालपरिमाणस्य (vartamānasamaya kālaparimāṇasya - present tense of time-dimension) is subject to उपलभ्य अनुभव (upalabhya anubhava – perceivable experience) at any particular क्षण देशकाल्स्य (kṣaṇa deśakālsya – instant of spacetime). In other words, भूतकालः (bhūtakālaḥ - past tense) and भविष्यत्कालः (bhaviṣyatkālaḥ - future tense) do not seem to व्यश्नोति देश (vyaśnoti deśa – occupy space).

     Thus, practically, for ordinary mortals like us, whose locus of conscious awareness is typically confined (bundled)  to the कोशत्रय (kośatraya – triple sheaths) viz. अन्नमयकोश (annamayakośa – food-based sheath), प्राणमयकोश (prāṅamayakośa – vital-based sheath) & मनोमयकोश (manomayakośa – mind-based sheath) and operating within the अवस्थात्रय (avasthātraya – triple states) viz. जाग्रत अवस्था (jāgrata avasthā – wakeful state)स्वप्न अवस्था (svapna avasta – dream state) & सुषुप्ति अवस्था (suṣupti avasthā – sleep state) respectively, can only tangibly experience the वर्तमान क्षणः (vartamāna kṣaṇaḥ - present instant) as an extra-mental spatiotemporal objective reality. This is because, we still bound by the पाशक त्रिविधमलाः (pāśaka trividhamalāḥ – noose of triple fetters) viz. आणवमल (āṇavamala – finitude fetter),  कर्ममल (karma – fatal fetter) &  मायामल (māyāmala – delusive fetter) respectively because of which the mind differentiates between the अहम् (aham– me) & न अहम् (na aham– not me), अस्मद् (asmad – self) &  अस्मद् (na asmad – non-self)  etc. In other words, one is constrained by the विषयिन्विषयभेद (viṣayinviṣayabheda – subject-object discrimination)

One of the best ways to understand this concept is through the Henry Minkowiski’s famous देशकाल आरेख (deśakāla ārekha – spacetime diagram), technically called as the Light-Cone Diagram. 

For example, the चिदंबरदेवालयक्षेत्र (cidaṃbaradevālayakṣetra – divinity pervading gnostic -vacuum field) corresponding to the देशकालनिमित्तशास्वताक्षेत्रज्ञ (deśakālanimittaśāsvatākṣetrajña – space-time-causality cognizer continuum), only the इदानीम्संयत्काल (idānīmsaṃyatkāla – present continuous tense) occupies विमात्रयदृष्टदेशस्य (vimātrayadṛṣṭadeśasya – three dimensions of visible space) while गतवृत्त (gatavṛtta – past event) and आगामिन्वृत्त (āgāmin vṛtta – future event) are beyond the area marked in the famous  the  Henry Minkowisky's Light-cone diagram.

Of course, it is definitely not just mere coincidence that the famous Henry Minkowisky light-cone diagram resembles the sacred डमरु உடுக்கை (ḍamaru / uḍukkai - drum) held in the hands of श्री नटराज मूर्ति (śrī naṭarāja murti – Lord Nataraja iconography).

The philosophical concept of इदानीम्संयत्काल (idānīmsaṃyatkāla – present continuous tense) underlying the becoming of the being is the most important point emphasized in the महापुराणशास्त्राणि (mahāpurāṇaśāstrāṇi – supreme legend scriptures) relating to the नित्यानन्दताण्डव (nityānandatāṇḍava – eternal frantic bliss dance) and its corresponding नित्यसाक्षिचैतन्यमहविष्णोः (nityasākṣicaitanya - sākṣicaitanyamahaviṣṇoḥ -eternal witness consciousness of the omnipresence) enacted in the form of the आर्द्रादर्शन (ārdrādarśana – vision of ardra). This, in other words आर्द्रादर्शन (ārdrādarśana – vision of ardra) is not a one time event as witnessed only once either by महाविष्णु (mahāviṣṇu), श्री आदिशेष (śrī ādiśeṣa), श्री पतञ्जलि महऋषि (śrī patañjali mahaṛṣi) (or by anyone else, for that matter). It is an eternally ongoing spiritual experience of the पौराणवृत्त (paurāṇavṛtta – legendary event). In fact every, mystical event described in the sacred महापुराणशास्त्राणि (mahāpurāṇaśāstrāṇi – supreme legend scriptures) corresponds to the continuous becoming of an eternal being. In fact, technically the term  पुराण (purāṇa – legend) is defined as “पुरपि नवः पुराण (purapi navaḥ purāṇa – ancient yet eternally new)

Here, the वर्तमानसमय कालस्य (vartamānasamaya kālasya - present tense of time) which is the “इदानीम् अत्र क्षणम् (idānīm atra kṣaṇam – now here moment)” is an intersection point between the past light-cone and the future light-cone. Technically it is an hypersurface wherein the देशस्य त्रयः प्रैणामाः (deśasya trayaḥ praiṇāmāḥ - three dimensions of space) intersects with the वर्तमानसमय कालपरिमाणस्य (vartamānasamaya kālaparimāṇasya - present tense of time-dimension). All those देशकाल घटनाम् (deśakāla ghaṭanām – spacetime events) falling within the light-like cone boundary are typically available for उपलभ्य अनुभव (upalabhya anubhava – perceivable experience) within the व्यावहारिक सत्त्व लौकिक चैतन्स्यस्य (vyāvahārika sattva laukika caitansyasya – phenomenal realm of mundane consciousness).

So, the faster than light limitation is no longer applicable to such adepts.  The yogically aroused षडाधारचक्राणि कुण्डलिनीशक्त्याः सूक्ष्मज्ञानदेहे (ṣaḍādhāracakrāṇi kuṇḍalinīśaktyāḥ sūkṣmajñānadehe – six base centres of coiled energy in the subtle gnostic body) acts as the कृमिकुण्डम् (kr̥mikuṇḍam - wormhole)” through which the देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel) is made feasible.

Again, please remember that it is not necessary that these मुक्तात्मानः (muktātmānaḥ - liberated souls) physically travel through the विश्वरेखा भूतदेशकालक्षेत्रस्य (viśvarekhā bhūtadeśakālakṣetrasya – world-line of the physical space-time field) to reach the target destination. Unlike the लौकिक बद्धात्मानः (laukika baddhātmānaḥ - mundane bound-souls), for them the whole multiverse is an सर्वविषयक निरन्तरता (sarvaviṣayaka nirantaratā - omnijective continuum) wherein the मुक्तात्मानः (muktātmānaḥ - liberated souls) is an endurant force capable of entangling himself even with any non-local entity.

Moreover, in the case of the spiritually evolved मुक्तात्मानः (muktātmānaḥ - liberated souls), who having attained the ब्रह्मज्ञान (brahmajñāna – spiritual enlightenment) are no longer bound by the अहंभावकनिमेषत्वम् (ahaṃbhāvakanimeṣatvam – self-arrogating minuteness) in terms of विषयिन्विषयभेद (viṣayinviṣayabheda – subject-object discrimination). In other words, देशकालनिरन्तरता (deśakālanirantaratā – space-time continuum) is fully pervaded in their स्वचैतन्यक्षेत्रम् (svacaitanyakṣētram – own consciousness field) and hence their journey space-time is no longer an बहिर्दामाबसयात्र (bahirdāmābasa yātra – extra-mental journey) but is an अभ्यन्तरमानस यात्र (abhyantaramānasa yātra – inner-mental journey), which, again, is a yogic देशकालयात्र (deśakālayātra – spacetime travel). Through the योगसाधन प्राणाग्निहोत्रस्य (yogasādhana prāṇāgnihotrasya – yogic technique of vital-fire rite), they perform मानसिकयात्र (mānasikayātra – mental journey) and as we know, मनः द्रुततमः पथिकः अस्ति (manaḥ drutatamaḥ pathikaḥ asti – mind is the fastest traveller), of course, much faster than light as well. For example, although Sun light takes अष्ट विणाड्यः (aṣṭa viṇāḍyaḥ - eight seconds) to reach us, and even millions of light-years for light to reach us from a distant star or galaxy, we can instantaneously think of the Sun or distant star through my mind.  Hats off to mind – God’s greatest gift to man!     

    They teleport through what is technically called in Minkowisky’s model as the ‘time-like’ worldline where the impact of gravitational resistance of spatial mass is minimized and the actual teleportation is only de-materialized (spiritualized) as quantum information wave viz. – मन्त्रनादस्पन्दनाः (mantranādaspandanāḥ - theosonic-vibrations) which is then rematerialized (cloned) as the entangled polarity at the target.  In other words, their स्थूल भूतदेह (sthūla bhūta deha – gross physical body), made up of the पञ्चमहाभूतानि (pañcamahābhūtāni – five grand materials), is spiritualized, through a technique which can be called as विप्रतीप पञ्चिकर्ण (vipratīpa pañcikaraṅa – reverse quintuplication) into the ज्ञानदेह (jñānadeha - gnostic / information body).  Please remember that in accordance with the laws of quantum thermodynamics, the aroused प्राणाग्नि (prāṅagni – vital heat) serves as the medium (channel) for वाक्शक्ति (vākśakti information-energy) helping in breaking the information-entropy which otherwise constraints the कालस्य बाणः (kālasya bāṇaḥ - arrow of time).

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